Weekly Twitter Update
Sunday, 8 April 2012
- NP: Radio Royal – RRDL01 on Clinical Archives http://t.co/L0DAfbQt So far I quite like it. Love the keywords kosmische ambient doom #
- The Easy Pace is the Global Mail of netlabel music. http://t.co/QRg2JOkS (I wonder if anyone gets that reference) #
- @snooksarmy Check spotify, they have the whole album. in reply to snooksarmy #
- @limnul Ashley was an astounding person. I wonder what she's up to now. in reply to limnul #
- Just now looking at Stonehenge in 8-bit at Google Maps NES. #
- http://t.co/ZtIcuxzA #
- BNSF is running some of the older locomotives for freight lately. Quite a few whistles I do not recognize. #
- @PBK_ It is (so far) going smashingly well. I hope it doesn't fall apart when we get down to the nuts and bolts of it starting April 16! in reply to PBK_ #
- @PBK_ I'm sure it'll go great. REALLY looking forward to seeing Jeph + Cheryl Leonard together. Do you know her work? in reply to PBK_ #
- @PBK_ She's incredible. http://t.co/uZsO18nn in reply to PBK_ #
- Oof. I do not enjoy publicity, and I am not especially good at it. #
- @dpnem I wonder how interchangeable "drone" and "ambient" are in some people's minds. in reply to dpnem #
- @Le_Berger @dpnem We live in a time of imprecise definitions, fuzzy borders. in reply to Le_Berger #
- Captain Crawl shuts down "forever". #
- Thank you again, the Wayback Machine. #
- Ridiculously hot weekend, today it's supposed to snow. We can use the moisture. #
- @AndrewMichler "I heard the jury's still out on science." – Gob Bluth in reply to AndrewMichler #
- "It's nice to get to do something a little bit different." – (The lady who cut my hair today) #
- RT @FCMOA Sound Through Barriers: April 24th at FCMOA Community Studio http://t.co/5THi46eQ #
- Wow, that's awesome, congrats Jennie! RT: @AndrewMichler: Congrats @newpractice on the NEH grant! I'll do the bragging for you. #
- @darrenjharper I finally got posters for http://t.co/k7XBdgKR exhibition today, I'll try to drop a batch in the post to you tomorrow. Thanx! #
- My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: Robert Wyatt (14), Black Math Horseman (6) & Master Musicians of Bukkake (4) http://t.co/tvPbaNRK #
- It's 'zine time. RT: @liminallistener: Now to figure out how to publish this manifesto on intense listening. #
- @NigelAyers I saw that the other day. Chris Watson is awesome. I can't say so much of the overproduced-seeming TV show though. in reply to NigelAyers #
- @falsereactions I don't envy you that! Promotions is not my favorite activity. in reply to falsereactions #
- It snowed today, therefore there is no global warming and Al Gore is fat. Q.E.D. #takethatcommies #
- "I think that creative work and commerce are opposites." – Jeph Jerman #
- wooooops. I'm glad I caught that error before publishing! #
- @paniq Actually, I disagree that the lines are so blurry in this case. I'm on board with Jeph on this one. in reply to paniq #
- @paniq … Although there is art that uses commerce as material and subject matter, there the lines blur. in reply to paniq #
- @paniq I think the motivation for wanting to be liked or admired by people is probably different than that of wanting to have their money. in reply to paniq #
- @invisibleagent You got it, man. I think it's important to share cool, possibly overlooked netlabel stuff. in reply to invisibleagent #
- @pulsewidth Yeah, Zimoun is pretty awesome. in reply to pulsewidth #
- RT: @pulsewidth: Magnificent! Zimoun Sound Sculptures & Installations http://t.co/baYPhBNw #
- I have gone to the dark side. I now have a cell phone. (but only for one month) #
- Can you hear two sounds, one high and one low? RT: @BoingBoing: Inside the world's quietest room http://t.co/Cj1lekPn #
- @paniq I think of it in terms of the creative act and its motivations and the commercial act and its motivations. 1/2 in reply to paniq #
- @paniq In that sense, I think to say they are opposites is not such a radical idea. in reply to paniq #
- @paniq No I missed the link earlier. I just loaded the page and will read it after dinner. in reply to paniq #
- @paniq My view is that the need to create and the need to share are completely separate. in reply to paniq #
- @paniq In other words, I create my work with the knowledge that it will be shared, not BECAUSE it will be shared. in reply to paniq #
- @dpnem That's unlikely. I look goofy(er) without one: Check the outdated photo on my discogs page: http://t.co/qu8c8gfV in reply to dpnem #
- About time he found out just what sinister stuff he's up to. Ai Wei Wei places himself under 24 hour surveillance. http://t.co/3uRRUHZY #
- Tenth doctor please stop saying allons y. #
- @paniq This topic is probably worth a blog post, but I can't do it at the moment, lots going on! in reply to paniq #
- Dig it! http://t.co/2WDL1u3b #
- Sound Through Barriers Exhibition Coming to Art Lab Fort Collins http://t.co/eE3uiTjx #
- @larkinhavens Thanks! I hope it goes well! in reply to larkinhavens #
- @dpnem @UnstableIsotope How about "unstitution"? in reply to dpnem #
- "Look Who's Listening" http://t.co/GrLGqZGM #
- "Look Who's Listening" #2 Hitler monkey! http://t.co/o4knWJC1 #
- Listening is bad, mmm-kay? http://t.co/xqMWICFs #
- @leonrosado My experience: Lotsa $$$$ put in, not many people bought it. Still, I'd probably do it again. in reply to leonrosado #
- "The Eyes of Stanley Pain" came out 15 years ago in May. Cevin Key, why have you not done anything this good in that long? #
- @disquiet To watch the progress of your music journalism career has been great. I think I first discovered Disquiet in the late 90s? Was it? in reply to disquiet #
- @ValhallArts If you believe in sin, then art is probably impossible without sinning. in reply to ValhallArts #
- @leonrosado It's good to be realistic about it. I did a small run and it cost me thousands of dollars. in reply to leonrosado #
- More new ways to convince yourself you're not a part of the world. #
- WWMRD? What would Mister Rogers do? #
- I wonder if it would be possible to not hear ANY national news from now until after the election. #
- We could really use a cessation of all this wind. And a rainstorm of moderate to heavy wetness. #drought #
- @ValhallArts Wish I could've seen it tonight. in reply to ValhallArts #
- @c_a_harebell Tough question. I would probably just stare at them dumbfounded. in reply to c_a_harebell #
- RT: @c_a_harebell So if someone asks this while I'm a docent, what do I say? … you are a ninny? Docent training, please. @ValhallArts #
- @ValhallArts How did you handle this? in reply to ValhallArts #
- I've somehow got to fit in the time to put together the April release for Vuzh Music too… Beezus, I have a busy month ahead. #
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