Review of Four Improvisations

Tuesday, 2 July 2013

“Four Improvisations” by C. Reider & C. Reider out on the OpenSoundGroup label was reviewed by Yeah I Know It Sucks blog.


“The music moves like a good story and when I close my eyes an amazing film is being presented in these fine sounds. It feels like friendly aliens have landed somewhere in a remote area of a snowy Alaska, where they are helping out the locals to keep warm by providing unearthly knowledge and machinery. They are absolutely a peaceful bunch as the sounds are very friendly and warm, even though my ears have never heard many of these sounds with my own human ears before. High buzzing, warm low base tones of electronic communications, crisper sounds, echoes of warmth and strange electronic surgery equipment. With its more than 24 minutes play length this track definitely got time enough to create a wonderful and exciting atmosphere of a friendly sci-fi kind.”

Four Improvisations can be downloaded here:

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