Weekly Twitter Update
Sunday, 15 April 2012
- @snooksarmy But I pronounce "books" like "bewks". in reply to snooksarmy #
- I now know from experience how not-fun stripping paint is. #
- Kind of incredible to think that an abstract idea I've been working on for eight months is going to become very concrete in about a week. #
- I wish I could just go to #CWA2012 all week, we're hoping to at least get in one day of panels. Probably Wednesday. #
- OMG so tired. I can't believe people just sat through almost two hours of scatterbrained me yammering on and on about sound art !?! #
- ATF seizes a sculptural work classifying it as a firearm: http://t.co/Zup8Y9aZ #
- My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: Frank Bretschneider (13), John Wiese (10) & Meshuggah (8) http://t.co/tvPbaNRK #
- @ValhallArts Thanks! Giving a talk to an audience is one of those things I really need more practice with. in reply to ValhallArts #
- @thedarklobster Thank you very much! I'm so pleased that you came! in reply to thedarklobster #
- @jinjurly Duly noted. in reply to jinjurly #
- Mitt Romney is a creep. #
- @mystified131 Lazy. Always do "Adult Signature Required", I don't think it costs any more. in reply to mystified131 #
- Robert Wyatt. #
- @ValhallArts I need to see this. I have no idea when I'm going to have free time to do it. Gah. in reply to ValhallArts #
- @hecanjog Form is one million times more important than color. in reply to hecanjog #
- Wish I could ignore the fact that #cwa2012 was going on and I can't go! #
- @coseyfannitutti When they said "break a leg" before you went on stage, they weren't serious about it! Get well sooooon. #
- Robert. Motherfucking. Wyatt. #
- Sorry dude! RT: @BrianaBreee: fuck Mr. Reider! i have a C on my report card because of his bitch ass! -.- #
- @hecanjog This is difficult, and I have anecdotes I could tell you on this topic that you might find informative. in reply to hecanjog #
- @c_a_harebell MEEEEEEEEEEELIONAIRES!!! in reply to c_a_harebell #
- @hecanjog Oh, actually, my anecdote is visual. in reply to hecanjog #
- @hecanjog Drop me a line, I'll write it out in email. in reply to hecanjog #
- Some day I'll collect all of my good ideas for good band names into a book. #
- That last tweet would be an awesome band name. #
- @falsereactions Did you see the exhibition of his work at the Loveland Museum Gallery? I think it closed in January. in reply to falsereactions #
- @nofi Someone I'd like to know. in reply to nofi #
- Thunder. #
- @falsereactions Yes, the city museums don't do enough to promote their exhibitions, we've criticized them a lot. in reply to falsereactions #
- @falsereactions We were pissed at missing the Frida Kahlo exhibition in Longmont because it wasn't well promoted. Saw Dali though. in reply to falsereactions #
- RT: @c_a_harebell I consider people who only eat vegetables juiced to be mentally ill. #
- @darrenjharper Thank you very much! in reply to darrenjharper #
- Copyright is very Modern RT @danspock The irony of Modern art not available in Google Art because of copyrights http://t.co/gDVyw0Hf #
- Frantic! Emailing! HTMLing! Frantic! Beer! Beer!!! #
- Great big blammo update at http://t.co/k7XBdgKR involves the publication of my curator's note. Get it while it's hot. #
- I would indeed like to hear what some of you have to say about this: http://t.co/iaS70zKt #
- Check out this sound art piece that's going to be at Sound Through Barriers: http://t.co/j1MVh2SI #
- @c_a_harebell Alright you damp towel. in reply to c_a_harebell #
- I can't tell if I'm supposed to have an opinion about the new G+ layout or not. #
- @Le_Berger I suppose that ambivalence is better than revulsion. I'm looking at you FB. in reply to Le_Berger #
- @snooksarmy That would be a queen looking for a nesting spot to make her brood for the year. You'll only see the queens in the early Spring in reply to snooksarmy #
- If you're a listener, you should read my thoughts on listening: http://t.co/iaS70zKt #
- @leonrosado Thanks for the RT! in reply to leonrosado #
- "Social music is about participating not promoting" (!) What a great mantra! Thanks @disquiet #
- This Heat. #
- “Mass Die-Off of Hundreds of Dolphins After BP Spill is “Unprecedented”" http://t.co/ESIaIgZH #
- Among the things I may be working on after Sound Through Barriers is an acoustic ecology piece about the pine beetle epidemic in Rocky Mtns #
- RT: @c_a_harebell I can't wait for that. 2 MORE WEEKS and your free, man, free! #
- My creative life is forever changed by this project. In a good way. #
- @disquiet I'm beyond pleased to be part of such a worthy idea! in reply to disquiet #
- White Magic. #
- R. Crumb! RT: @danspock: Cult cartoonist Crumb gets museum honors | The Raw Story: http://t.co/jhuJLWaH #
- Boundary blurring is the new black. #
- A very busy weekend ahead. Under a week until Sound Through Barriers opens! #
- Good grief. Of all times in the entire time-line for my CD recorder to break down. #
- Talking w/ wifey about going to Yves Saint Laurent exhibition at DAM in May, but worried about blockbuster crowds. King Tut was no fun. #
- @snooksarmy Bumblebees are seriously awesome. I've been trying to get them to nest in my yard for years. in reply to snooksarmy #
- @snooksarmy A little less vigorous yanking next time. in reply to snooksarmy #
- @grahamdunning The worst thing about free jazz is that it seems to always end up being a pissing match. Who can squonk hardest/fastest? in reply to grahamdunning #
- @grahamdunning Also, I kind of wonder if maybe you could say Supersilent is doing something like this? in reply to grahamdunning #
- Pretty much addicted to spotify. there should be something like this for CC music. #
- Did a few searches of CC titles, found nothing RT @ouebemusique: have you tried http://t.co/rNlym549 ? It's a web app for CC music #
- @ouebemusique It's not a bad start, but it looks like kind of a messy interface. in reply to ouebemusique #
- We found wild asparagus today, in the yard! RT: @c_a_harebell Sneaky asparagus growing in our yard. #
- @ouebemusique That is handy, I agree! 🙂 in reply to ouebemusique #
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