Weekly Twitter Update
Sunday, 10 June 2012
- Email issues today, @dreamhost keeps not recognizing my login. Happened before, they couldn't find anything. Ghost in the machinery. #
- Just got a very exciting packet of audio via yousendit! Upcoming Vuzh Music release, for certain. #
- @jinjurly For some reason I always get Lost in Space and Land of the Lost all jumbled up in my head. in reply to jinjurly #
- Back to the garage to work on making a mold, at least I can play records out there. #
- Here's a photo of the little sculpture I'm working on making the mold for. Hm, they're selling it for $200 https://t.co/j6krn6Hr #
- @djunto Looks like the Junto SC group needs another round of moderation. Several unwelcome tracks are there. #
- Determine what society expects of you… and don't fucking do it. #
- Damn. You can't buy a strawberry that tastes like that. #
- Gardening rules. #
- Re: June's upcoming Vuzh drone release, the artist says "there's one long one that, despite my best efforts, is actually quite beautiful." #
- Our house seems really tiny until I can't find something that I know I own. #
- @cinchel I need to get that thing, where's the buy page again? in reply to cinchel #
- Email problems with @dreamhost again. Tweet me if you have something important. #
- THANK YOU @boingboing for talking up #ccmusic !! RT: @BoingBoing: Free soundtracks for your projects http://t.co/8fPXR0md #netlabels rule. #
- @burningwindmill Last time I had a problem they couldn't find anything. We'll see… in reply to burningwindmill #
- @cinchel Just looked in my address book and I… don't have your address. send it to me @ c.reider and http://t.co/vRajLa3c in reply to cinchel #
- Some ambient music is so "pretty" and background-y that I think it ought to come with complimentary potpourri. #notacompliment #
- A nice unsolicited review of May's Vuzh Music release by Encomiast: http://t.co/oC0TZykm #
- @pavoninae La tristesse de ne pas avoir de haricots verts. in reply to pavoninae #
- @pavoninae Votre connaissance réelle est probablement meilleur que mon Google translate. in reply to pavoninae #
- @pavoninae I took a couple of classes in high school… uh, 25 years ago. Je ne comprends pas. in reply to pavoninae #
- @pavoninae I learned Spanish on the fly when the company I was working for hired a bunch of immigrants. Made some good friends that way. in reply to pavoninae #
- Need some good ambient music tonight? Try Encomiast's new one: http://t.co/zfXqAELM — New review here: http://t.co/oC0TZykm #
- Cheapy simple synth from Etsy. A few fun sounds in there. #
- Fellow Coloradoan Grant Johnson submitted his 1st piece to @djunto http://t.co/RvsqXXIE #
- I had been planning on putting out a C. Reider release in June, but I discovered that the mastering is wonky, need to work on it some more #
- I have something really cool to put out instead though! #
- @cinchel Yes. I used to pay some people to do it, but I like my work better. in reply to cinchel #
- @cinchel It's a huge headache though! 🙂 in reply to cinchel #
- @cinchel Only rarely do I leave a 'major' release of mine unmastered. Occasionally other artists like Euphoric Hum ask me to master for them in reply to cinchel #
- @cinchel I started doing it because my music never sounded as good on other stereos as it did when I recorded it -so I try for that in reply to cinchel #
- Is that four cannibalism stories now? The kids these days and their kooky trends. #
- .@burningwindmill No, my email has been on&off since Sunday and I haven't heard anything from @dreamhost support either. in reply to burningwindmill #
- My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: Earth (7), C. Spencer Yeh (4) & JK Flesh (4) http://t.co/tvP6DdQQ #
- @countrymarxist @dpnem Oh wow, I'm missing out on a conversation here! in reply to countrymarxist #
- @countrymarxist @dpnem I think the main point of my tweet is that I'm increasing uncomfortable with the very idea of background music. in reply to countrymarxist #
- @dpnem @countrymarxist My friend @PBK_ suggests that pastoral electronic music is hypocritical because electricity is by its nature chaotic. in reply to dpnem #
- @burningwindmill I finally heard back, and… guess what, they can't find anything wrong! in reply to burningwindmill #
- @hecanjog You're looking at the results for one city, not the whole state. in reply to hecanjog #
- @dpnem How does that happen? in reply to dpnem #
- Oh no, Ray Bradbury? Essential sci-fi for my formative years. #
- I realized that I think I've bought more books this year than new records. That may be a first. #
- Combination of NPR fundraising and the dread of listening to commentary about the Scott Walker win led to me leaving the radio off all day. #
- I would like to see more coverage of netlabels and ccmusic in @thewiremagazine – (dare I say RT if you agree?) #
- @Steve_Hamann I gave them the benefit of the doubt that I missed the coverage, but I also haven't ever seen any @thewiremagazine in reply to Steve_Hamann #
- @Steve_Hamann @cinchel I think if they purport to cover "adventures in modern music", how can they ignore netlabels? @thewiremagazine in reply to Steve_Hamann #
- @Steve_Hamann That's no excuse. in reply to Steve_Hamann #
- @Steve_Hamann My thought is that there is no other print magazine in which the lack of netlabel coverage stands out more. in reply to Steve_Hamann #
- @Steve_Hamann For better or worse they are the key print publication that is covering the 'kind of music' that many of us are involved with in reply to Steve_Hamann #
- @Steve_Hamann Good point. in reply to Steve_Hamann #
- #tapememory Mixing down masters at the library, because the tape deck we had at the house was too hissy. #
- #tapememory Seemingly unending splices of found tape on my 1st sound art project "Grime: the secret content of the abandoned roadside tapes" #
- @disquiet I've got a few more leads on possible performers, I'll add contacts to the list as I get return emails. One new one going up now #
- Another Colorado entry in the most recent Junto by offthesky http://t.co/KVSaX56x #DenverJunto August 19 #
- More than a little cognitive dissonance when I see that Slayer is playing at a place called Comfort Dental Ampitheater. #
- @mystified131 Great new set on soundcloud! – must go to sleep, so I can't finish listening now. Enjoying it though. #
- @thewiremagazine Netlabels and their artists distribute their music solely on the web, usually for free with a Creative Commons license. in reply to thewiremagazine #
- @thewiremagazine There is a wealth of experimental music released on netlabels that I think ought to have some coverage. in reply to thewiremagazine #
- @dpnem Ah, pilot error! in reply to dpnem #
- Arg, I have to go to work. #
- @thewiremagazine Thanks for responding, I'll compose an email this evening (in the US) after work. in reply to thewiremagazine #
- @thewiremagazine In the meantime, here is a resource listing over 500 netlabels: http://t.co/xS7OUp1d in reply to thewiremagazine #
- I may be a fool, but at least I'm a passionate one, right? Right? Anyone? *crickets* #
- @paniq Aw, thanks for the encouragement! #foolishlyyours in reply to paniq #
- @dpnem huzzah! in reply to dpnem #
- @dpnem oops. in reply to dpnem #
- @Le_Berger Congrats! in reply to Le_Berger #
- @Le_Berger Crowdsource it! in reply to Le_Berger #
- @Gurdonark I think I have the opposite effect. in reply to Gurdonark #
- @dpnem What does it mean? in reply to dpnem #
- I keep forgetting that netlabels are still in the "Dammit, we exist!" stage of public awareness (or lack thereof). #
- @Iheartnoise This is probably because of the Rush Limbaugh connection. #
- Har har: http://t.co/M7n5kJGZ #
- Fuck it. I'm going to become one of those guys who does nothing but tweet about his own releases, and asks ppl to 'like' him on fb. #
- @Le_Berger Your damn straight I am, I'll be happier AND I'll get more followers and likes on fb. People will like me, finally. in reply to Le_Berger #
- @Le_Berger I'll probably get rich and famous. It's a virtual certainty. in reply to Le_Berger #
- @Le_Berger Not just very desirable, they're the ONLY reason to do anything. If it's not increasing your power or wealth, then why do it? in reply to Le_Berger #
- Like me on facebook you guys. #
- Universe: sorted. #
- @dpnem *Unfollow* in reply to dpnem #
- @earticklr It'd help if more people would actually promote the community as a whole. I'll be looking at your site & probably tweet it up in reply to earticklr #
- 2012: Silence. 2013: Noise. #
- Why can't all albums be as brilliant as Kate Bush's "the Dreaming"? #
- @jinjurly In that case I'd better listen to some Robert Wyatt #littleredrecord in reply to jinjurly #
- I have some new ideas for the improv setup, I should definitely practice this weekend. #
- Unsurprisingly (to me, anyway) much of my improv stuff is with scrap metal & homemade metallic instruments. #
- @mrdankelly Alright! in reply to mrdankelly #
- @jinjurly More lime. in reply to jinjurly #
- @jinjurly Ah, in that case… more gin. in reply to jinjurly #
- One of my favorite albums of all time, remastered and re-released today… but digital only? http://t.co/2NqjJa7k #
- Everyone should have this album in their life: http://t.co/2NqjJa7k #
- @Le_Berger That sounds like a worthy line of research. in reply to Le_Berger #
- @Le_Berger Yes. Cage's epiphany. Lyotard expands on this in a way that's on my mind lately. in reply to Le_Berger #
- @cinchel Thought is not required. cc @Le_Berger in reply to cinchel #
- @cinchel However, neither is the exclusion of thought (take note akousmatikoi) cc @Le_Berger in reply to cinchel #
- @jshell Rah! in reply to jshell #
- Lick the carpet! Dust the dog! Mow the windows! Shine the socks! YOU'VE GOT TO KEEP THINGS CLEAN. #
- You're number eight, you're name is Jane. #
- @Le_Berger Seth Kim-Cohen's book covers this particular bit pretty well. in reply to Le_Berger #
- mild subversion planned for new junto #
- @cinchel Oh thank glob I don't burn CDrs or dub tapes anymore. in reply to cinchel #
- @newpractice It's going to be awesome!! How long are you gone for? in reply to newpractice #
- Good grief. The closest place 'Moonrise Kingdom' is playing is way the fuck down at the Mayan in Denver. #
- @newpractice That sounds idyllic! in reply to newpractice #
- @newpractice The benediction "may the wind be at your back" takes on a whole different meaning. in reply to newpractice #
- My new track for @djunto just went live: http://t.co/qrv698yQ — Bottle Reduction #
- There's a new fire in windy, drought-stricken Northern Colorado, near @newpractice's home. 🙁 http://t.co/CDMBZ7WR #
- I have that dirt-stupid dual guitar line from Hotel California in my head. Thanks a lot, Frank Zappa. #
- Last call for Encomiast's newest release on Vuzh Music: http://t.co/H2Plokyr On Monday, it will be superseded by something wonderful. #
- Wow. The #HighParkFire has really exploded, MASSIVE smoke plume looms over the valley. Stay safe everyone up there. #
- RT @voicebyjack #HighParkFire from space. NASA GOES Satellite Image http://t.co/X2KeMN5m http://t.co/WHTb0ShP #
- RT @CodyCrouch: This [CO] fire is huge and spreading fast. Houses are in danger. #HighParkFire http://t.co/fPm99gTZ #
- Reading texts by Morton Feldman & Henry Cowell, listening to Iannis Xenakis, drinking locally microbrewed IPA. #
- New track for @djunto: http://t.co/qrv698yQ -Pushing at the boundaries of drone, makes you wonder if there are any boundaries at all. #
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