Archive for the uncategorized Category

Weekly Twitter Update

Sunday, 08 August 2011

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Larimer County Fair

Tuesday, 08 August 2011

The wife and I took a trip to the County Fair. Listen!

Larimer County Fair by vuzhmusic

Weekly Twitter Update

Sunday, 08 August 2011
  • Just saw Herzog's "Encounters at the End of the World" – Noticed in the credits that Cheryl Leonard's music was used. #
  • @DarthBuddha I amn't. When I saw him speak he said that hugging a tree is the most embarrassing thing possible for a person to do. in reply to DarthBuddha #
  • Contemporary is not synonymous with new. #
  • The truth does not need for you to believe in it. #
  • Aha! Dreamhost offers Quicktime streaming as an alternative to flash. #
  • I've just bought a domain. Vuzh Music sublabel ahoy! #
  • The next Vuzh Music re-release has the catalog number vuzh002. #
  • @jinjurly I'm 5'4", & recently weighed in at 160, which was a surprise. Also, I have trouble getting my hands in the right place on keyboard in reply to jinjurly #
  • @_loscil_ Happy birthday? in reply to _loscil_ #
  • @newpractice Did you see this? #
  • @newpractice My thoughts exactly. in reply to newpractice #
  • @noisician I haven't looked yet to see if there are C. Reider tracks. If there are, I don't know who's getting the royalties from any plays. in reply to noisician #
  • @noisician But I want my twenty-nine one-hundred-thousandth of a penny. in reply to noisician #
  • … And today the favicon shows up on my new website. Propagation is weird. #
  • If there were only one single, solitary, angry White Christian male Republican left in the world, he'd STILL run everything in this country #
  • My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: Giacinto Scelsi (20), Stretta (14) & Miriodor (13) #
  • I wonder what that shit sounds like. RT: @BoingBoing: Man heard his eyeballs rotate, heart beat #
  • @tobiasreber I'm there. I'm finding it mildly useful. in reply to tobiasreber #
  • The truth doesn't need a marketing industry, nor lobbyists, nor a news network, no matter how "profitable" #
  • @disquiet Ah, did you make another successful transit around the sun? Happy birthday. in reply to disquiet #
  • It's raining! My roof isn't leaking! First tomato has begun to turn! #reasonstobehappy #
  • @c_a_harebell (Susanne Lewis is the singer from Thinking Plague – but that has nothing to do w/ this) #
  • We are getting some amazing rain tonight! I've shut off the computer twice due to lightning. #
  • "Professional suicide" – on giving music away free, Bob Ostertag in the Wire (via @silberspy) #
  • That's a surprise RT @DarthBuddha announced that will end after the end of the month. will continue #
  • @dpnem Yes. At least he's personally invested in the topic. Not the usual "expert". in reply to dpnem #
  • @dpnem The marketing against piracy is ubiquitous. As soon as most people hear "free on the internet" they presume from there. in reply to dpnem #
  • Recent very severe DDoS attacks against LiveJournal were allegedly done by Russian government. #
  • . @SoundCloud is actually a pain in the ass when it comes to downloading someone's entire album. #
  • Cladistic Phylogenies would be a good band name. #noitwouldnt #
  • RT: @jshell: More dreams of people who incorporate hot air balloons into their music gear. #
  • RT: @icystew: AUTOreverse REVIEWS: C. Reider – "Formerly Sine Drones" and "Owning Extinctions" 2011: #
  • I think every Tea Party member should have his/her personal credit downgraded. #
  • If someone is running for an election based on the promise that they're going to FUCK! SHIT! UP! to make a point… they just might do it. #
  • PS: Republicans, you own the economy now. #
  • I mean, you created it before, but now you've really fucked it up. #
  • Hey thanks for teaching us all such an important lesson. #heckofajobteaparty #
  • A funny review of C. Reider's 2011 albums Owning Extinctions & Formerly Sine Drones: #
  • Peak finding. Peak squashing. So glamorous. #
  • Art Zoyd has a noise album called "Pure Noise". does not review it. #
  • Spent the evening at the County Fair, recorded a bunch of cool sounds there. #

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Weekly Twitter Update

Sunday, 07 July 2011

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Weekly Twitter Update

Sunday, 07 July 2011

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Thursday, 07 July 2011

I’m now active on the beta version of Google+, if there are any readers who wish to add me to their circles, feel free:

Indeterminacy 47

Friday, 03 March 2011

This summer I’m going to give a class in mushroom
identification at the New School for Social
Research. Actually, it’s five field trips, not
really a class at all. However, when I proposed it
to Dean Clara Mayer, though she was delighted with
the idea, she said, “I’ll have to let you know later
whether or not we’ll give it.” So she spoke to the
president who couldn’t see why there should be a
class in mushrooms at the New School. Next she spoke
to Professor MacIvor who lives in Piermont. She
said, “What do you think about our having a mushroom
class at the New School?” He said, “Fine idea.
Nothing more than mushroom identification develops
the powers of observation.” This remark was relayed
both to the president and to me. It served to get
the class into the catalogue and to verbalize for
me my present attitude toward music: it isn’t
useful, music isn’t, unless it develops our powers
of audition. But most musicians can’t hear a single
sound, they listen only to the relationship between
two or more sounds. Music for them has nothing to
do with their powers of audition, but only to do
with their powers of observing relationships. In
order to do this, they have to ignore all the crying
babies, fire engines, telephone bells, coughs, that
happen to occur during their auditions. Actually,
if you run into people who are really interested in
hearing sounds, you’re apt to find them fascinated
by the quiet ones. “Did you hear that?” they will

— John Cage, from “Indeterminacy”, 1958

Formerly Sine Drone 1-1-2011

Sunday, 01 January 2011

This drone was previously a 59 Hz tone. Obviously it was not a 100% pure sine wave. It was transformed into this drone using nothing but high & low pass filters and equalizer. No additive processes (effects) used aside from volume.

Formerly Sine Drone 1-1-2011 by vuzhmusic

BoingBoing on Netlabels

Monday, 12 December 2010

One of the netlabel under-world’s resident saints, Marc Weidenbaum of Disquiet, is writing for Boingboing for a short while — and he’s used the opportunity to post about netlabels with a very nicely done, surface-scratching, invite-you-to-discover-more-for-yourself overview:

Netlabels: Release, Remix, Repeat

Cocky and Stupid American Drone

Sunday, 10 October 2010

Here’s a new track, in progress, something I’ve been playing around with. I’m aware that it might be strident to some listeners, but I’ve been fascinated of late with high frequency & low frequency contrast.

The title refers to the Pew Research study that showed that American young people are uneducated and un/mis-informed, but make up for it with an abundance of confidence.

Cocky and Stupid American Drone by C. Reider

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