Weekly Twitter Update
Sunday, 27 May 2012
- @cinchel Ha. I'd never hear it over the machinery. in reply to cinchel #
- My 1st entry to @disquiet's Junto: Print Room [disquiet0020-nodebeat] by @vuzhmusic via #soundcloud http://t.co/xjSpqoTT #
- And now I'm listening to what other people did with the same project. Good diversity. #
- When someone insists they're a "purist", you should take that with a grain of dirt. #
- Grr… another car repair that didn't go as planned. I hate cars. #
- OOF – got a big audio package from the sound art exhibition. lots to edit, but all archiving should be done soon! #
- Disco is dying. 🙁 #
- Long may he live. RT: @c_a_harebell Ed Ka-Spel is a gem. #
- My headphones have died. 🙁 #
- Today was the 23rd anniversary for Carrie & I. #
- In case you missed it, I posted something at SoundCloud after a long silence there: http://t.co/n2tQMcbP My first #junto submission. #
- The word "submission" in reference to an entry to some project always strikes me as troublesome, in the case of #junto it does make sense. #
- I'm really enjoying "Hilaretic" written by @mrdankelly http://t.co/sQW8217m It gets my full throated endorsement. #
- This is AWESOME: Here's a pic of Ed Ka-Spel holding the handwritten page of lyrics that my wife now owns: http://t.co/8eC04DEk #
- It's probably ironically appropriate that I haven't been able to locate the one Francisco Lopez CD I own in years. So minimal it disappeared #
- My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: Harry Nilsson (3), Donna Summer (2) & Robert Wyatt (1) http://t.co/tvP6DdQQ #
- @dpnem Oh shit, I'm always perennially behind on that anyhow! in reply to dpnem #
- Not looking forward to work, it's going to be a scorching hot day at the factory. #
- @leonrosado @dpnem Aw, I want to be moving to Sweden. Why can't I be moving to Sweden? in reply to leonrosado #
- @tobiasreber I suppose I shouldn't grumble so much about punching the clock every day at least it pays the bills. in reply to tobiasreber #
- @tomtomorrow That should be a t-shirt. Droney rules. in reply to tomtomorrow #
- Following politics & experimental music leads to certain tweet-confusions: See the word "drone" a new album or is it about surveillance? #
- When I see the name Scott Walker I wonder if it's about the singer or the shitty Wisconsin Governor. Easy if the tweet's by @thewiremagazine #
- @tobiasreber These are hard considerations. I'm often happy to be a "hobbyist" as it were in music, and not a paid professional. in reply to tobiasreber #
- @asphalteden There's a silver lining if I ever heard one. in reply to asphalteden #
- Editing photos, listening to @Steve_Hamann 's @soundcloud set of his @djunto entries. #
- @Steve_Hamann Well, I'm enjoying what's up there right now very much. I have had to ignore soundcloud for a long time, no more! in reply to Steve_Hamann #
- @Steve_Hamann These tracks, taken as a whole, remind me specifically of a band called Tear Ceremony. Not sure if they're still active. in reply to Steve_Hamann #
- @c_a_harebell http://t.co/EDNSPtHN #
- @tobiasreber Jealous. We have bupkis for public sound art here in CO. in reply to tobiasreber #
- @tobiasreber Oh, I'd like to read that, for certain! in reply to tobiasreber #
- @saffronslumber dude, mine just broke earlier this week. I'm really unhappy with the ones I bought to replace them too. in reply to saffronslumber #
- @saffronslumber I toy with the idea of buying some slightly more expensive ones. Cheap ones have served me well for years. in reply to saffronslumber #
- @ValhallArts I love bitter art. in reply to ValhallArts #
- I have a good idea for a project, but I'd need someone to build an HTML5 app for in-browser use. Inexpensively. #
- @Steve_Hamann … although, I must admit a 'Riposte' function for @soundcloud would kick ass. in reply to Steve_Hamann #
- @ValhallArts Oh? I think I might disagree with you. in reply to ValhallArts #
- @ValhallArts Incidentally, let me know when you're in town & available to have me drop off your mannequin head (which is safe & sound!) in reply to ValhallArts #
- I'm amused and pleased that directly after the release of Encomiast's new album (http://t.co/zfXqAELM ), he started doing Grindcore Metal. #
- @Steve_Hamann … making a difference, little by little! 🙂 in reply to Steve_Hamann #
- @ValhallArts Critique is vital. in reply to ValhallArts #
- @ValhallArts Oh, yes. Art doesn't need an audience. in reply to ValhallArts #
- @ValhallArts This gets back to @newpractice's question of why do you make art, and then… why do you share art? Is it the same impulse? in reply to ValhallArts #
- RT: @c_a_harebell FUCK the artist. #
- With what shall I fuck it, dear Liza, dear Liza? #
- RT: @c_a_harebell A phallus, dear Henry. #
- I just heard an eleven-ish year old young girl use the word "blimey" in a totally natural unaffected way. "Blimey it was cold" What? #
- I should mention this is a small, conservative, agricultural town in rural USA. "Blimey". #
- @tobiasreber Too much delay & reverb is a common crutch. in reply to tobiasreber #
- When it has all already been said, the only thing left to do is to say it. #
- @firefox Thanks for reminding me my computer's really old with EVERY SINGLE WEBPAGE I VISIT. The most annoying thing ever, but helpful! #
- "Eyes! China Doll" #desertislanddisc #
- ♥ Blowing Bubbles Part 2 by Edward Ka-Spel http://t.co/88pcPHzI #
- Woke up too early. Feeling wonky. wonk wonk #
- Great! Will listen promptly: RT @dpnem David Nemeth's "Retransmission 0" based on BY-NC-SA work of others. http://t.co/QK6UXMVH #
- Among the things I plan to do this weekend is to set up a small space to improvise / rehearse live sound. #
- @dpnem No downloadables? in reply to dpnem #
- David Nemeth throws down! Proves that appropriation is kind of the point of CC music, innit? http://t.co/6QXHuTTm — Lovely! #
- I would release something like this on Vuzh Music in a heartbeat. #
- @dpnem "Just experiments" is what the whole underground is all about. I thought it was thrilling. in reply to dpnem #
- @dpnem Get me half an hour of this stuff for a Vuzh release on the double. in reply to dpnem #
- @dpnem Whenever, actually… I'm thinking about putting something of my own out next month if nothing else pops up. in reply to dpnem #
- Mitt Romney is a creep. #
- @soundcloud Where is your @lastfm scrobbling functionality? #
- Also, I'll probably solder up some contact mics this weekend too. These things go together. #
- Gin and bitters at eight thirty three PM. #
- Dystimbria looking for CC music artists exploring territories between ambient & noise. http://t.co/tE7wkDtf #
- @mrdankelly Congrats on the first draft! jeepers, that was a major piece of work! in reply to mrdankelly #
- @mystery_bear Would love that! in reply to mystery_bear #
- Man, the internet is spitting out some cool stuff today. #
- @dpnem Both. in reply to dpnem #
- NP: Trans-X Symposium streaming live from @NAISASoundArt http://t.co/uKLlUgbf #
- @mystery_bear Well, if things change up there's going to be a concert here in August for @disquiet's Junto. Would be incredible! in reply to mystery_bear #
- @DaveSeidel mid August in Denver (or Boulder). We don't have a venue nor date set. The time window is 8/17-20 when Marc will be here. in reply to DaveSeidel #
- @disquiet Ours will be 100 around the time that we pay it off! in reply to disquiet #
- @jinjurly I love this idea of listening with your lungs. in reply to jinjurly #
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