The Week’s Tweets
Wednesday, 6 March 2013
- My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: Autechre (20), Anaal Nathrakh (20) & İlhan Mimaroğlu (20) 06:21:13, 2013-02-27
- @sklawlor That doesn't sound familiar, sorry. in reply to sklawlor 11:08:51, 2013-02-27
- Bodies sure can feel miserable sometimes. Did you know I use my voice while vomiting? Interesting fact. 11:09:24, 2013-02-27
- @Steve_Hamann Good to know I'm not all by myself with that opinion. in reply to Steve_Hamann 11:20:25, 2013-02-27
- Belly's still deciding whether it needs more quality time with the commode. 11:25:35, 2013-02-27
- @Steve_Hamann Me too. I have enough experience disagreeing with people's tastes that I can't imagine acoustic design is the answer. in reply to Steve_Hamann 11:57:59, 2013-02-27
- @Steve_Hamann Still, I enjoyed reading it. in reply to Steve_Hamann 11:58:32, 2013-02-27
- Bluuuuuurghghgh. I should've recorded all my vomit noises for that black metal album the wife keeps wanting to make. So sick. bbbb 15:07:34, 2013-02-27
- Did you see this @ameliaishmael ? “@snooksarmy: Sorrenti & Deng: Body Art. I love how disorienting this is.” 15:11:23, 2013-02-27
- @klimperei Christophe! Sorry I am late in responding, I have been sick today. I will look up the information for you. in reply to klimperei 20:56:51, 2013-02-27
- @c_a_harebell Yep. I think I saw the shit your referring to. typical in reply to c_a_harebell 20:57:45, 2013-02-27
- Wait, whaat? “@mrdankelly This… is a very, VERY different administration from all others.” 20:59:09, 2013-02-27
- RT @lacosapreziosa: Noise fans, this is for you: “@Radio_Mind: Call for Collaborators
4 months, you’ll be sent 10 … 17:33:32, 2013-02-28 - NP Test by Juan Antonio Nieto @JANietoPangea 17:39:48, 2013-02-28
- RT @thedarklobster: If music has no narrative do you still listen? 17:40:18, 2013-02-28
- RT @thedarklobster: If sound has no narrative do you still listen? 17:40:21, 2013-02-28
- @thedarklobster Narrative is a distraction. in reply to thedarklobster 17:40:31, 2013-02-28
- RT @computerneix: [2013.02] I heard this february 29 fine experimental releases #experimental 17:49:01, 2013-02-28
- RT @Le_Berger: If you missed it back then, in January I released an album on @vuzhmusic… 17:52:51, 2013-02-28
- @jshell Got travel plans worked out? in reply to jshell 18:03:19, 2013-02-28
- February Netlabel Recommendations: Here's some new stuff I have enjoyed this month, … 19:47:40, 2013-02-28
- @c_a_harebell So many Brittneys at FRCC. in reply to c_a_harebell 19:51:57, 2013-02-28
- @ameliaishmael This might also be of interest: 20:32:33, 2013-02-28
- February was a good month for free netlabel music, my list of things I liked: is way longer than January's list was. 20:54:23, 2013-02-28
- @postsilence Saw some Firefox plugin somewhere that changes the content of comment threads to "herp derp" in reply to postsilence 07:42:47, 2013-03-01
- RT @newpractice: Yellowism Video: Short Documentary Explores Bizarre Movement That Inspired Rothko Vandalism (VIDEO) … 07:43:52, 2013-03-01
- RT @thedarklobster: @newpractice @bexwax @liminallistener yes…I always think explaining sound (and art) through narrative drags you aw … 07:44:43, 2013-03-01
- @BrewCrewJess Isn't it always at least March 1st, except on March 1st? in reply to BrewCrewJess 07:49:53, 2013-03-01
- In case you didn't see it last night: netlabel recommendations from February: 07:59:40, 2013-03-01
- @cloudcitycars Sure, hope it gets a handful of listeners your way. in reply to cloudcitycars 08:01:45, 2013-03-01
- @cloudcitycars When I see a CC ND license I think "this person doesn't want remixes" – when I see copyright I think "this person will sue" in reply to cloudcitycars 08:03:56, 2013-03-01
- RT @Schemawound: I wanna put this in your ears – Trivial Cataclysms by @Le_Berger . Snap, Crackle, Drone. Interupting your calm. http … 17:49:44, 2013-03-01
- @cloudcitycars Copyright is a given, in my understanding, if there is a legal question it falls back to copyright law — (1/2) in reply to cloudcitycars 18:10:53, 2013-03-01
- @cloudcitycars (2/2) CC is a statement of author intent within inherent copyright because of abuses of the law. in reply to cloudcitycars 18:12:04, 2013-03-01
- @cloudcitycars I.E. we don't have problems as long as you use this work within the parameters specified. in reply to cloudcitycars 18:12:34, 2013-03-01
- Back to Lego Batman 2 DC Heroes: sometimes seems like a superhero battle between Danny Elfman & John Williams. 20:48:09, 2013-03-01
- 2 of 5 stars to Sound Art by Alan Licht 21:03:27, 2013-03-01
- RT @BrewCrewJess: There never were any chords. 10:38:31, 2013-03-02
- @c_a_harebell Summarize that tweet, and consider yourself done! in reply to c_a_harebell 14:14:55, 2013-03-02
- @klimperei I had to look back in archival papers: it was first out in year 2000 ! in reply to klimperei 14:51:58, 2013-03-02
- Muzak Corporation is undead, undead, undead. 17:48:36, 2013-03-02
- @c_a_harebell It's 6:40 PM, Lumpy is still asleep right where you left him. 18:42:05, 2013-03-02
- RT @ubuweb: "Beauty doesn't have any meaning whatsoever." — Ludwig Wittgenstein 19:29:26, 2013-03-02
- RT @ubuweb: "If you go in the direction of what you think is beautiful, your life will become narrower and narrower." — John Cage 19:45:08, 2013-03-02
- Big, heavy blog post in the works. I'm a bit afraid of it. 20:11:58, 2013-03-02
- @cinemaminimal @pheezy That is food for @devilcake13 in reply to pheezy 20:12:24, 2013-03-02
- Second blog post brewing. 20:18:11, 2013-03-02
- @Le_Berger Dunno man, some subjects are tough for anyone to accept. I'm burrowing at tender spaces. in reply to Le_Berger 20:18:58, 2013-03-02
- Fan: I'm having some suspicion about being a 'fan' of anything. 20:30:25, 2013-03-02
- That is the (MUCH) smaller, easier to digest blog post that hints at the difficult post that's coming. 20:31:11, 2013-03-02
- @_lapsus Fantastic. Expand please, I haven't caught up to Deleuze yet. in reply to _lapsus 20:40:14, 2013-03-02
- @Le_Berger @sklawlor I've been at very high altitude many times. It's always been windy enough that range of hearing is very limited. in reply to Le_Berger 21:01:10, 2013-03-02
- @_lapsus D&G have been on my radar for a while, I haven't been able to catch up w/ reading to get to them yet, but soon! in reply to _lapsus 22:51:51, 2013-03-02
- @thedarklobster I heard the CPR segment on blork & wondered if your kid was involved. Sounds like a good opportunity for learning. in reply to thedarklobster 22:56:48, 2013-03-02
- @_lapsus Thanks for the links. PDFs downloaded, will read soon. in reply to _lapsus 23:10:53, 2013-03-02
- @lilianechlela Don't curse people. in reply to lilianechlela 10:46:53, 2013-03-03
- @thedarklobster I had thought about going to that, but I've been recuperating from being ill. in reply to thedarklobster 10:51:35, 2013-03-03
- In which an ocarina and a looper evokes the chaos-sound of a rainforest: by @alexbotten 10:53:39, 2013-03-03
- On being a fan, brief new blog post: Be sure to read the comments, good points there. 10:57:23, 2013-03-03
- @Schemawound None here. I still curse CDrs. Ineffecient, unreliable, un-aesthetically pleasing. in reply to Schemawound 11:27:35, 2013-03-03
- @Le_Berger @schemawound I preferred cassettes aesthetically. I liked the fidelity in CDrs, when they worked as they should, which was rare. in reply to Le_Berger 11:31:32, 2013-03-03
- @Le_Berger @schemawound Abandoning tapes for CDrs was a huge mistake for Vuzh Music, but it was a stopgap on the way to netlabels, so … in reply to Le_Berger 11:32:27, 2013-03-03
- @Le_Berger @schemawound Professionally pressed CDs are fine, quite reliable. CDrs are too frequently unreliable. in reply to Le_Berger 11:33:35, 2013-03-03
- @Schemawound I don't do it often, but I occasionally enjoy the more personal contact. in reply to Schemawound 11:35:22, 2013-03-03
- @Schemawound … too often netlabel releases leave me with, at best, a stat. That tells me nothing about whether someone heard or liked it. in reply to Schemawound 11:36:14, 2013-03-03
- @Le_Berger @schemawound Disagree on both counts. I've seen arguments that it's no better ecologically. in reply to Le_Berger 11:39:18, 2013-03-03
- @Schemawound @le_berger I've been in the red since the beginning. I spend less on webhosting/domains than I did on paper, tapes, postage… in reply to Schemawound 11:42:42, 2013-03-03
- Awful waffles. Wawfles. 11:43:08, 2013-03-03
- @jshell @schemawound I'd rather have a download than a CD at this point. in reply to jshell 11:51:04, 2013-03-03
- @Le_Berger @schemawound Oh? Please explain why they are parasites, Mr. Free Market… do please. 😀 in reply to Le_Berger 11:53:38, 2013-03-03
- @MHarrisPerry Appropriation/adaptation is not in itself bad. (re harlemshake) It's the way of progress, esp artistic. 12:13:33, 2013-03-03
- @MHarrisPerry Not to say that the dance in current vogue is progressive, it seems almost like mockery. 12:16:06, 2013-03-03
- @cmonstah @pheezy I read somewhere that spit is something conservators often use for cleaning -they call it "mild enzymatic solution" in reply to pheezy 13:08:28, 2013-03-03
- @SubTide Best of luck with your new netlabel! 13:15:11, 2013-03-03
- “@SubTide: A new netlabel in town, Subterranean Tide is taking submissions for future net releases, if interested, DM me.” #ccwomen 13:15:36, 2013-03-03
- … and my new netlabel is still ascending just below the surface. Waiting on a couple of things, then… boom. 13:20:02, 2013-03-03
- Could an acoustic instrument be made that sounds like a TR-808 cowbell? 13:24:23, 2013-03-03
- @DaveSeidel ha! in reply to DaveSeidel 13:53:29, 2013-03-03
- I'm going to have to avoid the internet entirely if Mitt Romney's going to be an unavoidable presence again. Go. Away. 14:02:03, 2013-03-03
- Infinite tone serialism: Play every possible frequency once without repeating. When complete, play all again in a different order. 15:26:16, 2013-03-03
- RT @dpnem: New netlabel Xylem is run by @norahlo #ccmusic #ccwomen #netlabel 15:37:08, 2013-03-03
- @dpnem I missed that this is a new netlabel when I listened to Alex Charles thing earlier. Congrats @norahlo in reply to dpnem 15:37:59, 2013-03-03
- @dpnem @norahlo Also, wow! 2 new netlabels run by #ccwomen I've heard about this weekend! Plurality may be a distant dream, but this is good in reply to dpnem 15:39:24, 2013-03-03
- @dpnem It's @subtide – Well presumably so, anyway… in reply to dpnem 15:42:36, 2013-03-03
- The autoharp has drawn blood. Shit just got real. 16:01:25, 2013-03-03
- @Schemawound Yeah, but how long do you want to wait for it to finish? in reply to Schemawound 16:28:00, 2013-03-03
- @Schemawound Granularity isn't the only limit you'd have to set if you wanted to even try. in reply to Schemawound 16:32:23, 2013-03-03
- @Schemawound It's really just a cheeky Fluxus-esque impossible to realize composition. in reply to Schemawound 16:33:07, 2013-03-03
- @Schemawound Only do it if you can set it up so the first frequency falling within hearing range sounds after 13,000 years have elapsed. in reply to Schemawound 16:39:52, 2013-03-03
- Fear of Silence: – – New writing. 16:45:53, 2013-03-03
- That (last tweet) is the enormous blog post I threatened you with yesterday. 16:47:42, 2013-03-03
- Fear of Silence Quotes & responds to @ValhallArts, @Schemawound and @soundscrapers 16:50:10, 2013-03-03
- @Nysso @lilianechlela Only for an hour? 🙂 in reply to Nysso 17:14:38, 2013-03-03
- @Schemawound Note durations don't all have to be equal. in reply to Schemawound 17:31:30, 2013-03-03
- RT @pheezy: 20Hz (with @sunhammer) 18:11:44, 2013-03-03
- @Schemawound They could also occasionally be played as chords. in reply to Schemawound 18:19:39, 2013-03-03
- Here's a new-ish audio interview with Tom Ellard from Severed Heads: 19:18:31, 2013-03-03
- "When you do things, no one is interested, they're only interested thirty years later." – Ellard 19:21:08, 2013-03-03
- "Nostaligia is actually a disease" – Ellard 19:21:26, 2013-03-03
- @c_a_harebell @snooksarmy If you wanted it you shoulda wiped your butt with it. in reply to c_a_harebell 21:28:48, 2013-03-03
- RT @soundscrapers: "… I was told that sinners have a great hollowness that could only be filled with Jesus. Jesus didn’t make a soun … 21:34:30, 2013-03-03
- @c_a_harebell @snooksarmy You should'a heard it though. in reply to c_a_harebell 23:18:32, 2013-03-03
- Remind me to read this when I get home: “@JANietoPangea: " @mediateletipos Netlabels: Las reglas del juego #netlabel” 07:24:58, 2013-03-04
- RT @lilianechlela: For those of you who missed it: This is a great reflection on the fear of #silence by @vuzhmusic 07:27:07, 2013-03-04
- Remind me to read this too. “@frieze_magazine: frieze archive: Thomas McEvilley on The Clement Greenberg Phenomenon” 07:34:47, 2013-03-04
- RT @dpnem: Two new netlabels on the scene: @SubTide and @XylemRecords. #ccmusic #netlabels 07:34:58, 2013-03-04
- RT @dpnem: What’s really cool about these two netlabels is that they are both run by women. 07:35:03, 2013-03-04
- RT @dpnem: The netlabel scene is extremely male-dominated. This is just a small step in the right direction. 07:35:07, 2013-03-04
- New writing: Fear of Silence (since no one was paying attention this weekend!) 12:20:05, 2013-03-04
- @Schemawound Nice! in reply to Schemawound 20:00:47, 2013-03-04
- RT @dpnem: Three #ccmusic #netlabels run by women: @basic_sounds, @SubTide and @XylemRecords #ccwomen 20:02:51, 2013-03-04
- @tobiasreber Thanks! It can be pretty nerve wracking to publish something like this. No idea how people were going to take it. in reply to tobiasreber 20:09:53, 2013-03-04
- RT @pete_swans: I'm thinking less music may be the way to go.. 20:10:08, 2013-03-04
- @BrewCrewJess Yeah, me too. I kinda wanted to just get the anticipation of pressing the 'publish' button out of the way though! in reply to BrewCrewJess 20:23:20, 2013-03-04
- @valhallarts Hey Laura, you're quoted in my blog post here: 07:33:43, 2013-03-05
- RT @mediateletipos: Sigue el debate de los netlabels con comentarios de @dissonancies y @vuzhmusic 07:36:00, 2013-03-05
- Interesting comments on the blog: responding to fear of silence. 07:45:26, 2013-03-05
- @tobiasreber I'm finding that despite the anxiety, it's best to do it. It's frequently a learning experience. in reply to tobiasreber 07:55:16, 2013-03-05
- What happens if you say Guattari & Deleuze too fast. “@TheBeerTrap: What the F*ck is Gueuze? #beer #microbrew” 07:58:25, 2013-03-05
- @jinjurly I've just been using the official Twitter client. in reply to jinjurly 17:46:16, 2013-03-05
- @jinjurly People keep recommending tweetbot, but I haven't been able to justify paying money for twitter. in reply to jinjurly 17:49:44, 2013-03-05
- @_JeffSampson oops! in reply to _JeffSampson 18:00:00, 2013-03-05
- @ValhallArts Ah, I didn't realize it was a quote. in reply to ValhallArts 18:06:50, 2013-03-05
- @dpnem @jinjurly I would horde the money for the coming money apocalypse! in reply to dpnem 18:16:09, 2013-03-05
- World wide decentralized free-ccmusic network. 19:19:20, 2013-03-05
- @cinchel @le_berger Oh shit, do you have eye protection? in reply to cinchel 19:30:02, 2013-03-05
- @disquiet Coincidentally I needed to download something from there tonight, so I joined up. in reply to disquiet 19:54:46, 2013-03-05
- @andrewweathers Thayr's a beer in my beard, I'm cryin' for ya dear in reply to andrewweathers 21:21:47, 2013-03-05
- Good grief. George Lucas wants to open a museum dedicated to his taste in art. #eyeroll Rich ppl's taste = culture! 22:02:48, 2013-03-05