Weekly Twitter Update
Sunday, 3 June 2012
- @benjamindauer @dpnem It's hard when there are few labels whose style really fits with your own. in reply to benjamindauer #
- @dpnem That doesn't make sense to me either. in reply to dpnem #
- @benjamindauer By the way, are you still in Colorado? Have we talked to you about the @djunto concert? #
- @jinjurly It was hard to pay attention to the band with that naked chick all flailing around and chewing sound with her ribs. So distracting in reply to jinjurly #
- Just soldered up some contact mics. #
- @Le_Berger Hey… looks like you got your account hijacked! Change password pronto! in reply to Le_Berger #
- @mrdankelly Is this the same story that grew out of a NaNoWriMo challenge that you LJed about a few years ago? in reply to mrdankelly #
- @GuyBirkin Yeah, but I didn't find any of them annoying. in reply to GuyBirkin #
- Context matters. #
- Cellar spider, pregnant and enormous. #
- McCain says Obama's foreign policy is "feckless" – bomb,bomb,bombing Iran, now THAT'S feckful. #mccainisajoke #
- NP: Mysterybear Drone Radio on http://t.co/v6hzBual #
- I joined the chatroom at stillstream for the first time in a long while. There now. #
- Looking up more boutique synths online. #
- Wifey & I just had a pretty damned good jam session. Shoulda recorded it. #
- @DaveSeidel Something poetic about letting it go, though. in reply to DaveSeidel #
- Hello, Azerbaijan. #
- I have taken to LiveJournal to bitch about Doctor Who. It's as though I've taken a time machine back to 2006. #
- The wife has spent her entire day coo-ing at wasps. #
- Joy: finding the perfect photo CC licensed. #
- Gluten free oatmeal cookies. We will eat them all and there is NOTHING you can do about it. #
- JK Flesh! It's like @JKBroadrick let Davros co-write the songs. #EXTERMINATE #
- Interesting: I get twice as many hits to Vuzh Music from Yandex.ru than from http://t.co/6fQ70lec #searchenginewars #
- @invisibleagent Yes, but those are crawlers, right? I'm looking at actual hits. in reply to invisibleagent #
- @Steve_Hamann Wow, I don't think I've seen any hits from that one. Is that a search engine like Yandex? in reply to Steve_Hamann #
- @c_a_harebell Laurie Anderson gave a commencement address at SVA: http://t.co/I0y0IaFl #
- @tobiasreber Either. in reply to tobiasreber #
- Good morning! There's a new track up at http://t.co/tE7wkDtf You'll probably recognize the artist's name… #
- NEW! Dystimbria #12 by David Nemeth aka @dpnem "Next Year Geometry" Download it, you. http://t.co/tE7wkDtf #ccmusic #netlabels #
- My Top 2 #lastfm Artists: Edward Ka-Spel (15) & JK Flesh (4) http://t.co/tvP6DdQQ #
- @Steve_Hamann Ah, yeah, I get a lot of hits from beemp3, but I've never seen that one. in reply to Steve_Hamann #
- @tobiasreber Autechre's EP7 was over sixty minutes long. in reply to tobiasreber #
- @jinjurly That would have kept me awake for hours. in reply to jinjurly #
- @leonrosado No, but I reckon that I will. in reply to leonrosado #
- I may not use much tonality in my work because I find the Western scale too constricting, but just intonation doesn't resonate emotionally #
- Total admiration. RT: @disquiet: The purpose for me of the Disquiet Junto is to create a place where people feel comfortable failing. #
- @erstlaub Really enjoying "Scrying". in reply to erstlaub #
- Live improvisation rehearsals are going well, but I haven't figured out how to make something interesting without my wife participating. #
- Here's the SoundCloud waveform for the new http://t.co/tE7wkDtf track by David Nemeth. I like the way it looks. http://t.co/qbwJ7wFH #
- @jinjurly It'd have to be something pretty severe, that much is certain. in reply to jinjurly #
- Just scrolling through http://t.co/QRfYcejY -Very few netlabel releases have cover art that is to my tastes. #
- @jinjurly Maybe she's throwing koosh balls. in reply to jinjurly #
- Remember buying an album based solely on its cover art? Take note of this, CC music artists. #
- @eleguarecords Yes, it has been fun! However, I do actually have to solve this problem – or give a boring performance, that's an option. in reply to eleguarecords #
- Proud to be an Amercian, where at least I know I'm fred. #
- @tobiasreber Maybe you're putting out a ~double EP~, you just happen to be collecting it on one CD. in reply to tobiasreber #
- @AndrewMichler It's about time, but then by that time FLEX may vanish… in reply to AndrewMichler #
- I bet Mitt out-sells all the guys on the lot. #
- @DaveSeidel Congratulations!!! in reply to DaveSeidel #
- More good thoughts on creative living: RT: @newpractice: a post for the beginning of June http://t.co/FKsrA30l #
- RT @c_a_harebell Happy 80th birthday to Pauline Oliveros! #
- @disquiet Yes, it re-appeared after several minutes. I was grumpy 'cause I thought it had vanished. in reply to disquiet #
- @AndrewMichler Sure! Legs aren't THAT important. in reply to AndrewMichler #
- @AndrewMichler @ValhallArts You can get a bus to Denver from Longmont, you have to take the FLEX down to there though. in reply to AndrewMichler #
- @AndrewMichler @ValhallArts The entire trip from downtown to Berthoud took several transfers and three hours. in reply to AndrewMichler #
- David Nemeth's "Next Year Geometry" at http://t.co/tE7wkDtf #
- Encomiast "Gravity is Very Compelling" at http://t.co/zfXqAELM #
- Now that all of this nastiness is behind us, let me be the first to say: John Edwards 2012 !! #johnedwardsforpresident #
- First beer at the new local brewery @citystarbrewing had the Red Necktar, pleasantly surprised at the hoppiness! Bitter enough for me! #
- Shocked me too the things we used to do on grass. #
- Is Mitt Romney a unicorn? http://t.co/cJ0v92zW via Susanne Lewis (of Hail, Thinking Plague, etc) #
- Woops, got stuck listening to the run-out groove again! #
- @ouebemusique Sometimes this improves the music. in reply to ouebemusique #
- "if there's one thing I don't believe in… it's YOU!!!" #
- Dreamed I wuz an eskimo. #
- Don't be a naughty eski-mo whoa whoa.. #
- That got me just about as evil as an eskimo boy can be. #
- I cain't see… #
- There so light and fluffy brown… they're the finest in the town… #
- I could do this all night. #quotinglyrics #
- @asphalteden #bachelorlife in reply to asphalteden #
- Cannibalism is trending. #
- I'm close to securing a release on Vuzh Music of an internationally famous person involved in the vanguard of sound experimentalism. #
- Those who have been following my activities over the last year will not be surprised. #
- Meanwhile, I'm listening to Talk Talk very loudly. #
- @pwdreser Hiya! #
- Tom Ellard on curation: http://t.co/arLdTKhm #
- The woman who rubbed her bare ass on a Clyfford Still painting at the @Still_Museum gets probation: http://t.co/xHFlrZp0 #
- @pwdreser As social media goes, this is where I'm at. Good to hear from you! in reply to pwdreser #
- @DaveSeidel Maybe she'll pick up a tip or two. in reply to DaveSeidel #
- @Le_Berger Usually. in reply to Le_Berger #
- Just got a bit of paid contract work. Extra money is good. #
- @Le_Berger Then the good news is you can start to look for a new label! in reply to Le_Berger #
- I have made a tape loop that none of my tape players want to play. #
- @Le_Berger Indeed. Hassling with other labels is a hassle. in reply to Le_Berger #
- Berthoud Day parade starts in under an hour! Small towns know how to do a parade. Happy Berthoud Day! #
- I have four full folders of photos (alliteration yay!) from past years of parades. Here's one: http://t.co/aUuppDr1 #
- Working on a Junto this week. Gloriously lo-fi. #
- @Gurdonark Tires & monitors share something here. in reply to Gurdonark #
- Oily Residue [disquiet0022-sonicdecay] by C. Reider = @vuzhmusic http://t.co/CxGto7aV #noiselife #
- @Gurdonark I thought fixed gear bikes were in vogue. in reply to Gurdonark #
- @leonrosado Happy trip around the sun day! in reply to leonrosado #
- @djunto You've had a graphic score Junto, now how about an event score Junto (a la Brecht / Young etc.)? in reply to djunto #
- Had the newly unveiled IPA at @citystarbrewing. Not quite as bracingly bright and bitter at the opening as I'd like, but with a good finish. #
- Someone asked me at the brewery if I was from the mountains. I must admit it's nice being recognized for that. #
- The flowering catalpa tree next door is pretty, looks like it's covered in snow. #
- Funny, if the comments on a given @soundcloud track are over a certain threshold, I won't even listen to it. #
- JK Flesh, loudly. When @jkbroadrick names a track "Earthmover" I trust he's telling me the truth. #
- @falsereactions From tape or to tape? in reply to falsereactions #
- There's a "Best of Funky Alternatives" comp, I note that it contains almost the entirety of the one from the series that I had. #
- Alright I should probably stop listening to music and go experiment with sound. #
- My top listened-to track on SoundCloud: http://t.co/WpIqyxs0 #
- New set-up yielded interesting and inappropriate sounds. #
- ♥ Doom Zoom by Cabaret Voltaire http://t.co/ibwVo5VG #
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