Weekly Twitter Update
Sunday, 27 November 2011
- Netlabel composer. RT @pheezy Composer & UC Davis prof Bob Ostertag on the pepper spraying of nonviolent students http://t.co/MhubG500 #
- Must read: Other options were available at UC Davis. Article by #netlabel composer / UCD Professor Bob Ostertag: http://t.co/MhubG500 #
- LA Times reviews Denver's new Clyfford Still museum @still_museum http://t.co/imMei97S #
- @jshell Any chance you'd have interest to participate w/ http://t.co/tE7ASdCp ? I know you're not really a sample-based composer, but…? #
- @jshell Cool! So far it's been mostly ambient folks, so I'm keen to have participation by some ppl knowledgeable about noise. in reply to jshell #
- @disquiet I am imagining a click-tesseract. in reply to disquiet #
- There's a new release at http://t.co/vRaoiKcm – Piano Drones 1 by @saffronslumber – Great stuff! Get it now! #
- @tobiasreber No, I'm on hiatus from music. Instead I am curating an exhibition of sound art. in reply to tobiasreber #
- "As sound becomes louder, vision correspondingly narrows." – Leslie Korrick #
- New at Vuzh Music: Piano Drones 1 by Saffron Slumber – http://t.co/BZu446Fj – Experimental #netlabel music / electro-acoustic drones. #
- I agree RT @disquiet Great to see @soundcloud pushing itself as being about "sound" (not "just 'music'"). #
- Piano Drones 1 by Saffron Slumber, now enhanced with a more detailed description of methodology: http://t.co/SrJapjXR #
- I hope Reverend Billy is out there with Occupy Wall Street during Xmas time. #
- One of capitalism's strengths is coöpting rebellion. I am guessing this is the biggest weakness that will be exploited against #ows #
- My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: Frank Bretschneider (19), Stevie Wonder (18) & Dimmu Borgir (11) http://t.co/tvPbaNRK #
- Interesting article in Business World Online about "Reverb" a sound art exhibition in Phillipines: http://t.co/bV1LhZKd #
- @Lopez_Muse I'm interested to get a copy of the curator's notes for the Reverb sound art exhibition for my research, are they online? #
- "If you believe in the 1st amendment then shut up." –paraphrased Karl Rove quote. #
- @Lopez_Muse Excellent, please do. My email is chris@soundthroughbarriers.com in reply to Lopez_Muse #
- Let's dance: http://t.co/OfxoOohN #
- @Lopez_Muse Yes, please do! Send the curator's notes for Reverb to gru@vuzhmusic.com – very appreciated! Thank you! in reply to Lopez_Muse #
- @dpnem Next… melody! in reply to dpnem #
- @dpnem @Le_Berger … and then noise and silence! in reply to Le_Berger #
- @dpnem Tattoo worthy! Alright, I actually don't do tattoos. Rubberstamp worthy! in reply to dpnem #
- @dpnem Beets! After you eat them your pee turns pink. Looks like Kool-Aid in the toilet. What's not to like about that? in reply to dpnem #
- Stand in line for #buynothingday #
- Everyone, please have a safe and happy #buynothingday #
- @Le_Berger 71.01 in reply to Le_Berger #
- Republicans itching to get rid of the EPA. This gallery from the 70s http://t.co/3ZMscV5u shows lotsa stuff EPA has cleaned up for us. #
- *enlightenment* RT: @dpnem: But it says nothing. RT @Contact_Light: LISTEN TO THE VOICE OF BUDDHA! #
- Telling: If you search groups for "sound art" at @soundcloud several groups come up, not a one of them has any sound art hosted. #
- @deonvozov "sound art" is an interdisciplinary approach between visual and sonic art practices that takes many forms. in reply to deonvozov #
- @deonvozov Music is not generally included under the sound art definition, although sound art may concern itself with music. in reply to deonvozov #
- @deonvozov "hosted" may not have been the best term, "grouped" may have been better, but seemed repetitive… in reply to deonvozov #
- Lookin' for a real man? #Stormfrontdating #
- A little-known retrospective mix of the ambient side of my old band Drone Forest: http://t.co/k6Tg66cD Now it is less little-known. #
- If only hypocrisy hurt. #
- New #netlabel faux pas: including mp3 AND flac in your zip file. I was wondering what was eating up so much drive space. Screw flac. #
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