Disquiet Junto Concert comedown pt 1
Sorry if you tried to tune in to the stream of the concert last night, we had technical difficulties with it and gave up.
There’s a fair amount of photos yet to be posted, plus recordings of the concert, but here’s some stuff to look at right away:
I have no idea how to embed an Instagram photo… (?), let’s see if the fancy new WP Twitter embeds work like they say.
C. Reider's glass with dual contact mics for tonight's @djunto show. http://t.co/1dQeX9Sh
— Marc Weidenbaum (@disquiet) August 19, 2012
(my dual contact mic’ed glass harp photo by Marc Weidenbaum)
(my stuff + my awse & hands photo by Robert Nunnally)
Here’s a bunch more of the others at the show:
@Mystery_bear in action on August 19 at the Denver @djunto concert http://t.co/cCiSWaCH
— Robert Nunnally (@Gurdonark) August 20, 2012
Ten and Tracer's brobdignagian @djunto glass (note laptop for scale). http://t.co/zdXczaYY
— Marc Weidenbaum (@disquiet) August 19, 2012
Cody Yantis' three-glass set up for tonight's @djunto show. Not pictured: guitar. http://t.co/BvnNZGsg
— Marc Weidenbaum (@disquiet) August 19, 2012
Mysterybear's seriously stabilized wine glass for tonight's @djunto concert in Denver. http://t.co/WHuhUX39
— Marc Weidenbaum (@disquiet) August 19, 2012
Wine glass and guitar for Radere's #djunto set tonight. http://t.co/LipNiUwA
— Marc Weidenbaum (@disquiet) August 19, 2012