Disquiet Junto Denver – Photos!
Just a whole bunch of photos from the Disquiet Junto Denver concert weekend, mostly from the soundcheck. All photos were taken by Carrie.
A few other photos can be found at earlier blog posts… here and here
Here’s me & Mysterybear hanging out at Casa Vuzh:
and another. Actually, I think I prefer this one… it looks like we’re in the middle of some discussion I don’t recall at the moment. Plus you can see this year’s tomatoes (you can see some brown berries in the photo) plus the pretty wild amaranth, and our ridiculously enormous spirea).
This was Radere’s set-up. Very organized.
Here’s Cody Yantis’ set-up:
and another:
This was my set-up. You can actually see the glass I used for the glass harp portion. It’s got two contact mics taped to it, a piezo disc and a piezo ribbon. Each goes to a different bank of effects.
Here’s a bunch of artists on stage. Back to front, it’s Cody Yantis, Mysterybear, Ten and Tracer (crouching) and me.
This is another one like that, with Cody & Mysterybear, in this one you can kind of see Mysterybear’s set-up:
Dave Seidel (Mysterybear) and I chat in the background, while Jonathun Canupp sets up and Marc Weidenbaum of Disquiet tweets, or perhaps instagrams.