Weekly Twitter Update
Sunday, 22 April 2012
- Ah, ok. I feel slightly better about the term 'hauntology' now that I know it was intended pejoratively. http://t.co/P5aIJpUJ #
- And now puzzlement that something like that is adopted as a marketing term for nostalgic music. #
- Face forward. #
- … and right on time Tom Ellard saves the day (re: hauntology) http://t.co/Y3Ahkivs #
- In case anyone's really worried about it, Vuzh Music will not be releasing anything in April, due to preparations for http://t.co/k7XBdgKR #
- @communikey @falsereactions Hey, any chance you can send me a poster or two? I'll put them up in the gallery at http://t.co/k7XBdgKR #
- @communikey @falsereactions I can DM my address if this is do-able. Also I have some posters for STB I'd like to get up at CMKY. #
- @falsereactions They are going to be excellent. A must see for anyone into quiet music. in reply to falsereactions #
- @grahamdunning Inconsistent band, but occasionally brilliant. in reply to grahamdunning #
- My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: Robert Wyatt (26), This Heat (11) & Badgerlore (9) http://t.co/tvPbaNRK #
- I'm documenting the sound of the installation of Sound Through Barriers: http://t.co/gtTf1PRW #
- Man gay after stroke, swan kills a man and toilets that explode. Thanks @BoingBoing #
- Let's open up RMNP for drilling! RT @repcorygardner time for long-term energy solution that involve opening domestic land for oil production #
- Dude. My exhibition is going to kick ass. #
- For the next few weeks, if you want tweets of any import, you'd probably ought to follow my sound art twitter account @liminallistener #
- More installation sounds at http://t.co/gtTf1PRW #
- Wish I could fly all of you out to see this exhibition. All 343 of you. Spambots included. (there'd be a captcha to get into the toilet) #
- I wish for small things, like being able to sleep all the way through the night. #
- Ugh. So incredibly tired. Installation is going well. Pics of the gallery space during installation are over at @liminallistener #
- Oh, good grief. I've just realized we're opening on four-twenty duuuuude. Not intentional. #
- RT @c_a_harebell Was thinking about taking Museum Studies this fall, but I think I'm done w/ anything museum related for the rest of my life #
- @kristenschaaled You are such an old. in reply to kristenschaaled #
- Audience feedback – so lacking in my compositional practice – is in ready supply for the Sound Through Barriers exhibition. #
- I'm taking a pizza break, back to work soon. Late night (the night before opening) #
- Hm. Maybe I'll try to stream @disquiet 's Junto concert live while working in here. #
- I heard a bit of @cinchel 's set at the @disquiet Junto concert last night — streamed on numbers.fm #
- … I think… I didn't hear the introduction perfectly well! #
- @ValhallArts Oh, me too! I'm pretty pessimistic overall. I hope a few people get it. in reply to ValhallArts #
- @disquiet @cinchel — congrats you guys, wish I could have been there! #
- Soooooo tired. OMG #
- I do not like being the public face of an exhibition. I don't mind everything up until this point, but facing the public is no fun. #
- More pizza. Pizza is art fuel, apparently. #
- The heartening thing is that when it's all up and running, Sound Through Barriers is an AWESOME sounding piece of work. #
- @hecanjog Thanks. I feel like sleeping for one hundred years. in reply to hecanjog #
- @mystified131 Thanks Thomas!! in reply to mystified131 #
- @disquiet Absolutely. I wish I did some sort of live thing, but perhaps I can help in some way. in reply to disquiet #
- @falsereactions @disquiet Me too! I think some interesting non-email conversations could evolve. in reply to falsereactions #
- Frankly I can barely see straight at this point. #
- Just looking at webstats. Today's hits to http://t.co/k7XBdgKR set a record for daily hits to any website I've ever done. #
- Spending the 420 "holiday" so exhausted I'm probably more wasted than the many celebratory youth that I encountered today. #
- This is definitely the way I feel: http://t.co/RcMfzPQ3 #
- Is that what it is? I just saw it as a person in distress #
- Mitt Romney / Charlie Bucket … what's the difference? http://t.co/ZkiMysvh #
- Had dinner tonight with San Francisco experimental musician Cheryl Leonard! Very cool. #
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