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       2002 saw the release of a project that was nearly 2 years in the making. Using the hazbara@mayantechnology.com mailinglist c. reider had the opportunity to curate and organize a tribute to Muslimgauze, whose mastermind, Bryn Jones, passed away in 1999.

       The project was dubbed "El Tafkeera: Re-Mixs in Remembrance of Muslimgauze" 19 musicians who are all great fans of the work of Muslimgauze contributed nearly 3 hours of re-appropriations/re-imaginings of music from the enormous discography of Muslimgauze music. The contributions were pared down to 2 CDrs worth of music. All tracks were sequenced and mastered by c. reider at Vuzh Studio, and artwork was also done by CR, and he contributed three tracks to the double CDr release, and one track to the extra tracks. .

       For nearly four years, Ty Hodson generously donated webspace, and took the time to design the webpage, where anyone and everyone was able to download mp3s encoded at 192 kbps of all of the tracks for absolutely free. The main distribution of these tracks was due to the availability of this webpage.

       Unfortunately, due to bandwidth costs, the tracks are no longer available to download at that site.

       Also, the offer of buying the double CD set has now expired.

       With thanks to Stephen Klusza, the tracks from El Tafkeera are now available for free download at Archive.org, HERE.

Recommended for Muslimgauze fans:

Fractured blipscapes & thumping, mechanical minimalteq.
Five part exploration of the sounds of analogue drum machines.
Free Download, of course

the Electret Quintet by C. Reider

       The following is a review written by Frans de Waard (Kapotte Muziek, Beequeen et al) of the "El Tafkeera" release for the "Vital Weekly" email newsletter:

RE-MIXS IN REMEMBRANCE OF MUSLIMGAUZE (MP3s download) The death of Bryn Jones, aka Muslimgauze, now almost four years ago, is still hard to understand, certainly for those who cherish his music so much. On the internet discussion group devoted to Muslimgauze, likeminded musicians decided to start a 'dedication/remix' project, which is up for download at the URL below. Unlike the 'official' remix projects (by Staalplaat - 'Occupied Territories' and D.O.R. 'Abu Dis') many of the people on this package (which lasts about 2 CDs, complete with cover to download, plus an additional CD length of remixes) are musicians from the real underground, who release their music either through cassettes, CDrs or as MP3s. Therefore the quality of sound and ideas may vary. However with the use of technology available, many succeed well in taking a good sample from the original work, and rework them in what mostly sounds like 'more muslimgauze'. A tribute project like this is, unlike a remix project, not bound to the unwritten rules of never sounding quite like the original. Some of these people sounds exactely like the great master, which is not a bad thing per se. Even with such an extensive discography as the one Bryn left us, there is always need for more, I guess. There are no particular stand outs here, but maybe that has to do with the fact that Muslimgauze themselves were allover the place - from techno, to drum & bass to ambient, loaded with ethnic samples. So it's hard to cover an area that wasn't already explored before. Remarkable is also that not many 'famous' people are involved (although it's good to see PBK return!), but it stays among the fans. Record companies who like to discover a new Muslimgauze should dive into downloading this and see for the perfect copy. A work of true love. (FdW)

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