Weekly Twitter Update
Sunday, 2 September 2012
- @tobiasreber I spent two bleary-eyed hours doing just the same thing the other night. in reply to tobiasreber #
- @tobiasreber Drone Forest tried to do it, we tried a couple of services & had no real luck, the fidelity was terrible + many lag artifacts. in reply to tobiasreber #
- I'm going to stop looking at filterbanks now. #
- Ummagumma. #
- Even though I've been using it a fair amount, I have to say the Line6 Pod 2 is a pretty crummy piece of equipment. I don't recommend it. #
- Man, there are a lot of guitars in this house, funny since I can't remember the last time I picked up one of them. #
- Except to move it out of the way. #
- @cinchel Hey, Mr. bicycler, can you recommend a bike pump that isn't a complete piece of total junk? I've bought three in the last 12 months #
- @cinchel Thanks! in reply to cinchel #
- @computerneix Thanks for the tweet Miquel! Forever escalating. in reply to computerneix #
- Gentle Giant on the turntable. #
- Have a ton of excess stuff, but can't be arsed to eBay it. #
- Boooom. Re-assembled the studio after the Junto concert, just improvised an inaugural drone that was exceptionally spiky. Fun fun fun fun #
- The Red Hot Chili Peppers are richer than the collected lifetime net worth of everyone reading this tweet. Think about how value is defined. #
- This person Nicole "Snooki" Polizzi has a Wikipedia page, and you don't. Think about how value is defined. #
- A power-hungry, hollow puppet of a man has a 50/50 chance of becoming the most powerful man in the world. Think about how value is defined. #
- Zoroaster, obv. RT @MargaretAtwood OK, T-pals: How is ZOMG different from OMG, and what does the Z stand for? I know you will know! Thanks! #
- "Power Possessors know that dispute is death to the artist; so, they can do pretty much whatever they want to them" – R. Fripp #
- @benjamindauer Yes, reply to this so I'll remember to give you my reference page after I get home from work. in reply to benjamindauer #
- I will want to read this after work, I know you'll want to read it too: via @jinjurly RE proprietary licenses in CC 4.0 http://t.co/veeHmuMq #
- @larkinhavens Being in a class where no one participates is the pits. in reply to larkinhavens #
- @dpnem Congratulations! in reply to dpnem #
- @tobiasreber Occasionally a wise man, occasionally a stick in the mud. I suppose we could all aspire to be at least as much. in reply to tobiasreber #
- @Steve_Hamann I hesitate to comment since I haven't read it yet, but I skimmed it & suspect I'll disagree with it. in reply to Steve_Hamann #
- True. RT: @dpnem: @Steve_Hamann Plus, most netlabels and musicians really don't understand CC licenses. #
- Oh no… Blinky's dead.
RT: @99andBarry: RIP Blinky. http://t.co/c2AubGCV #
- @samgrinsell Can you expand on that thought? because I'm not sure I catch your drift, don't want to respond & be off. in reply to samgrinsell #
- @samgrinsell It sounds like we're pretty well in agreement. I have a few things to say on this topic in a bit. in reply to samgrinsell #
- @frauenfelder @boingboing Very sad to learn that Blinky the Clown has died today. http://t.co/S6FUzE9O #
- Ok, does anyone here actually agree with this thing about Creative Commons? http://t.co/cNkTkbsc #
- There is an assumption on the part of the blogger that people choose NC or ND for protection reasons. I don't think CC is about protection #
- At all. #
- Protection implies litigation… to me, anyway. That's the realm of copyright. #
- Has anyone ever tried to sue to defend their CC license? I'd be curious to hear it. #
- Perhaps the point I'm aiming for is that sure NC & ND are no more protective that the CC license in general-does that make them less useful? #
- I personally use an NC license, I am not a huge fan of the ND licenses, they make me grumpy, frankly, but it's up to the licensee innit? #
- Here's my reasoning: My license is CCBYNC if you want to use it for NC purposes you don't even have to ask, just do it, if $ is involved… #
- If $$ are involved then things are more complicated and perhaps we need to have an agreement with specificity. This is outside of CC. #
- If you want to get rid of NC, then does this mean commercial uses are allowed? That just does not make sense. #
- I have extricated myself from commercial music for a goddamned good reason. #
- I think the question of where the line is drawn between commercial and non-commercial use is a fair question-calls for MORE nuance, not less #
- Not every problem is a nail, so put away your goddamned hammer. #
- The 'commercial monopoly' argument is all well and good-hugs all around, but when someone's making money off your work and you're not…? #
- I assure you I am enabling no middlemen with my NC license. #
- "The ND clause is already the least popular, and discouraging remixing is obviously contrary to a free culture." I agree, and yet respect it #
- If you don't like the ND license, as I don't, and many of my peers don't… ENGAGE IN A DIALOGUE, don't just strip the license. #
- You need to approach this bottom up, not top down, assholes. #
- .@Le_Berger For me, I don't think that a derivative detracts from the original, it gives the original the ultimate compliment, actually. in reply to Le_Berger #
- See…? How fucking hard was that? #
- Totally fallacious argument that a CC license w/ NC or ND locks it into a hopeless dystopia forever. The OWNER OF THE LICENSE CAN CHANGE IT. #
- Well, I guess that article didn't agree with me at all. http://t.co/cNkTkbsc #
- @Le_Berger I tend to respect the artists' wishes with ND licenses, but respect doesn't mean I won't question it. in reply to Le_Berger #
- The larger culture is still proprietary and commercial, and you can't blame someone for not being as trusting as you are. #
- Creative Commons is a lever, not a hammer. #
- … and todays tweets mark further than I ever thought I'd go to defend the maligned ND license. #
- @DaveSeidel Oh, cool, did you meet Nina the other night? Her & Jeremy are cool folks. in reply to DaveSeidel #
- @DaveSeidel I should've introduced you! They're not very social (I can relate to that) but they're good folks. in reply to DaveSeidel #
- @jinjurly It seems your RT this morning sent me into a twitter-rant of much passion and a fair bit of grumpitude. #
- @jinjurly Yeah, the CC / copyright interface that transformative works need doesn't quite exist. In music they just brought the hammer down in reply to jinjurly #
- @jinjurly … (2) so that now to do transformative works in music you almost have to do it pseudonymously / anonymously. So wrong. in reply to jinjurly #
- @jinjurly I think the widget makes it so much less confusing. If you can get someone to use it, answer the few questions, then there you go. in reply to jinjurly #
- @jinjurly It's possible I might be on board if there were a 'nudge' to choose a more open license as opposed to just nixing all nuance. in reply to jinjurly #
- @jinjurly I think we're all in agreement that those committed to CC need to do some more educating & proselytizing. in reply to jinjurly #
- @jinjurly Open licensing requires open dialogue. in reply to jinjurly #
- @jinjurly I dunno, I think the brief summary pages are pretty simple & understandable. The legal code isn't the first thing that comes up. in reply to jinjurly #
- @jinjurly Hard to disagree with that. in reply to jinjurly #
- @jinjurly Is there a lot of resistance to CC in fandom? in reply to jinjurly #
- @jinjurly Yeah, so trying to trim down its proprietary bits is probably neither good nor bad from that perspective. in reply to jinjurly #
- @jinjurly I think an expansion is more warranted than a contraction though, that application is a good example. in reply to jinjurly #
- @jinjurly I think just talking about it in public as though it were a viable option is the only thing any one person can do. in reply to jinjurly #
- @jinjurly That falls into the same category as mashup / remixes in music that have to be "illegal" because licensing is so restrictive in reply to jinjurly #
- @jinjurly Yeah, that's a conundrum. in reply to jinjurly #
- @benjamindauer OK, my reference material is dated… but I journaled my search for a pressing company. I'll look for the link… in reply to benjamindauer #
- @benjamindauer here you go: Feel free to add any info you have in comments: http://t.co/HQkMXdgJ in reply to benjamindauer #
- @benjamindauer I recommend calling EVERY company that does this, and talk to someone there & get a quote & get a feel for them. in reply to benjamindauer #
- @benjamindauer Lotsa crummy companies out there. in reply to benjamindauer #
- @Gurdonark Highly unlikely. in reply to Gurdonark #
- @cinchel Soon, I'm sure… how is that audio prep from denver show going @falsereactions? in reply to cinchel #
- OK, watch out now. I'm about to go into a retweet frenzy with some of the responses from my twitter rant yesterday about Creative Commons 4 #
- No don't refrain! RT @invisibleagent I'm going to refrain from throwing my thoughts out in the wild regarding "proprietary licenses" in #CC4 #
- .@gurdonark I reckon it'll take a lot more than a wiki, but that might be a good start. Archiving is essential. #
- @99andBarry Commie. in reply to 99andBarry #
- @Le_Berger Stop waiting for someone to yell "shotgun" on that one, dude. in reply to Le_Berger #
- Watermelon from the farmer's market. #
- *spit* #
- Lumpy has decided that watermelon is delicious. Lily is pretty sure Lumpy is bonkers. #
- What? http://t.co/fze8ptbY #
- I'm both confused and intrigued by @MarsCuriosity's sending sound back to Earth. Is this the most expensive aural filter ever conceived? #
- What was the point of included sound transmission capability on @MarsCuriosity? Is there a mic on board? Will we get Mars field recordings? #
- .@invisibleagent All art belongs to the culture, in some sense. The creator does have rights to control how they wish it to be used by it. #
- .@invisibleagent Unless you wish to never share it / destroy it before death, in which case licensing is moot. Least open license ever. #
- @invisibleagent Agreeing on all counts! in reply to invisibleagent #
- My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: Pink Floyd (6), Asmus Tietchens (5) & David Bowie (4) http://t.co/tvP6DdQQ #
- @saffronslumber Out loud ! in reply to saffronslumber #
- I had this weird imagination-romp after waking up of John Elway living forever from drinking fracking fluid. He had an electronic gizzard. #
- He ran a museum about his life. He was most famous for being the second man to have shot Reagan. #
- Then there was the thumbtack-piano saloon version of the ICP song where they wonder how fucking magnets work. #
- My brain, folks. #
- My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: Pink Floyd (6), Asmus Tietchens (5) & David Bowie (4) http://t.co/tvP6DdQQ #
- Condolences to @MHarrisPerry MSNBC's Melissa Harris-Perry, whose house was destroyed by Hurricane Isaac. http://t.co/JrJOdTtg #
- Big thanks to Zhang & Christiaan at @buddamachine for posting the Chan Fang Buddha Machine 3! It's playing nicely with Gristleism right now. #
- Maybe a sequel to the Buddha Reduction is in order! http://t.co/PYaHd4N8 #
- Oh crap, that new Swans is really damned good. #
- @sethchrisman It comes closer to portraying the crushingness of their live set than other studio LPs, I think. in reply to sethchrisman #
- Scott Gessler, the @ColoSecofState is a "threat to our constitutional rights" http://t.co/QVfSCyid #
- Good god this new Swans. #
- I have made a really damned good thai green curry with veggies from the garden & some grouper. #
- Just imagine how rich we'd all be if McCain had won in '08. We'd ALL be part of the 1% now. #
- http://t.co/qoseDdGR #
- @snooksarmy WHAT? And I keep saying NPR has the shittiest taste in music ever. And then this. in reply to snooksarmy #
- @ValhallArts "Repetition is a form of change" in reply to ValhallArts #
- Beware the lollipop of mediocrity; lick it once and you suck forever. -Brian Wilson #
- The Quietus interviews Michael Gira: http://t.co/IpPjaW81 #
- It is 11 PM. As a gift to myself, I'm going to stop reading Michael Gira interviews and go to bed. #
- Stunning. RT: @pattonoswalt: Wow. WOW. FOX News calls bullshit on Ryan's lie-packed speech: http://t.co/zbrBySsH #
- @tobiasreber Heh. A friend of mine had a band that did "goth rap" and another that did death metal songs about food. in reply to tobiasreber #
- "Uplinked and downlinked as data" – so the Mars Curiosity WAS simply used as the world's most expensive sonic filter. #
- Can I run some sound samples through the @marscuriosity filter? #
- @CPRverlee Thank you for your reporting aired today on Scott Gessler @ColoSecofState – Very important to put some sunlight on these actions. #
- @tobiasreber Europe may as well be another planet. Here, reason is not a factor. in reply to tobiasreber #
- Just read the new @djunto instructions. It IS an amazing turnaround that preparing a written score for release is being viewed as subversive #
- Philosophy class … I can tell I'm going to constantly be butting heads with the instructor because I am a skeptic of human exceptionalism. #
- Philosophy class (2) … On the other hand, he did end class by imploring students to find out what Labor Day is all about aside from BBQ. #
- @Le_Berger Yes. in reply to Le_Berger #
- Always a good resource: RT @computerneix [2012.08] I heard this august 21 fine experimental releases http://t.co/PjrdkCAa #experimental #
- @snooksarmy Wash those biceps off man, I told you. Glitter slays the ladies. in reply to snooksarmy #
- @newpractice I'm sorry that I couldn't make it. Car trouble. Again. in reply to newpractice #
- I know you're all thrilled watching the RNC, but afterward take the time to read this: https://t.co/FgVaXl72 – #ccmusic #
- Hey, we could have these people running EVERYTHING for the next four years! That'd be awesome, wouldn't it? #
- @sethchrisman Let's see… they're coming here at the end of September. I'll be there. in reply to sethchrisman #
- @PitcherOfSummer @sethchrisman I think this'll be my… fifth time? Fourth or fifth. in reply to PitcherOfSummer #
- @BrewCrewJess You've got to be shitting me. Ringo never sucked, one of my faves. in reply to BrewCrewJess #
- @disquiet Do you have the vinyl version. I was surprised to find a totally new mix on that set. in reply to disquiet #
- @tobiasreber Can't watch it due to flash incompatibility. I need a new computer! in reply to tobiasreber #
- @c_yantis @sethchrisman Did you know he spent the night at our apartment back in the late '90s? Great guy. in reply to c_yantis #
- @mrdankelly I haven't been able to bring myself to watch the video, because yeah, I like him. I read part of the transcript, couldn't finish in reply to mrdankelly #
- This was really good. RT @ebertchicago Samantha Bee @iamsambee chats up delegates about abortion. Video. http://t.co/AMF3S8nZ #
- @disquiet I remember the first time I heard it, it was like NOTHING I'd ever heard before. in reply to disquiet #
- @disquiet HUGE congratulations! in reply to disquiet #
- Just a week? RT: @trisloth: Take a week and just listen to music by people you know. #
- @newpractice @thedarklobster @ValhallArts @jdaveyartist Heck yeah, happy b-day!!! in reply to newpractice #
- I'm retweeting like a goon. Will I supply content today? Who knows? #
- @DaveSeidel NovaDrone! Moisturizer! Uh-oh, what are the ones off to the left, I don't recognize them. in reply to DaveSeidel #
- @disquiet The entire thing is a new mix. in reply to disquiet #
- @disquiet At least that's the way it sounds to me. in reply to disquiet #
- @beercavechillin I was going to say, it's about time you had one! in reply to beercavechillin #
- Wifey just made the claim that Bone Thugs N Harmony are "a part of our history" together, and sadly, I think she's right. #
- I just made a donation today to support President Obama. http://t.co/jrNs615m #
- @snooksarmy Dude, it was like one of the expensive fireworks. You shoulda been there. in reply to snooksarmy #
- Ring the bell for service: http://t.co/EpnwFq8A #
- @cinchel @Le_Berger Nah, Sam's a classy dude, he's got a RealDoll, not a stupid balloon. in reply to cinchel #
- @DaveSeidel Ah, I got the pedal Gristleizer. I thought about the other one and I can't remember now what tipped the balance. in reply to DaveSeidel #
- Romney's the 1st Republican since '52 to accept his party's nomination without mentioning war. http://t.co/1xzRRejm #
- @c_a_harebell Then some asshole makes fun of you. in reply to c_a_harebell #
- @c_a_harebell Dude, I've totally been slacking this time. I've got to give you shit for not having your strength giving Samson dreads. in reply to c_a_harebell #
- @c_a_harebell You MY flippy skank! in reply to c_a_harebell #
- "He bought a mood ring, but it remained permanently transparent" That David Brooks-of all people-dissed Romney as such makes it burn hotter. #
- @snooksarmy I think I committed that crime last week. Juggalo woman won't you come out tonight… in reply to snooksarmy #
- I foresee beats in his future. RT: @Le_Berger: proceed with music as if it was your penis #
- I just dug up breakfast from the potato patch. #gardening #
- @jinjurly I have no clue what you're talking about, but 'dopplecest' is now in the running for my word of the year. in reply to jinjurly #
- @DaveSeidel I'm not sure I have a single piece of equipment that uses cv. Hm. in reply to DaveSeidel #
- @jinjurly I inferred as much. I prefer my trippelcest whilst drinking trippelbock. in reply to jinjurly #
- @jinjurly You'll have to rewire your whole audio system for trippelcest then! in reply to jinjurly #
- @DaveSeidel I'm looking really seriously at filterbanks. The one I want is two grand though, so I'm hoping for a lottery win! in reply to DaveSeidel #
- Endless supply of stupid. #
- You have control of the board. RT: @cinchel: @vuzhmusic what is the republican party? #
- Crop list at Boulder County Farmers Market: http://t.co/QHOz5Yr8 #
- Thought provoking. RT @alextemplemusic New blog post about my disillusionment with the avant-garde: http://t.co/lbqsSjCs #
- @c_a_harebell Vulture Awareness Day via @jinjurly: http://t.co/OsTNC7A6 #
- I think I've eaten something like ten tomatoes today, many fresh off the vine (not counting cherries). It's heirloom tomato harvest season! #
- @BrewCrewJess Not worth it. Guy has punishment enough enough in not 'getting' Ringo! in reply to BrewCrewJess #
- @BrewCrewJess … also, it's usually pointless arguing subjective topics. in reply to BrewCrewJess #
- @BrewCrewJess I think there are people that appear to genuinely dislike Ringo and Yoko. I pity them. in reply to BrewCrewJess #
- @disquiet Love that beaten up old AKG mic. Looks like it's coated in wax. in reply to disquiet #
- Eyjafjallajökull in popular music! http://t.co/yq2sqPqz via the great @LanguageLog #
- Listening to old ((good) pre-bad) Mahavishnu Orchestra, and trawling http://t.co/xHiY0URl #
- I'm wondering (in my geeky proggy way) why Caravan was ever classified as prog, they're really just a good pop band. #
- @Le_Berger King Crimson approached the same dynamic in the 70s, but Wetton / Fripp were fairly overwhelming sometimes too. in reply to Le_Berger #
- This is a prog album by my friend/ former DroneForest bandmate Dave Stafford @pureambient http://t.co/MYKhArji Lotsa rockin gweetar. nuffsed #
- @Gurdonark I think they were stuck w/ prog because they came from Canterbury during that specific time. in reply to Gurdonark #
- @Le_Berger Yes, it was really important to me then, but now I can't really listen to anything aside from the 70s stuff. in reply to Le_Berger #
- @Le_Berger I was around during the 70s, but I had to play catch up with music later. My early musical life is a very complicated story. in reply to Le_Berger #
- @Le_Berger Thumbnail sketch: poverty + fundamentalist extreme religion + social awkwardness + curiosity. in reply to Le_Berger #
- Good grief. Why did I wait too long to order the new Anglagard? It's already so rare that it costs fifty bucks. #
- @Le_Berger New. I'm seeing on their blog that they didn't yet have widespread distro by July 2012. in reply to Le_Berger #
- @Le_Berger I suppose I could buy from the Swedish distro, I'm wondering what it'll cost to ship. in reply to Le_Berger #
- Dude what? 25% VAT? #
- @Le_Berger Yeah, someone must have it on this side of the ocean. I'd rather not pay 60 bucks for a stupid CD. in reply to Le_Berger #
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