Weekly Twitter Update
- There is no reverb in space. #
- O, why did we move down to the valley? I only feel at home above 9000 feet. #
- @newpractice Jeez, is that even possible? in reply to newpractice #
- My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: Front 242 (15), U Totem (12) & Samla Mammas Manna (11) http://bit.ly/cc9OIH #
- An odd melody from a loud calliope woke me last night. Once awake I realized it was actually a passing train. Only a matter of perspective. #
- Relentlessly mistrust groupthink. #
- I am listening to some @centrozoon on Spotify now, so that @tobiasreber can split $0.00077601 with his bandmates. #
- @ENE_RVA I've been rocking hard to them all Summer. in reply to ENE_RVA #
- @ENE_RVA My Summer Jamzzz: https://plus.google.com/#115824106778896363774/posts/RUYmDA8Hs5K in reply to ENE_RVA #
- Take a trip to the County Fair with me: http://snd.sc/o4O606 #phonography #
- I made some recordings at the County Fair: http://snd.sc/o4O606 #
- Laughing while looking back at my days in music journalism. In an interview I really asked "Is the point really to just annoy the listener?" #
- The new Vuzh Music release reveals the earliest sounds from C. Reider yet! Plus Auzel & Histatic Charge! http://vuzhmusic.com/ OUT NOW #
- New release on Vuzh Music is from 1995. Cat# is vuzh002. Check out a bit of my history: http://vuzhmusic.com/releases/unseelie.html #
- New release: the Unseelie Court – Fall http://vuzhmusic.com/releases/unseelie.html #
- @dpnem Wow, I would've figured the Soundcloud number would be higher. in reply to dpnem #
- @jshell Thank you kindly for the retweet! #
- @ENE_RVA Thanks for the heads up, will fix it asap! #
- @dpnem @cinchel Multi-platform coverage! The more places you are, the more chances people will find you. #netlabels get business savvy! in reply to dpnem #
- @ENE_RVA Terry Burke ran Set Cassettes in Cinci, OH for a number of years, active networker in tape underground. Does puppetry now. in reply to ENE_RVA #
- @ENE_RVA He was also a radio DJ as Dr. T 13 in Cinci area. in reply to ENE_RVA #
- @ENE_RVA Strike that, I think he did the radio gig in Massachusetts… ? in reply to ENE_RVA #
- This month's best search term that led someone to my site: "Electronica music stars from 2000-2011" #
- Biodata is a beautiful looking netlabel, but I can't get the popup player to work. #
- The wife points me at Michael Gira's statement on the PIAS warehouse fire: http://thequietus.com/articles/06752-michael-gira-pias-statement #
- Russian / American #museums call off loans in embargo / tit-for-tat spat: http://is.gd/ouzhEw #
- @cinchel You could try "solo guitar"? I'm sure expectations would be either for folk wankery or jazz wankery, but let 'em eat cake. in reply to cinchel #
- @pureambient Cheers on the divorce, man! I'd buy you a cold one if I were there. in reply to pureambient #
- @dpnem You actually do commendably well with this. I get lots of misspelled "Reider"s too. in reply to dpnem #
- @dpnem Helps to spell it correctly if you don't rhyme it with "buzz" … Vuzh rhymes with "rouge" (French for red). in reply to dpnem #
- Capper to a bad day: came home to find someone had come into our yard & stolen from our tomato plants. Humanity, I loathe you. #
- @nofi @DaveSeidel *rimshot* in reply to nofi #
- Loved it RT @ebertchicago Remember Winebago Man-the angry f-word guy on the video? A good doc about him is FREE on Hulu: http://t.co/I9hlIXL #
- @icystew @dpnem Thanks for the shout out of the Unseelie Court! #
- RT @icystew NEWS: Vuzh Music reissues "Fall" by The Unseelie Court: wp.me/pvj9D-by #
- I am working on the car in the garage, and listening to cassette from tape trading days. #
- My reading material: how to fix an automatic transmission. #
- PPC Version would be a great band name. So ~RETRO~. #
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