The Week’s Tweets
Wednesday, 05 May 2013
- My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: File Under Toner (36), Tom Ellard (24) & Evematic (16) 03:04:12, 2013-05-01
- Alright! “@mystery_bear: First review of The Quiet Sun: WTF?! Wednesdays: Mystery Bear, "Epicycle" (2013)” 06:13:07, 2013-05-01
- RT @Wingnutte: Who owns the air I breathe? Because I owe them a shit ton of money. #tcot #privatizationissosexy 06:20:18, 2013-05-01
- "J.J. Abrams Eyeing John Williams" Shouldn't it be 'earing'? 06:23:54, 2013-05-01
- RT @thewiremagazine: One of the Boards of Canada RSD 12"s is going for $4,600 on eBay: worth it? 16:10:18, 2013-05-01
- @newpractice Eek. Watch your step! in reply to newpractice 16:13:50, 2013-05-01
- @grahamdunning Cool! Sound Through Barriers exhibited piece w/ similar method (although artist used sound film) in reply to grahamdunning 18:17:40, 2013-05-01
- @grahamdunning Here was that piece: in reply to grahamdunning 18:18:36, 2013-05-01
- RT @computerneix: [2013.04] I heard this april 26 fine experimental releases #experimental 18:19:14, 2013-05-01
- @Steve_Hamann It's been snowing all day here! in reply to Steve_Hamann 18:22:07, 2013-05-01
- @benjamindauer The artwork / waveforms are showing up fine for me as well… scrolled all the way down, didn't see anything weird. in reply to benjamindauer 18:51:49, 2013-05-01
- @Le_Berger It's snowing here. But I'm still having a cold one. in reply to Le_Berger 18:54:28, 2013-05-01
- RT @ENE_RVA: Step out of the music sometime. It's not a bad thing music people. I forgot my punchline…. 19:11:17, 2013-05-01
- @Steve_Hamann My office in the foundry gets well over 90 degrees Fahrenheit during Summer, so I don't mind the cold weather. in reply to Steve_Hamann 19:12:24, 2013-05-01
- @dpnem @thewiremagazine a moron and his money in reply to dpnem 19:14:37, 2013-05-01
- @thedarklobster @le_berger Ha, I have that craving EVERY day! I'm loving the snow though. in reply to thedarklobster 19:15:38, 2013-05-01
- @thedarklobster @le_berger You got 16"? Are you in the foothills? I didn't see accumulation above 8 or 9" here, but it was very wet. in reply to thedarklobster 19:17:08, 2013-05-01
- Argh! No autoplay, netlabels! Never, ever autoplay! 21:10:48, 2013-05-01
- @mystified131 Happy engagement! What music are you going to play at the wedding! 😀 in reply to mystified131 21:11:50, 2013-05-01
- @grahamdunning Reads like a really cool project. in reply to grahamdunning 06:31:28, 2013-05-02
- @jshell … with stupid? in reply to jshell 06:33:52, 2013-05-02
- RT @free103point9: Why do so many radio shows use the sound of light bulbs, electronic hums, etc. as background sounds? Weird. #thereisnosu… 16:44:48, 2013-05-02
- I have the privilege of listening to upcoming releases on – You're going to like them. 16:49:33, 2013-05-02
- @XylemRecords @schemawound @norahlo Cool, I listen forward to it! in reply to norahlo 16:52:34, 2013-05-02
- RT @cinchel: formless music. 16:52:48, 2013-05-02
- Oh no, R.I.P. Jeff Hanneman. Slayer was one of my favorites. 🙁 17:35:56, 2013-05-02
- @ENE_RVA Thanks man! I wish @nofi could have heard it. in reply to ENE_RVA 17:41:18, 2013-05-02
- RT @ENE_RVA: @vuzhmusic Second Nothing is crazy beautiful. 17:44:31, 2013-05-02
- This weird conflict of feeling sad/melancholy, but wanting to bang my head and thrash around to Reign in Blood. Apollonian and Dionysian 17:49:09, 2013-05-02
- Praise, hail Satan, you guys! 18:07:36, 2013-05-02
- Jesus saves, you guys! 18:10:08, 2013-05-02
- I have yet only just begun to take your fuckin' life, you guys! #slayer 18:15:28, 2013-05-02
- The 2nd band I was ever in had a name referencing the Slayer song "Criminally Insane"- We were: Criminally Idiotic. We were also awful. 18:18:49, 2013-05-02
- Do you wanna die, you guys? #slayer 18:23:44, 2013-05-02
- @JulianSiniestro THIS: in reply to JulianSiniestro 18:27:33, 2013-05-02
- @dpnem When you grew up at a certain time, and were white in a small town, you were doomed to either country or metal. I made my choice. in reply to dpnem 06:35:55, 2013-05-03
- @erstlaub I've bought a few cool synths on Etsy. A weird place to find cool stuff. in reply to erstlaub 06:40:09, 2013-05-03
- .@disquiet The internet is negative about noise: in reply to disquiet 16:03:10, 2013-05-03
- @jinjurly That looks stupid yummy. in reply to jinjurly 16:04:24, 2013-05-03
- @c_a_harebell 16:11:58, 2013-05-03
- @sklawlor Have you tried ? in reply to sklawlor 16:26:40, 2013-05-03
- RT @Schemawound: I have a new album out on @XylemRecords "Domestic Ghosts" is a free D/L. Also check recent Xylem albums by @nstarke , @th… 16:57:54, 2013-05-03
- RT @99andBarry: Listen to my awesome chat with gay-hater Michelle Shocked here: 17:10:01, 2013-05-03
- @99andBarry Holy crap! Wooot wooot wooot wooot! in reply to 99andBarry 17:17:11, 2013-05-03
- Good grief. This person seriously needs help: Interview by @99andBarry 17:20:23, 2013-05-03
- That goddamned Def Leppard song is driving me batty. 17:36:38, 2013-05-03
- That thing where you have a brilliant idea and it fades away beyond recollection in seconds. 18:16:40, 2013-05-03
- I am a human being who has witnessed a bolide: 18:18:33, 2013-05-03
- @mystified131 Sounds like a convincing argument to have gone. in reply to mystified131 18:28:24, 2013-05-03
- @lastfmsupport Hiya, so my scrobble count is missing like 5000 plays. What's up with that? User=vuzh 18:42:32, 2013-05-03
- High school friend calling wanting to see if I want to go to Opeth / Mastodon / Ghost. I might. 20:07:48, 2013-05-03
- @disquiet Oh! The internet is negative about nostalgia: Who would have guessed? #mbv #boc in reply to disquiet 21:41:38, 2013-05-03
- @schemawound @norahlo @mystery_bear I'm guessing none of you guys are going to be in town for this? 21:48:05, 2013-05-03
- @thedarklobster That SC symposium looks great, thanks for the tip. in reply to thedarklobster 21:49:10, 2013-05-03
- @postsilence I have a whole blog category for that: Mostly free to download stuff. in reply to postsilence 07:34:03, 2013-05-04
- @postsilence Ooh, if you find that & it's an English translation, let me know! in reply to postsilence 07:52:15, 2013-05-04
- @norahlo @schemawound @mystery_bear If you have recommendations of unmissable shows/lectures for someone who knows nothing of SC, lemme know in reply to norahlo 07:54:15, 2013-05-04
- @norahlo @schemawound @mystery_bear 'Cause this is just about 40 minutes from my home. in reply to norahlo 07:54:56, 2013-05-04
- RT @lilianechlela: Ending a track by speeding its tempo up to 170%.. Wtf 07:57:29, 2013-05-04
- @steveburnett Wouldn't that be nice? in reply to steveburnett 08:00:20, 2013-05-04
- RT @DaveSeidel: The latest mysterybear release is The Quiet Sun: #ccmusic #dronoise @vuzhmusic 08:25:58, 2013-05-04
- Readying to go down to Denver to pick up heirloom tomato starters. 08:32:51, 2013-05-04
- I will envy their greenhouse again. 08:33:16, 2013-05-04
- @Schemawound @norahlo @mystery_bear It seems highly unlikely that I'll do that before the date. in reply to Schemawound 16:37:30, 2013-05-04
- @c_a_harebell in reply to c_a_harebell 17:24:07, 2013-05-04
- Sometimes. Not so splendid if it's a way of life. “@disquiet: Splendid. RT @SethSHorowitz: @disquiet The right sound is attentional armor.” 17:31:17, 2013-05-04
- Muscle bound, tattooed white guy posing, looking pensive with his head leaned against his guitar. 18:58:17, 2013-05-04
- Another win for deregulation: Taxpayers will be footing this bill, I guess that's better than ONEROUS GOVERNMENT 19:36:50, 2013-05-04
- "It’s rare for TX to require ins. on any kind of hazardous activity-We have little oversight of hazardous activities & even less regulation" 19:39:44, 2013-05-04
- West Fertilizer Company is the poster child for the benefits of deregulation. 19:42:06, 2013-05-04
- Yummy grilled sexual harassment! , 10:36:06, 2013-05-05
- @norahlo That sounds vaguely like a challenge. in reply to norahlo 10:39:03, 2013-05-05
- RT @AndrewMichler: @newpractice Barbara Kruger Responds to Supreme's Lawsuit: 'A Ridiculous Clusterf**k of Totally Uncool Jokers' http://t.… 10:47:25, 2013-05-05
- RT @Gurdonark: Netlabels like show how Creative Commons music can fill all kinds of small niches that commercial music cannot p… 10:49:26, 2013-05-05
- @Gurdonark Too bad they use ND, alas… in reply to Gurdonark 10:50:28, 2013-05-05
- I'm listening to Wolf Eyes for the first time. I've avoided them due to that ridiculous band name. 10:51:20, 2013-05-05
- @lastfmsupport Yup, that should do it, thanks! in reply to lastfmsupport 10:55:12, 2013-05-05
- @KagroX “@denverpostlite: Man shoots self while cleaning soda from gun in Colorado Springs” 10:59:13, 2013-05-05
- @jiyahkelly I'm a proud eater of quiche and am ambivalent about gender roles anyway! in reply to jiyahkelly 11:11:40, 2013-05-05
- @jiyahkelly Yeah, yechhh. Why can't all bands be named Accidental Goat Sodomy? in reply to jiyahkelly 11:13:31, 2013-05-05
- @jiyahkelly I was never fashionable enough to be that dorky. in reply to jiyahkelly 11:14:07, 2013-05-05
- RT @AlbertBrooks: Dear God: The hairs that come out of your nose as you get older serve no purpose and is plain mean. Thank you. 12:03:10, 2013-05-05
- I'm working at this afternoon. New release in the works. 12:28:30, 2013-05-05
- @lilianechlela Big houses. Is that a photo of rich-ville? Plus I don't see you're bf there in the sky. in reply to lilianechlela 14:17:50, 2013-05-05
- @snooksarmy Proceed with caution. in reply to snooksarmy 14:22:30, 2013-05-05
- @lilianechlela Villagers have big fuckin' houses over there. in reply to lilianechlela 14:23:29, 2013-05-05
- @lilianechlela Israel is the new world cop. in reply to lilianechlela 14:25:05, 2013-05-05
- Here's a pic of me & @mystery_bear. Listen to Mysterybear's newest: 14:39:44, 2013-05-05
- – There's also the biggest spirea in town looming back there behind Dave. in reply to vuzhmusic 14:40:38, 2013-05-05
- RT @snooksarmy: @vuzhmusic The spirea is actually a manifestation of the sound. 15:00:53, 2013-05-05
- @snooksarmy Moments of pure, free, dionysian transcendency contrasted with wonky, belchy, yelping posturing. #wolfeyes in reply to snooksarmy 15:03:25, 2013-05-05
- @snooksarmy I'd say they're worth paying attention to, I'd jump at the chance to see them perform. in reply to snooksarmy 15:03:57, 2013-05-05
- @lilianechlela It's definitely a pissy form of dominance, isn't it. in reply to lilianechlela 17:04:58, 2013-05-05
- April Netlabel Recommendations: 26 new free releases. #ccmusic #netlabels #freemusic #experimentalmusic 18:40:24, 2013-05-05
- Tiny jumping spider. 18:51:14, 2013-05-05
- @BrewCrewJess I empathize. Although we won't have mosquitos for another couple of months. This is the happy thing about cold climate. in reply to BrewCrewJess 18:59:43, 2013-05-05
- @BrewCrewJess Right now I would ask fish & water beetles to snarf up mosquito larvae. in reply to BrewCrewJess 19:00:16, 2013-05-05
- There is a new release at by @kidfeardive … and it's really very good. 19:25:41, 2013-05-05
- If Google News is any indication Israel's several day long bombing campaign in Syria is barely news here. Anyone watch TV? 19:38:29, 2013-05-05
- @Schemawound Keeping up with emails can be a pain in the bum in reply to Schemawound 21:05:40, 2013-05-05
- @implicitorder @cinchel @alexbotten @JANietoPangea @dpnem 21:19:30, 2013-05-05
- @dpnem @schemawound Guys! This book is recommendable. 21:27:27, 2013-05-05
- Unofficial Release by Thomas Bey William Bailey-Cassette underground, netlabels, underground press-self published art 21:29:02, 2013-05-05
- 26 new releases recommended mostly #ccmusic, all free 12:00:16, 2013-05-06
- NEW release at – "Toyland" by @kidfeardive – made by remixing music CC licensed to permit adaptation. #ccmusic 15:54:39, 2013-05-06
- RT @emily_lrn: @vuzhmusic @kidfeardive I love Dave's work! Thanks for releasing. 16:19:07, 2013-05-06
- I agree, it's really fantastic! “@emily_lrn: @vuzhmusic @kidfeardive Love, love, love this! #NP” 18:18:24, 2013-05-06
- @disquiet You've gotten the hang of it, then? 🙂 in reply to disquiet 18:21:43, 2013-05-06
- Beer in a can makes more interesting sounds than in a bottle. 18:23:36, 2013-05-06
- The second release on is now available, get it! "Toyland" by @kidfeardive 18:25:51, 2013-05-06
- @Gurdonark "Live and learn" is imperative. in reply to Gurdonark 18:27:49, 2013-05-06
- Updated my bio page: I think I made it more pretentious. Oh well. 20:03:57, 2013-05-06
- I wonder how many smartphone users even know how to do what they're expected to do when encountering a QR code. 20:11:40, 2013-05-06
- I think the sparseness of QR code adoption makes it kind of cool in a way. Accessible information totally ignored. Kinda like netlabels! 20:13:43, 2013-05-06
- @cinchel Well, yeah! OBV!! 😀 in reply to cinchel 20:22:35, 2013-05-06
- Boo, no derivs! 21:11:19, 2013-05-06
- Well, East Coasters, we'd better get some good recordings of the cicada bloom: (beware autoplay advert) 21:19:06, 2013-05-06
- Just realized that tinkly little repeating phrase of music I heard in my dreams was in five. 06:29:47, 2013-05-07
- @BrewCrewJess @kidfeardive Glad you got it figured out! 🙂 in reply to BrewCrewJess 06:35:39, 2013-05-07
- @Schemawound @xylemrecords @6and8_ Did you mean this? Yay, derivs! in reply to Schemawound 06:49:14, 2013-05-07
- @Schemawound @6and8_ @xylemrecords Eurocrotch is a great song title! I'm giving it a spin now. in reply to Schemawound 16:48:19, 2013-05-07
- Good example of why I avoid making critiques: I should've just left it unrecommended rather than qualify it like that 16:53:11, 2013-05-07
- I had been doing pretty well at not calling bullshit when I see it. 16:54:02, 2013-05-07
- RT @Schemawound: @vuzhmusic also my next album will be called "Industry Standard Title" 17:08:07, 2013-05-07
- @Schemawound @earshrimp I've been really holding back from making critiques, but it gets me down sometimes – lotsa titles & art bugs me. in reply to Schemawound 17:09:58, 2013-05-07
- @Schemawound @earshrimp Honestly though, I should concentrate on the sound. in reply to Schemawound 17:10:26, 2013-05-07
- @PitcherOfSummer I wouldn't think to apologize for having an opinion, and I didn't. in reply to PitcherOfSummer 17:11:51, 2013-05-07
- @PitcherOfSummer However, I must consider that I'm part of a community, and it is to my greater benefit to not be discouraging. in reply to PitcherOfSummer 17:12:21, 2013-05-07
- @PitcherOfSummer I used to be that way, but I find it can be a hindrance to actually affecting positive change. in reply to PitcherOfSummer 18:09:38, 2013-05-07
- @cloudcitycars They're desperately bad, IMO. But I thought the music was recommendable enough. in reply to cloudcitycars 18:14:28, 2013-05-07
- @PitcherOfSummer Oh, yeah, totally. I like being critiqued myself, it can challenge me in ways I haven't challenged myself. in reply to PitcherOfSummer 18:22:12, 2013-05-07
- @PitcherOfSummer … but this is far from being a common trait. in reply to PitcherOfSummer 18:22:32, 2013-05-07
- @PitcherOfSummer I wonder… in this specific case, my mild criticism caused defensiveness which benefits no one. in reply to PitcherOfSummer 18:33:04, 2013-05-07
- @PitcherOfSummer It appears to me that the best possible outcome (that someone uses criticism as a growth opportunity) is the least likely. in reply to PitcherOfSummer 18:34:34, 2013-05-07
- @PitcherOfSummer It depends on your aim. I won't be watering down any opinions, but I might not share those that might be harmful. in reply to PitcherOfSummer 18:41:59, 2013-05-07
- @PitcherOfSummer I choose to participate in culture and exert what influence I have in the most effective way. in reply to PitcherOfSummer 18:44:36, 2013-05-07
- @PitcherOfSummer Hm. I actually don't think we have opposing ideals, only opposing methods. in reply to PitcherOfSummer 18:51:06, 2013-05-07
- @c_a_harebell I know. One slipped out. I'm re-committing myself to that. in reply to c_a_harebell 18:51:40, 2013-05-07
- @emily_lrn Thanks. Yeah, it's more than a little offputting. I'm not so into lifelong sadness, y'know? in reply to emily_lrn 18:52:46, 2013-05-07
- @PitcherOfSummer Well, here's to opposition, then! in reply to PitcherOfSummer 19:01:08, 2013-05-07
- Charles Ramsay strikes me as a good man. I hope the pop culture machine will not chew him up. 20:38:49, 2013-05-07
- nostress netlabel has a very slow server. Will probably stop this download. 100 MB shouldn't take 3 hours to complete. 21:00:58, 2013-05-07
- WTF with your slow server there, nostress netlabel? 21:02:52, 2013-05-07
- @tapdup Checking you out now. You've got one from sighup @Steve_Hamann, that's a good sign right off the bat. in reply to tapdup 21:07:44, 2013-05-07
- @tapdup @steve_hamann Oh, are there more than one sighup? Alas. in reply to tapdup 21:10:03, 2013-05-07