Eclipse Sound
The total solar eclipse was easily the most spectacular, astounding thing I have ever seen.
Totality was so searingly beautiful it seems like it should have made a sound. A chirping, sizzling, Earth-shaking blast-buzz. A massed chorus of uncountable drifting frequencies, the most exhilarating avant-garde shit you’ve never heard.
… so anyways, here’s what the eclipse actually sounded like for us:
A few minutes before, during and after the total solar eclipse, recorded at Camp Wyoba on Casper Mountain, outside of Casper, Wyoming.
We had an entire mountain meadow almost entirely to ourselves, most of the people in camp were gathered together in a larger meadow about a quarter mile away, but it’s mostly their sound you can hear. I don’t need to point out when totality begins and ends in the recording, because it’s really obvious.
Present in our group were Carrie Hodges, her brother Alec, and myself (C. Reider).
The photo was taken by Carrie Hodges.
“I’m just imagining this wave of screams passing across the entire United States”
