Weekly Twitter Update
Sunday, 12 August 2012
- @Le_Berger I don't see any difference. in reply to Le_Berger #
- @dpnem Thanks for the tip. I had admired the cover art, but didn't listen for whatever reason. in reply to dpnem #
- @dpnem I probably ought to check out that new Radio Royal thing too, as I quite liked their last one. in reply to dpnem #
- Hey, @replouiegohmert was the new mass killing also a result of "ongoing attacks on Judeo-Christian beliefs"? Just curious. #
- @JC_Christian https://t.co/Qm4ra1O7 in reply to JC_Christian #
- Okay, this is the first @djunto project I've done that required I wear eye protection. #
- .@ValhallArts Counterintuitively! Of course the @djunto project this time is based on a @yokoono instruction that is explicitly eye-centric. in reply to ValhallArts #
- "Sun as Simulacrum of the Eye" my performance of @yokoono's "Lighting Piece" from 1955 http://t.co/zkxNK4we Done for @djunto #31 #
- If you listen closely, you can hear the crispy hissing of the sun watching: http://t.co/zkxNK4we #
- @dpnem I would think that CC & DRM are opposing poles. in reply to dpnem #
- RT [protected] c. is making a stellar drone at the moment. #intheblueroom #
- Dude I just made some big sounds. #
- RT [protected] god. the drone coming from the blue room. #
- Seriously head-exploding drone shit just occurred here tonight. #
- @cinchel The volcano awaketh in reply to cinchel #
- "Be true to yourself – be true to your lineages – all of them. " – @newpractice #
- "The market is intense – recognize it, respect it, ignore it." – @newpractice … done done and DONE #
- Discussion w/ wifey led to epiphany: Jarboe = detuned Diana Ross. #
- Lisa Frank! 420! Contemporary computer! RT [protected] You ain't buyin Shamu. It's all in your head. #
- @newpractice @AndrewMichler Also here: http://t.co/z166clt3 in reply to newpractice #
- Tonight, @boingboing is more real-time informative than any TV broadcast I've ever seen. #
- Cheers NASA you guys are bad-asses of the WORLD – strike that… of TWO WORLDS! #
- @dpnem Thoreau worked for his father making pencils. in reply to dpnem #
- This weekend I slowly burned a match with a magnifying glass: http://t.co/zkxNK4we as a performance of @yokoono's "Lighting Piece". #
- @thedarklobster Darn, there's no audio. in reply to thedarklobster #
- @Le_Berger I follow people I want to read only. I don't care if they follow me back. in reply to Le_Berger #
- @Le_Berger @cinchel I value small-run LPs more than big releases. in reply to Le_Berger #
- The Liberal media: http://t.co/2H7PVfin #
- Pals John Gore & A Washburn, pity about the copyright MT @implicitorder Unsolicited collab using my samples http://t.co/W9lz1CPC #
- @Gurdonark @implicitorder It's really up to every artist to decide for themselves, for me though I think of copyright as not useful. in reply to Gurdonark #
- Wifey is finishing up her Summer internet class in Logic. It's obviously been a rough class. #
- @Gurdonark @implicitorder Stop swinging that hammer so hard, Robert. in reply to Gurdonark #
- @soundscrapers Interesting thoughts. Thanks. in reply to soundscrapers #
- @soundscrapers Makes me think about how in social situations my wife eavesdrops, but I listen to crowd din and not conversation. in reply to soundscrapers #
- @Le_Berger Air, water and food… these are just addictions. Kick the habit. in reply to Le_Berger #
- Oh my. RT @denverpostlite James Holmes' doctor went to cops, ABC News says http://t.co/fG6pbG3v #
- @Le_Berger One day at a time, dude… 🙂 in reply to Le_Berger #
- Nothing can be done: http://t.co/jVnPoN6e #
- @c_a_harebell YOU ARE AWESOMENESS PERSONIFIED in reply to c_a_harebell #
- @Le_Berger Time for the fleshlight. in reply to Le_Berger #
- @dpnem That looks like a blast. Please do not miss that film about RIO… gah, wish I could see that!. in reply to dpnem #
- @cinchel Dude. Storage. Seriously. I hear you. in reply to cinchel #
- The material I'm working on mixing / mastering is really proving difficult. I'll get it, it's just a frustrating process. #
- #IveSeenEveryEpisodeOf My anxiety disorder. #
- @Gurdonark I never expected any of them! I'm fine now, I was just making light of a twitter hashtag at the expense of my mental wellness. in reply to Gurdonark #
- Another evening having an argie-bargie with Cubase & T-Racks. Now Lumpy's giving me a lappy to calm my nerves. #
- This plume: http://t.co/14aCNwBh reminds me of the #highparkfire plume, but frankly, I'd rather choke on forest smoke than that. #
- "I don't want to waste my time on art that sucks!!" http://t.co/R2kk8AgW #
- sleepytime … sleepytime … s.l.e.e.p..y..t…i…m….e…… #
- @dpnem I liked that one. Dig the liberal samples from Gravikords Whirlies & Pyrophones. in reply to dpnem #
- My Top 1 #lastfm Artists: JK Flesh (2) http://t.co/tvP6DdQQ #
- @tobiasreber Funny how that album leads to obsessive listening bouts. in reply to tobiasreber #
- @disquiet I've heard tell that you can "pet" a bee swarm. Their defenses are down when swarming. in reply to disquiet #
- @c_yantis "Do you really want to hurt me?…" in reply to c_yantis #
- Wifey's BDAY!!! Woot. She wants Chinese food, so I'm going to go hunt and gather some now. #
- @disquiet Ha! I have a real fondness for bees & wasps. in reply to disquiet #
- @BrewCrewJess It's possible the sound affects them. Colorado has docile wasps, so it's relatively safe to cultivate a fondness for them. in reply to BrewCrewJess #
- @BrewCrewJess @disquiet One of my favorite Colorado naturalists (now dead, sadly) Howard Ensign Evans was a wasp specialist. in reply to BrewCrewJess #
- Here's a picture of one of our solitary bee & solitary wasp houses w/ 2 leafcutter bees working: http://t.co/yWMRGF9R #
- @BrewCrewJess Usually when wasps check you out they're just seeing if you have any bugs-in-distress hidden on your person. in reply to BrewCrewJess #
- "The Cloud" ain't shit, folks. Insist on hard storage. http://t.co/ndYkUFm5 #
- @c_a_harebell http://t.co/dtnNNxd5 #
- @c_a_harebell http://t.co/lJJwNnQm #
- To be honest, I'm rather pleased that if you Google me by the name I go by IRL, you get nothing that points to me. #
- Okay, I do have the 4th & 8th hit on Google ranking. If you look on Google images, you have to go back 8 pages before you get anything #
- @cinchel I got a picture of you & your twitter handle and your facebook by Googling your name in reply to cinchel #
- @cinchel If you google C. Reider I'm everywhere. If you google my name, I'm nowhere, this was by design. in reply to cinchel #
- @cinchel After the damage was done. 🙁 – I personally, didn't want people from my High School or my church looking me up. Fuck them. in reply to cinchel #
- @cinchel Dude a Chevrolet background image is totally YOU. in reply to cinchel #
- I don't play video games, but SoundShapes seems intriguing. Here, it's compared to a mixtape and to mashups: http://t.co/lMP3vbOJ #
- I dunno if it will actually fall within the @disquiet mission or not, but if so I'm interested to read his take on SoundShapes. #
- There is a Big Bird kickstarter: http://t.co/kuUPRql1 #
- Sandra Fluke introduced the President in Colorado today. Among other things that she is, she's a very attractive woman: http://t.co/2t9Cq0tV #
- Dude. WTF? http://t.co/Q0VdBE6F @BrewCrewJess #
- Quick Twitter protocol note. I do not do automatic follows, in fact I don't even pay attention to new Twitter follows at all. #
- However, I'll follow anyone who engages me in twitter conversation & writes interesting tweets. #
- In other words, I'm not looking for a friend count, I am looking for quality discourse / exchange of ideas. #
- @disquiet I don't even own any of the current consoles, but for some reason I'm really interested in that one. in reply to disquiet #
- Look at this poster: http://t.co/z4DHsUrH Hope you can be there! 8/19 Denver HAWT ambient / experimental musics! #
- How am I not yet asleep? Instead I am rendering mixdowns and masters. SNORE. #
- How am I up and moving around even though I'm so miserably still asleep? Perhaps I am a superhuman. #
- @jshell Close, that was Romney. in reply to jshell #
- @dpnem A two-flusher. in reply to dpnem #
- My car's brakes failed for the 3rd time this year. Failed as in, I'm driving and suddenly no brakes. #
- It's getting to be a really bad habit. #
- @falsereactions Tell me about it. I'm so sick of listening to the same album again and again, I can't wait for an acceptable master. in reply to falsereactions #
- @falsereactions I'm working on one primary and one secondary album. There's always those two songs that kill you. in reply to falsereactions #
- @newpractice Organic, you can't map it out on a grid in strict meter. in reply to newpractice #
- Who listens to crickets and tries to hit 'quantize'? A fool. #
- Who auto-tunes the birds? #
- Who hears the wind and things "needs more bass thump"? #
- @tobiasreber I worked with one of those. He actually hit a big one too, but for him that was probably not a good thing. in reply to tobiasreber #
- Your weekend listening, sorted. RT: @dpnem: 3rd Annual AoS Podcast http://t.co/7oUiotav #ccmusic #netlabel #
- In his new review @dpnem suggests some music wears out its welcome by not knowing when to stop. http://t.co/Ob1cX8GU #
- "Edit yourself, mercilessly" – Kurt Vonnegut #
- John McCain is a Cylon #
- @tobiasreber I believe he won 20000, but spent 15-20 a day on tickets. I don't know how he afforded it, that's around 6000 a year. in reply to tobiasreber #
- Time to switch to Bing? RT: @MicrotonalDan: Google to sink pirate websites in search rankings http://t.co/N6yd1lh5 #
- @jinjurly I loved those sentences but I did not understand them. in reply to jinjurly #
- Digging potatoes from the ground. #
- John McCain is a Cylon, but Mitt Romney is merely a creep. #
- @c_a_harebell http://t.co/eEx0Mxcl #
- Uh oh. By 2012, the majority of Americans will be too young to remember the 1970s. http://t.co/3SGHmLzD #
- Too bad for them. The 1970s were awesome. #
- If you haven't heard it yet, check out my free new release using the @buddhamachine 1&2: http://t.co/PYaHd4N8 C. Reider – Buddha Reduction #
- Please no Charlize Theron in the Arrested Development movie. #
- @Gurdonark Alright! Hope to see you there! in reply to Gurdonark #
- Someone send me to Carmaux, France in September. Magma! Thinking Plague! (w/ Bob Drake) – also Caravan! http://t.co/GONTvSz8 #riofest #
- We're here to punish you, America. #
- @mrkvm Whoa, with a tweet like that you ought to know my friend Laura @ValhallArts in reply to mrkvm #
- Cleaning house. NP @dpnem's Acts of Silence podcast: http://t.co/nMSMZTZC #
- Yes, @gurdonark @disquiet @mysterybear and I will all be in the same room in a week. Robert & I will tag-team proselytize CC – as usual! #
- Disquiet Junto Denver: NEXT WEEK http://t.co/gImd1ftD Woot! #
- @Gurdonark It's plenty large, I wouldn't worry about buying in advance, we'll make sure you get in if there's a problem! in reply to Gurdonark #
- @dpnem I was in and out of the house, but I heard about half of it, thought it was great! Seal of approval from Mr. Vuzh. in reply to dpnem #
- @dpnem That was welcome! Volume is good! in reply to dpnem #
- Check out Disquiet Junto Colorado at The Walnut Room http://t.co/ttZpZG3B via @lastfm #
- Bloody Mary. #
- We are eating godly homemade basil ice cream made by Long Shadow farm bought at the farmers market. #
- I can't believe I just ate something that yummy. #
- @Gurdonark We should make some, the last time we made it, it was… not a success. in reply to Gurdonark #
- And to think I was skeptical of the idea of basil ice cream. #
- Can't believe people don't eat celery leaves. Best part of the plant. #
- @Le_Berger Canadians don't get to gloat about the Paul Ryan pick, sorry. in reply to Le_Berger #
- "That bitch" — Rob Portman #
- "Yawn, what?" — Tim Pawlenty #
- My thoughts are with my fellow human beings in Iran. #
- Next week, an experimental music concert featuring music played on enhanced glass harp. RSVP here: https://t.co/CE2yUAxO Denver #
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