The Week’s Tweets
Wednesday, 13 February 2013
- @dpnem Thanks! in reply to dpnem 07:22:51, 2013-02-06
- @dpnem Guess I'd disagree, I think their Tour de France Soundtracks is fantastic. in reply to dpnem 07:24:24, 2013-02-06
- @dpnem Oh, @mothersagainst1 will be happy about Christian noise Takin' back what the devil stole from us! in reply to dpnem 07:27:03, 2013-02-06
- @mystified131 The crud's going around. in reply to mystified131 07:30:01, 2013-02-06
- The new Katie Gately track on Dystimbria is going fast, get yours before it's too late! #freemusic #ccmusic 07:35:29, 2013-02-06
- My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: Abdul Moimême (15), Kevin Drumm (14) & Auzel (14) 09:53:47, 2013-02-06
- ICYMI: New blog post on discussing how we are attentive to sound, and terminology to describe this: 12:20:08, 2013-02-06
- Received quite bad news at work today. 20:28:50, 2013-02-06
- Advertising theme: Technology is the only way to experience the miraculous. 20:31:28, 2013-02-06
- RT @snooksarmy: Beats By Fire #loop 20:36:47, 2013-02-06
- RT @snooksarmy: Re: my previous tweet, watch/listen to it on the Vine site if it doesn't loop within Twitter. Then, #remixatwill cc: @vu … 20:36:54, 2013-02-06
- This suggests to me that Vine is @djunto-ready “@snooksarmy: Beats By Fire #loop” 20:40:34, 2013-02-06
- @cinchel No not yet. Company's so small layoffs aren't a real threat, full closure is. in reply to cinchel 20:45:34, 2013-02-06
- RT @snooksarmy: Beats By Fire 2 #loop Pre-industrial music for pre-industrial people #remixatwill @djunto 21:27:12, 2013-02-06
- @disquiet That was not a true theremin, it was an 'electro-theremin' with a ribbon controller. in reply to disquiet 21:43:00, 2013-02-06
- @disquiet in reply to disquiet 21:43:31, 2013-02-06
- @sklawlor Everything's definitely not alright, sadly. I don't know how much not alright yet though…. in reply to sklawlor 22:12:58, 2013-02-06
- @dpnem @disquiet Ha ha! in reply to dpnem 07:29:47, 2013-02-07
- RT @postsilence: Found this today. It is a kind of soothing balm; I imagine many people will be allergic to it; it seems to work… http … 07:31:01, 2013-02-07
- @BerthoudSurvey What jerk is putting out leg-hold traps in Berthoud? in reply to BerthoudSurvey 17:44:46, 2013-02-07
- RT @ubuweb: If you love something, download it. 17:52:44, 2013-02-07
- @Schemawound Pete Swanson. AODL did something like this recently… didn't you @jshell? in reply to Schemawound 17:59:54, 2013-02-07
- @jshell @schemawound OH, that's right, that one is pretty heavy. Merzbird too. in reply to jshell 18:29:34, 2013-02-07
- @Schemawound @jshell @steve_hamann Pete just did a mix here that has a few different artists doing this kind of thing in reply to Schemawound 18:32:20, 2013-02-07
- Acts of Silence @dpnem was correct to recommend this: I do too 19:30:35, 2013-02-07
- Kudos to @schemawound for the blog post recommending stuff. LOVE CloudCityCars & @alexbotten/RichardSanderson collab 20:54:50, 2013-02-07
- Netlabels should make it easy to comment on any release. I will address this in my next netlabel. Retrofitting may also happen…? 21:09:50, 2013-02-07
- @jshell That's why G-D made moderators. in reply to jshell 21:59:36, 2013-02-07
- @c_a_harebell “@babycowLtd: Alan Partridge film cast revealed – British Comedy Guide (@UKComedyNews):” 07:13:38, 2013-02-08
- MMMM. Heirloom Tomato Farms posted this year's seedling list: Looking forward to May!! 18:03:59, 2013-02-08
- @c_a_harebell Dunno. in reply to c_a_harebell 18:07:05, 2013-02-08
- Has there been an uptick in right-wing art vandalism or am I nutty? “@BoingBoing painting defaced w/Truther slogan” 18:09:12, 2013-02-08
- @nofi @dpnem @jshell Thanks for the comment. Sometimes I feel like I'm releasing music into a void, I see downloads, but don't even know… in reply to nofi 18:24:01, 2013-02-08
- @nofi @dpnem @jshell …what anyone is thinking about it. I would like feedback on my stuff, and I can't be the only one. in reply to nofi 18:24:41, 2013-02-08
- @nofi @dpnem @jshell How would you facilitate/encourage feedback if you were a netlabel? in reply to nofi 18:27:19, 2013-02-08
- I'm listening to a bruised & overdriven drone. The last thing I did with Drone Forest. 18:29:20, 2013-02-08
- RT @mrdankelly: Pobody's nerfect. For example, note how I misspelled "nobody's perfect." Outrageous! 18:30:12, 2013-02-08
- RT @Schemawound: @cinchel stalking listeners on is how I got involved in Dystimbria. 18:30:49, 2013-02-08
- @larkinhavens Life in a bubble. in reply to larkinhavens 18:32:02, 2013-02-08
- @CityStarBrewing Boulder's Mountain Sun has my 2nd fave IPA among Colorado Brewers. Check them out too. in reply to CityStarBrewing 18:33:58, 2013-02-08
- RT @cinchel: thanks @vuzhmusic and as i am the only non-free one. if anyone wants a free download just @ me 18:34:46, 2013-02-08
- At @Cinchel, you guys! 18:35:21, 2013-02-08
- RT @thedarklobster: Symbol of French Republic defaced in art attack – Yahoo! News via @YahooNews 18:35:53, 2013-02-08
- @dpnem @nofi @jshell Spam is not a problem, I can moderate. Opinions are awesome. in reply to dpnem 19:05:30, 2013-02-08
- @cinchel Dude, they let you see your stampers? Awesome! in reply to cinchel 19:26:00, 2013-02-08
- @JulianSiniestro No olvides! in reply to JulianSiniestro 19:28:54, 2013-02-08
- RT @JulianSiniestro: Y antes de que se me olvide: Enhorabuena a C. Rider @vuzhmusic for his 'Electric Quintet 3': D … 19:29:04, 2013-02-08
- @jshell I came up in the cassette underground wherein there was communication. Maybe that's my neurosis. in reply to jshell 19:29:59, 2013-02-08
- @Schemawound @nofi @dpnem @jshell I'd be interested to read that. in reply to Schemawound 19:31:29, 2013-02-08
- It has always struck me as odd that when the East Coast has a snow, it has to be national news. We have snows sometimes too. 19:34:10, 2013-02-08
- RT @JulianSiniestro: @vuzhmusic ¡No! Gracias, thank you und danke schön. I love this 'Electric Quintet 3'! Masterpiece. 19:38:27, 2013-02-08
- @cinchel Oh, you own them! I should've enquired after my stampers. I kinda had sticker shock by that time though. in reply to cinchel 19:40:37, 2013-02-08
- @cinchel DUDE. You ONLY have 50 copies left? YOU ASSHOLE. in reply to cinchel 19:47:17, 2013-02-08
- @cinchel My run was 219, I think I have mailed out about 50. Ish? No one wants my shit on vinyl. in reply to cinchel 19:48:14, 2013-02-08
- @cinchel What company did you use? in reply to cinchel 19:49:07, 2013-02-08
- Agh. Listening to Bonnie Prince Billy and reading about baby-making universe: this is making me feel weird inside. 20:36:52, 2013-02-08
- @AndrewMichler I have an H4n. Aside from the hissy pre-amps I really love it. in reply to AndrewMichler 22:03:11, 2013-02-08
- @AndrewMichler Also, don't like where the power cable attaches (causes added noise). Don't know if that's a factor on the H2n in reply to AndrewMichler 22:04:39, 2013-02-08
- @hecanjog What are your previous markers of good Autechre albums? in reply to hecanjog 22:23:36, 2013-02-08
- @hecanjog yes, and? in reply to hecanjog 22:34:34, 2013-02-08
- @hecanjog Basically, my question is have you rated anything post LP5? in reply to hecanjog 22:36:19, 2013-02-08
- RT @jinjurly: RT @comicbookqueers: We can't help but wonder if @DCComics would hire someone as openly racist as Orson Scott Card is open … 23:02:16, 2013-02-08
- @hecanjog Cool. That seems to be a dividing point between people who like this band. in reply to hecanjog 10:49:55, 2013-02-09
- @hecanjog I find it hard to take seriously opinions on their new stuff from anyone who *only* likes the stuff they did 15+ years ago. in reply to hecanjog 10:51:00, 2013-02-09
- @nofi @dpnem @jshell Then we simply disagree. I don't think there's any problem with a netlabel providing a forum, as long as it's managed in reply to nofi 10:56:37, 2013-02-09
- RT @dpnem: Ant pupae use sound to communicate 10:59:13, 2013-02-09
- @lilianechlela Oh, are you hard? in reply to lilianechlela 11:01:40, 2013-02-09
- @hecanjog Oh yeah, I'm excited to hear it. in reply to hecanjog 11:45:57, 2013-02-09
- @hecanjog Hm. Oversteps was a high-water mark for me. I like almost all their albums, but Confield & Oversteps are amaze-balls. in reply to hecanjog 11:49:56, 2013-02-09
- @tobiasreber @hecanjog Yeah, I'm not fond of most of Move of Ten, I thought the consensus was that everyone preferred it to Oversteps. in reply to tobiasreber 11:53:32, 2013-02-09
- @tobiasreber I think Francisco López has done some work like that. in reply to tobiasreber 12:03:08, 2013-02-09
- @tobiasreber I probably misunderstood your query, now that I look at your second tweet. in reply to tobiasreber 12:21:37, 2013-02-09
- I'm getting so frustrated looking for shoes that I may just buy these to spite the world: 12:31:38, 2013-02-09
- Boingboing highlighting CC derivative stuff! “@BoingBoing: Copying is Not Theft, the Barbershop edition” 13:57:04, 2013-02-09
- @andrewweathers Isn't that partially what Marx was on about? in reply to andrewweathers 14:45:47, 2013-02-09
- @larkinhavens Getting out of the bubble is NOT valued in our present culture. in reply to larkinhavens 14:47:28, 2013-02-09
- @larkinhavens A lot of my writing/thinking in the last years has been about disconnect and attention. in reply to larkinhavens 14:48:27, 2013-02-09
- @newpractice No dice here. Hope you get something. in reply to newpractice 16:49:04, 2013-02-09
- @c_a_harebell I guess VitaminCottage doesn't sell Wysong anymore. I ordered some online, but it's way expensive that way. 16:59:58, 2013-02-09
- @scsupport It's kind of hard finding tracks that have been shared privately, am I missing how to search specifically for private tracks? 17:16:03, 2013-02-09
- Lotsa DM action going on tonight. Direct Message, not depeche mode glob forbid. 18:01:08, 2013-02-09
- @Big_Pause Very unhelpful! in reply to Big_Pause 18:22:35, 2013-02-09
- I can haz new domain registration? 18:50:57, 2013-02-09
- Spring stuff in Colorado. Conference on World Affairs: April8-12. Communikey Festival: April25-28. Denver Noise Fest: May10-11. 19:28:50, 2013-02-09
- An opportunity to listen. 19:55:53, 2013-02-09
- ♥ Gomorrha by Edward Ka-Spel 20:37:09, 2013-02-09
- Can you list 5 things you heard today that aren't music or someone's voice? 21:39:40, 2013-02-09
- @thedarklobster Tomorrow try to list 10. in reply to thedarklobster 21:47:53, 2013-02-09
- RT @jerrysaltz: New rule: The art world must use term "Insider Art" until it drops the term "Outsider Art." It's just a shot away. 23:05:32, 2013-02-09
- @JulianSiniestro True. in reply to JulianSiniestro 23:05:48, 2013-02-09
- People in Arizona vote for this dude? Sherriff Arpaio hires Steven Seagal to train "posse". Steven Seagal. "Posse". 23:22:49, 2013-02-09
- My 2010 album "Fragment Three Re-Works" now on Bandcamp: It's a remix of a split tape by PBK & Vidna Obmana 23:35:04, 2013-02-09
- RT @soundblog: Is music speculatively real? Marcus Boon @mbb3001 Sonic ontology & politics of vibrations, a must read @soundingoutbl … 09:28:26, 2013-02-10
- @Err0r_500 Enjoyed it. I might enjoy a mix without the percussion moreso. in reply to Err0r_500 09:37:03, 2013-02-10
- @lilianechlela Will do. in reply to lilianechlela 10:00:43, 2013-02-10
- RT @node_b_: is a new netlabel. 10:02:10, 2013-02-10
- RT @node_b_: believes strongly in Free Culture. 10:02:17, 2013-02-10
- RT @node_b_: releases all their music in Creative Commons derivative licensing. 10:02:22, 2013-02-10
- RT @node_b_: can be found here 10:02:26, 2013-02-10
- @lilianechlela What, when the particulate count gets high? in reply to lilianechlela 10:03:54, 2013-02-10
- I can haz propagation of new domain? 10:05:02, 2013-02-10
- He's not talking about money: “@Schemawound: Support #netlabels and #ccmusic .
Feed it or it will die.” 10:07:06, 2013-02-10 - @dpnem NIce! It's about time. in reply to dpnem 10:08:57, 2013-02-10
- @Schemawound Love those crappy sampled record-scratching noise. Actually this is no worse than the rest of pop music for the last 30 years. in reply to Schemawound 10:25:36, 2013-02-10
- @dpnem Who are you to say I'm not? in reply to dpnem 10:29:27, 2013-02-10
- A plastic bag caught up in one of our trees. Fantastic crinkly hiss as the wind blows through it. 11:47:14, 2013-02-10
- *Name redacted* claimed in about 2008 that the "golden age" of netlabels had past. 13:28:57, 2013-02-10
- Browsing WordPress themes. Yesterday I was browsing through shoe sites, 'cause I need new ones. Signal to noise ratio highly skewed to noise 13:52:06, 2013-02-10
- @snooksarmy Thanks for the tip. Looks promising. in reply to snooksarmy 14:47:26, 2013-02-10
- @dpnem I'm toying with Esplanade at the present. It's the customization that's a pain. in reply to dpnem 14:48:03, 2013-02-10
- @snooksarmy I had already looked at that brand. I think I ruled them out, the designs aren't quite to my taste. in reply to snooksarmy 15:19:10, 2013-02-10
- @snooksarmy I freaking love my simples, i have their greentoes. But they stopped making them, and now they're falling apart after 3 yrs in reply to snooksarmy 15:37:06, 2013-02-10
- Name as many netlabels as you can think of that primarily use CC licenses allowing derivs. (I'm making a links page) 16:52:16, 2013-02-10
- Already got @node_b_ Linear Obsessional, Nowaki, Endless Ascent. 16:53:06, 2013-02-10
- @dpnem fantastic, thanks! in reply to dpnem 17:18:37, 2013-02-10
- @dpnem not finding a textural netlabel in reply to dpnem 17:20:49, 2013-02-10
- @dpnem Treetrunk is all over the map with regard to license. I'll list 'em anyway, 'cause they do have a lot of good deriv stuff. in reply to dpnem 17:29:41, 2013-02-10
- @dpnem Well, that's a good start. The links page is a wp page, so more suggestions can go in comments in reply to dpnem 17:30:53, 2013-02-10
- @dpnem @6ft5 Well… shortly is a relative term, may take me a while to get my ducks in a row. in reply to dpnem 17:31:22, 2013-02-10
- @dpnem Yeah, he's on the ball. I do that as well, but I strongly encourage a deriv license. in reply to dpnem 17:32:07, 2013-02-10
- @dpnem That's Dystimbria, although dystimbira sounds like it would be a cool musical instrument. in reply to dpnem 17:33:05, 2013-02-10
- Last week's blog post "Ignorability and Inclusiveness" has gotten several thoughtful comments. 17:37:40, 2013-02-10
- @acufenosfest Not finding a Fuga netlabel, gotta link? in reply to acufenosfest 17:40:02, 2013-02-10
- Shoutout to @_Eeem_ for the support! Woot! 17:42:10, 2013-02-10
- @acufenosfest Thanks! in reply to acufenosfest 17:42:49, 2013-02-10
- Any recommendations for WP security plugins? 17:51:20, 2013-02-10
- @dpnem against exploits / hacking in reply to dpnem 17:53:36, 2013-02-10
- @dpnem Yeah, I have akismet & recaptcha. Looking for a good exploit scanner in reply to dpnem 17:55:49, 2013-02-10
- My 2001 album "some things I did when i lost my mind" is now on BandCamp: 18:21:44, 2013-02-10
- This album basically marks a huge turning point / progression in my history. 18:30:35, 2013-02-10
- @implicitorder Just barely. I just started putting my shit on there this month. in reply to implicitorder 20:43:43, 2013-02-10
- @implicitorder I'm using it mostly as a back-up, also for a way to provide un-compressed stuff. in reply to implicitorder 21:03:04, 2013-02-10
- Listening to this terrific 2010 release by Earthbreather: and wondering where the F*@# @saffronslumber has been. 21:50:59, 2013-02-10
- RT @alextemplemusic: If you like terrifying music, check out @vuzhmusic's "Some Things I Did When I Lost My Mind": 22:59:25, 2013-02-10
- RT @soundblog: Just Intonation Toolkit I wish I'd had when in 1980's I did Partch tunings. HT @reaktorplayer http:/ … 07:23:09, 2013-02-11
- RT @dpnem: Node b is looking experimental music submissions. Guidelines > 07:34:11, 2013-02-11
- @dpnem @tweetbot Haven't been able to justify paying money to use twitter. in reply to dpnem 07:35:30, 2013-02-11
- @_Eeem_ @fionamoocow @schemawound I haven't tried my m-audio with 10.8 yet, but I like the quality of the fasttrack pro I have. in reply to _Eeem_ 20:11:54, 2013-02-11
- @Schemawound I have the opposite opinion. in reply to Schemawound 20:24:20, 2013-02-11
- RT @dpnem: . @node_b_ is a new experimental netlabel. It’s looking for submissions as well. #ccmusic 20:26:30, 2013-02-11
- @AndrewMichler I was born the same year in Houston. Last time I went back, it was like they just piled a 2nd & 3rd Houston on top. in reply to AndrewMichler 20:41:22, 2013-02-11
- @hecanjog Did they take that down for copyright, or did you take it down? in reply to hecanjog 20:54:27, 2013-02-11
- @hecanjog Never mind. in reply to hecanjog 20:55:02, 2013-02-11
- @Schemawound I've probably listened to Confield more than any other of their releases. Doesn't sound cold to me at all. in reply to Schemawound 20:57:06, 2013-02-11
- @hecanjog I've listened to snippets on Bleep. If you pre-order the vinyl, do you get the download immediately? Do you know? in reply to hecanjog 20:59:27, 2013-02-11
- @flspectro Fantastic, thanks! Let me know if any others pop into your mind. in reply to flspectro 21:00:38, 2013-02-11
- @flspectro Are you planning new releases for '13? in reply to flspectro 21:01:14, 2013-02-11
- Ugly Italian doll fails to sell after 3rd eBay insertion. 21:25:35, 2013-02-11
- Just came back to my netlabel under-construction… the color scheme now strikes me as a bit… business-y? Guess that needs some tweaking. 21:31:57, 2013-02-11
- RT @RichardDevine: Autechre – (keyosc), Japan-only bonus track from Exai: 22:36:25, 2013-02-11
- Sonic Walker netlabel stops operation, partially citing restrictive CC license usage as a reason. 23:02:00, 2013-02-11
- @fionamoocow @schemawound So cold it gives you chilblains on yr buns? in reply to fionamoocow 23:19:34, 2013-02-11
- @dpnem Yeah, that opinion is just noise to me. I've seen 'em come & go since the tape days. These guys who think they're going to make $$$$$ in reply to dpnem 17:26:49, 2013-02-12
- @dpnem … kind of an interesting criticism of the CC license though – though they hobbledf themselves by limiting to dance music styles. in reply to dpnem 17:27:48, 2013-02-12
- @dpnem Yes, that one is really terrific. Are you still working through best of '12? in reply to dpnem 17:35:53, 2013-02-12
- I agree, splendid. “@dpnem: #np Martins Rokis "Live Recordings 2009-2011" on Uzusounds #live #noise #fuckingsplendid” 17:36:35, 2013-02-12
- @Le_Berger @dpnem Oh, didn't you already take that as a given? in reply to Le_Berger 17:38:13, 2013-02-12
- RT @pinkdots: A slow trawl through a box of old DAT tapes can be worthwhile… 17:40:33, 2013-02-12
- @mrdankelly I have no photos but there was one of these in Estes Park when I moved there, it shuttered in about '81. in reply to mrdankelly 17:47:14, 2013-02-12
- RT @mrdankelly: Anyone remember the Ripley's Believe It or Not Museum in Old Town? Have photos, memorabilia, etc.? Please contact me! #c … 17:51:15, 2013-02-12
- There's no glut of blogs writing about netlabel stuff. “@cinchel: "music churnalism field"” 17:59:32, 2013-02-12
- @andrewweathers Do you rationalize charging money for music? in reply to andrewweathers 18:06:52, 2013-02-12
- RT @alextemplemusic: I've decided I'm OK with calling a pre-recorded electronic track a "tape part," for the same reason I'm OK with "ha … 18:08:10, 2013-02-12
- @dpnem Yeah, it took me about two full months of heavy critical listening to whittle it down to the 30 I picked. in reply to dpnem 18:18:11, 2013-02-12
- @andrewweathers @le_berger I'm only drawing out your thoughts with this, not trying to convince, to be clear… in reply to andrewweathers 18:29:13, 2013-02-12
- @andrewweathers @le_berger Just interested to see if there is any moral conflict between $$ as worst thing & music/art as presumably best. in reply to andrewweathers 18:29:51, 2013-02-12
- @BrewCrewJess @andrewweathers @le_berger I've never been happier w/ any decision than the one to stop trying to make money off my work. in reply to BrewCrewJess 19:03:17, 2013-02-12
- @Steve_Hamann Yes, he also has a beef w/ SA & NC, which I firmly adhere to. I like seeing differing povs here. in reply to Steve_Hamann 19:19:40, 2013-02-12
- @andrewweathers @brewcrewjess @le_berger I have no argument about realism of the choice. in reply to andrewweathers 19:22:55, 2013-02-12
- @andrewweathers @brewcrewjess @le_berger In my case the pursuit of remuneration was joyless, and creation's key element for me is joy. in reply to andrewweathers 19:23:59, 2013-02-12
- @andrewweathers @brewcrewjess @le_berger …worse than joyless, it actually caused suffering. in reply to andrewweathers 19:24:16, 2013-02-12
- @BrewCrewJess @andrewweathers @le_berger I used to get people saying that too. How're you going to monetize your talent? … I'm not. in reply to BrewCrewJess 19:26:14, 2013-02-12
- @BrewCrewJess @andrewweathers @le_berger Depends on who says it. in reply to BrewCrewJess 19:37:58, 2013-02-12
- @BrewCrewJess @le_berger @andrewweathers You could storify it. in reply to BrewCrewJess 19:38:16, 2013-02-12
- My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: Toshimaru Nakamura (39), Cloud City Cars (25) & Ryoji Ikeda (20) 19:47:16, 2013-02-12
- Looking at the etymology of the word "drone", it's meaning of "deep, continuous humming sound" comes from the early 16th century. 20:17:32, 2013-02-12
- @dpnem Fuck poets anyway. I guess that's the only thing I can agree with Plato on. in reply to dpnem 20:19:05, 2013-02-12
- @sklawlor Example? in reply to sklawlor 21:42:40, 2013-02-12
- @Steve_Hamann I'm not as firm on SA, I might be argued off. NC I'm fairly adamant on . Should someone else make money off my work? No. in reply to Steve_Hamann 21:46:15, 2013-02-12
- @sklawlor Well, there were instruments such as the hurdy-gurdy & musette used in baroque music that had droning elements. in reply to sklawlor 22:04:26, 2013-02-12
- @tobiasreber The website I was looking at shows "dran": an old English / proto Germanic root. Middle Dutch "drane" Old High German "treno" in reply to tobiasreber 22:41:19, 2013-02-12
- @jshell I'm still enjoying the LGL Winter release. Nice stuff. in reply to jshell 22:42:07, 2013-02-12