Weekly Twitter Update
Sunday, 13 May 2012
- @nszcz @cinchel I can think of so many exceptions. Sunn O))) would be a high profile one. in reply to cinchel #
- Transcoding Backlog would be a good name for a band. @soundcloud #
- Speaking of http://t.co/tE7ASdCp I'm still looking for adventurous artists to stake a claim in between ambient and noise music. #
- Must mow lawn. Do not want. #
- Still available at http://t.co/vRaoiKcm RT: @t0rphy: De Fabriek / C. Reider / Implicit Order, The – Triple Occupancy – http://t.co/zQWRVViu #
- @disquiet With these data we can predict when Junto will involve the entire population. in reply to disquiet #
- Given the search terms I find in the statistics for http://t.co/k7XBdgKR, I expect to be plagiarized in many underwhelming college papers. #
- @g_stefanou Oh, ha ha! This will give me a reminder to listen more! in reply to g_stefanou #
- Sure would like to find the sombich who sold my email address to all these spammers. More than a decade with minimal spam & now blammo. #
- @mrkvm Hiya! #
- @mrkvm Likewise. Longmont, huh? I know of a few folks doing experimental noise out in the Longmont area. I'm just up the road, in Berthoud. in reply to mrkvm #
- I have to keep telling myself that a website update as big as this can't be finished in one sitting. Coding for hours longer than I ought. #
- @mrkvm I was too busy with the sound art exhibition I curated in FC to catch most of it, but I did go to Morton Subotnik & Leslie Flanigan. in reply to mrkvm #
- @mrkvm Listening is the first order of any sound practicioner, so you're on the right track. in reply to mrkvm #
- @mrkvm I really wanted to see Biosphere, but I had friends to see at the Denver Noise Fest that evening! in reply to mrkvm #
- Deinstallation (moving pedestals) 4/30/2012 by @liminallistener via #soundcloud http://t.co/bZTI7f9j #
- My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: Robert Wyatt (41), Kate Bush (10) & Genesis (6) http://t.co/tvPbaNRK #
- Thinking about what the last year means for my personal practice. #
- If art is ego made real, and meditation is reducing or quieting the ego, then "meditative art" is as internally conflicted as "noise music". #
- @computerneix I agree. in reply to computerneix #
- @darrenjharper Hey man, got any plans in August? @disquiet @falsereactions #
- G&T #
- People rallying to help @leonrosado gives me hope for the netlabel community! #
- @darrenjharper Nice! It'll be good to actually meet. We'll be in touch. @falsereactions @disquiet in reply to darrenjharper #
- I don't remember ever wanting to go to North Carolina. I don't foresee ever wanting to go there in the future. #
- I'm embarrassed to admit how often I use an operating system that stopped being developed in 2002. http://t.co/WREiSCyN #
- Colorado's gay civil unions bill was killed (not brought to a vote where it would've passed) with ugly partisan games. http://t.co/MP58w6Wl #
- Not that Nick Cave-The one with the soundsuits RT @DenverArtMuseum DAM announces major Nick Cave exhibition summer 2013 http://t.co/QuaSlji8 #
- @cinchel Who did you use for pressing? I couldn't find any place that would do under 200 when I pressed Amy's Arms / Metacollage. in reply to cinchel #
- @cinchel Do you already have my 12"? Wanna trade? in reply to cinchel #
- @cinchel In that case I'd love to trade — or buy, whichever you prefer! 🙂 Cinchel on vinyl is something that must be in my collection1 in reply to cinchel #
- @jinjurly We keep talking about making a quilt out of old concert Tshirts that have gotten too ratty to wear. Probably won't. #lazinessRULES in reply to jinjurly #
- This coming weekend I promise I will work on the new Vuzh Music release that I put off last month! #
- @_stretts I haven't heard it yet, but Restive from South Africa emailed saying he has a new one out. I have liked his stuff pretty well… in reply to _stretts #
- Ed & Silverman are touring, but not as the Legendary Pink Dots? http://t.co/610lbtF8 #
- @DenverArtMuseum I actually only know this Nick Cave because I spent the last year researching sound art for an exhibition in Fort Collins. in reply to DenverArtMuseum #
- Just bought tix to 2 nights of Ed Ka-Spel & the Silverman -next week! Woot! The Dots are like our version of the Grateful Dead. Or something #
- "it sends a message that those who pray are favored members of Colorado's political community" // yup http://t.co/kWrgIung #
- @tobiasreber @eeeskildsen @hecanjog Which one's the viking? in reply to tobiasreber #
- Lotsa pictures of Cheryl Leonard & instruments http://t.co/HGneSoCx from performance at Sound Through Barriers http://t.co/k7XBdgKR #
- I've been giving lots of thought to possibilities since @disquiet has nudged me to perform live. #
- @mystified131 I suppose the same nudge could go your way. You & I are both non-performing composers. in reply to mystified131 #
- @jshell Nor even reality. in reply to jshell #
- @disquiet Dude! Yeah! in reply to disquiet #
- @disquiet Not to mention 16 year old me constantly repeating the intro to Metallica's "Orion" in reply to disquiet #
- @disquiet … and "Damage Inc." in reply to disquiet #
- We should make our OWN sound cannons and bring them to protests. #
- NP – Pentemple LP on vinyl. The devil is helping me clean house! #
- Archiving, archiving, archiving. Backing up, backing up, backing up. #
- It's probably a bad idea to think about starting a small annual sound festival. #
- @MarcMcNulty Colorado. in reply to MarcMcNulty #
- Brawny caucasian Jesus makes the cover of Watchtower magazine! #
- Again! #
- Aphex Twin's SAW II on the turntable (just came in the mail today!) #
- Just listening to the upcoming release on Vuzh Music. You guys are going to flip for it. #
- @quartertonality @cinchel Dude, @cinchel, I'm sorry to hear your dead and all. in reply to cinchel #
- Marlo Eggplant for President. http://t.co/5Kcn2gKi #
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