Weekly Twitter Update
- @Gurdonark @dpnem When I was younger "experimental music" (acc'd to some) was for academics, the rest is just noise. Things have changed. in reply to Gurdonark #
- Ugly mayhem at @airandspace museum instigated by conservative agent provocateur: http://t.co/0okbW4Vr #ows #
- @Gurdonark @dpnem I would say that experimental music never was an academic thing, that it was a bad attitude. This is what changed. in reply to Gurdonark #
- @Gurdonark @dpnem I just recalled this kind of thing in the comment about sound art being something for academics. in reply to Gurdonark #
- @Gurdonark I meant bad attitude separating "academic experimental music" on one side vs "just noise" on the other. It was a false separation in reply to Gurdonark #
- ♥ Consolamentum by Thinking Plague http://t.co/HYuhInUk #
- @Le_Berger I agree it is elitism, unfortunately it is promulgated by both sides of the false divide. A two-way street. in reply to Le_Berger #
- Yes! RT: @Gurdonark: @vuzhmusic @dpnem I favor "sound art" as a working definition for an experience, with no pedigree or degree plan. #
- ♥ Rapture Of The Deep (For Leslie) by Thinking Plague http://t.co/caRkTOQu #
- @Maraxnoise You're asking the wrong guy, I've never used it. When I do feedback, it's usually by mic'ing an amp. in reply to Maraxnoise #
- @Maraxnoise I would guess that if you use a mixer, you can control the levels… in reply to Maraxnoise #
- @Maraxnoise … but I've always thought the point of no-input was that you don't care about the equipment. in reply to Maraxnoise #
- New stuff at Dystimbria! @Le_Berger stretches out & gets raspy with his new piece "Cheptel éparpillé" Download it: http://t.co/tE7ASdCp #
- RT @Le_Berger NEW RELEASE "Cheptel éparpillé" for @vuzhmusic 's sublabel Dystimbria somewhere between noise & ambient. http://t.co/IvgiCaYS #
- RT @Le_Berger NEW RELEASE (free download) "Cheptel éparpillé" is now out on dystimbria, a sublabel of Vuzh Music The… http://t.co/nxgdz7zU #
- @gacougnol Thanks for the RT! in reply to gacougnol #
- I read about the McGurk effect today & had to find out if it works or not. For me it doesn't: http://t.co/BNApNTJX #
- @cinchel I watched a ton of videos and it doesn't have the slightest effect on me. It worked for you, then? in reply to cinchel #
- @cinchel Fascinating. Supposedly it works on a majority of people. in reply to cinchel #
- @Le_Berger No sweat, happens all the time. in reply to Le_Berger #
- Timely, I've been reading about this guy. RT @hecanjog Robert Morris on Silence http://t.co/LXtJUiko #
- @hecanjog Perfect. Thanks for sharing that. in reply to hecanjog #
- @snooksarmy You will read this: http://t.co/LXtJUiko in reply to snooksarmy #
- I'm having a cross btw self-doubt and mortal fear about my project. I. DO. NOT. KNOW. WHAT. I. AM. DOING. #
- "Are you failing?" #
- My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: Dieter Moebius (25), Jon Hassell (16) & This Heat (11) http://t.co/tvPbaNRK #
- Me too! RT @ValhallArts Excited to see the new Ft Collins Museum of Discovery & Science near completion (a State museum-Federally funded) #
- @newpractice Oh shit, I do need to get down there to see that Joseph Cornell exhibit. Plus the motion / sound exhibit with the Tinguely too. in reply to newpractice #
- @mrdankelly Hey, @c_a_harebell & I have a chance to see your beloved Cornell pieces! http://t.co/IbGepy7K Hope we can get down there for it. #
- Ben Burtt visits Disney's foley collection: http://t.co/qR5cjwrP (about sound design in Wall-E) #
- High heels. I do not understand why they are in such common use. They creep me out. #
- @c_a_harebell Gobble, gobble. in reply to c_a_harebell #
- Fort Collins folks, now there's an @OccupyFTCollins #
- @Le_Berger Well, if residents start clogging the main street of the little farm town I live in, THEN it's definitely a big deal. in reply to Le_Berger #
- There's also a hashtag for #OccupyFoCo #
- Auzel gets a mention at Acts of Silence! http://t.co/fP9jEpsm Thanks @dpnem #
- @Le_Berger Good move, every netlabel person should have a website. in reply to Le_Berger #
- Every single netlabel person should have their own website. Myspace & Soundcloud don't count. Some ppl swear by FB, but not me, I won't go. #
- Read the Auzel review on Acts of Silence: http://t.co/fP9jEpsm #
- People are beside themselves with how great the new tracks by @kidfeardive & @Le_Berger are. Have you heard them yet? http://t.co/tE7ASdCp #
- Just pulled the first potatoes from the garden. Got three beautiful, big white ones. (Can't remember the variety name) #
- @mystified131 A couple of them are going on the grill immediately! in reply to mystified131 #
- Just set up a Google+ circle for casual thoughts about sound art that don't fit on Twitter. Lemme know if you want in. Helps if you're on G+ #
- @strangeduck Are you on Google+? If not, I occasionally rant about sound art here on Twitter too… 🙂 in reply to strangeduck #
- @strangeduck Ah, woops, I see that you just added me up there. Will add you to that circle post-haste. in reply to strangeduck #
- Contemporary artists are total space gluttons. #
- Reading the overnight tweets by @OccupyDenver as Denver Police dispersed them… #OWS #
- @mrdankelly Love licking that soul batter off the beaters. in reply to mrdankelly #
- I am re-connecting to the band Killing Joke. Haven't listened to them in so many years! #
- Jeezus. Is Obama STILL giving up stuff on the health care law in hopes of a "compromise"? #
- What's wrong with the term "experimental music"? #
- @saffronslumber Alright, so why is everyone abandoning it for "sound art", a term which already has a meaning? in reply to saffronslumber #
- @mystified131 Very good point. Music is a minefield of a term. However art is a goddamned NUCLEAR FUCKING BOMB of a term, so why? in reply to mystified131 #
- My point is that "experimental music" has a history that we can associate with. "Sound art" has a history too. Check before using the term. #
- @saffronslumber It's not necessarily so controversial in so much as words have actual meaning. To me misuse is not controversy, it's misuse. in reply to saffronslumber #
- @LuxFero23 It's a good term to use. in reply to LuxFero23 #
- @saffronslumber You should adopt no terminology without being aware of its history and connotations. Be aware. in reply to saffronslumber #
- .@LuxFero23 Some terminology has meanings that go beyond mere "genre" – it's important to be aware of what labels you append to yourself in reply to LuxFero23 #
- @saffronslumber "Experimental music" has enough of a history that you can learn from a variety of viewpoints. Best scenario. "Sound art" too in reply to saffronslumber #
- @Gurdonark Agreed. 🙂 in reply to Gurdonark #
- @Steve_Hamann This is a good point. Dilution of terminology is problematic. This is why I object to the use of "sound art" from musicians. in reply to Steve_Hamann #
- @saffronslumber The best thing, as with anything, is to expose yourself to as much as possible & arrive at your own POV through the process. in reply to saffronslumber #
- To paraphrase Werner Herzog's advice, if you want to be an experimental music composer, "READ, READ, READ, READ, READ, READ, READ." #
- @saffronslumber It's about understanding. Terms mean things. Experimental music is a good term for us to understand & use. in reply to saffronslumber #
- @saffronslumber Mainly, I'm protesting the use of "sound art" instead of "experimental music". I think "sound art" is inappropriate. in reply to saffronslumber #
- @Steve_Hamann This is another good point, and a good example is what happened to "industrial music". in reply to Steve_Hamann #
- @saffronslumber If one understood that "sound art" arrives from a confluence of contemporary visual art practice and sonic art practice… in reply to saffronslumber #
- @saffronslumber … then "sound art" is obviously inappropriate from a netlabel release of experimental music. … in reply to saffronslumber #
- @saffronslumber … from there arises the question, what was wrong with the term "experimental music" that one had to search elsewhere? in reply to saffronslumber #
- @saffronslumber I think it is appropriate that the netlabel community be a forum for experimental music. Where else would it go? in reply to saffronslumber #
- @saffronslumber The best way a netlabel can stand out is by 1) release good material 2) engage the community. in reply to saffronslumber #
- @LuxFero23 I haven't listened to them since sometime in the 90s. Great band, yeah! in reply to LuxFero23 #
- @ValhallArts It's a fine concept with clear history & definablility that some people (inexplicably) are shying away from. in reply to ValhallArts #
- @disquiet Good question. You mean just marking the book as read, but not rating at all? I'd guess that doesn't count in the averaging. in reply to disquiet #
- Hm. Looks like I might want to pick up the new Pole album, sounds good: http://t.co/CibBu7m4 #
- @hecanjog Music is often empty in reply to hecanjog #
- @hecanjog Music is a set of rails. in reply to hecanjog #
- @hecanjog Music is, (as spirit is), a bone. in reply to hecanjog #
- @hecanjog On the other hand, music is the wind between the grass. in reply to hecanjog #
- Ambitious. #
- Is it buy another book about sound art, or is it save the forty dollars? Books are 'spensive. #
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