The Week’s Tweets
- RT @Schemawound: Driving around the darkened city. Soundtrack: C. Reider – Owning Extinctions 20:08:49, 2013-02-20
- @Schemawound rah in reply to Schemawound 20:08:58, 2013-02-20
- @sklawlor I have had no luck in recording subtle white noise forms. I think most of the appeal is spatial-can't be captured w/ stereo. in reply to sklawlor 20:11:30, 2013-02-20
- Low fidelity is high distortion. 20:17:03, 2013-02-20
- @Gurdonark It is good to know THAT someone is listening. @Schemawound in reply to Gurdonark 20:23:29, 2013-02-20
- "Sones" defined by Terence Dwyer as: "normal sounds made by anything other than a musical instrument" – Failed neologism. 20:27:36, 2013-02-20
- Wikipedia defines "sone" as a unit of perceived loudness: 20:28:15, 2013-02-20
- Urban Dictionary defines "sone" as a fan of South Korean "girl group" SNSD. 20:29:35, 2013-02-20
- @Gurdonark @schemawound Into space. in reply to Gurdonark 20:30:50, 2013-02-20
- Terence Dwyer, in another neologism that didn't take, defines "mistones" as "sounds made by musical instruments in an unusual way" 20:32:07, 2013-02-20
- @Schemawound @gurdonark I'm constantly amazed at the distribution power of net audio. Esp. in comparison to tape exchanges. in reply to Schemawound 20:39:25, 2013-02-20
- An answer from @bandcamp– they say there's been a policy change. The problem was a link to, which is now permitted. 20:44:12, 2013-02-20
- @Gurdonark @schemawound @le_berger Hopefully closer to the beginning than the end, yes. in reply to Gurdonark 21:02:02, 2013-02-20
- @hecanjog I noticed the same a few years back & started reversing more often. in reply to hecanjog 21:17:23, 2013-02-20
- @hecanjog I suspect it's because it was more fun reversing when I was using tape. in reply to hecanjog 21:17:44, 2013-02-20
- @hecanjog Yeah, it's pretty mindboggling. They say they've changed policy during the course of my support claim, so we'll see. in reply to hecanjog 21:19:30, 2013-02-20
- @hecanjog Unintended – I literally had NO idea what the problem even was for the last 4 days. 3 emails, crap communication. in reply to hecanjog 21:23:28, 2013-02-20
- @hecanjog The main thing I pushed them on was to tell me what the fuck the actual problem was. in reply to hecanjog 21:23:57, 2013-02-20
- @DaveSeidel The koma delay I hadn't seen before. Nice. in reply to DaveSeidel 22:51:53, 2013-02-20
- I just want to quit my job and read books. 23:02:07, 2013-02-20
- Dreamed I got stuck driving behind a huge, hi-tech, windowless, slow-moving tour bus shuttling around @TheLewisBlack 07:04:57, 2013-02-21
- I dreamed that @DaveSeidel's brother Doug did a record w/ Gordon Lightfoot. I said "how'd you get him to do it?" He said "I asked him" 07:08:12, 2013-02-21
- @soundscrapers Wow… Seems doubtful, but I don't know enough math to say! in reply to soundscrapers 07:16:20, 2013-02-21
- “@tobiasreber @hecanjog @jbutlerjbutler Reverse a whole piece & then forward a couple sounds-Repeat for yrs till fwd sounds become annoying” 07:18:08, 2013-02-21
- @tobiasreber I haven't fully digested much of the Autechre, some of it seems like improv. That Burial doesn't resonate w/ me at all. in reply to tobiasreber 07:23:47, 2013-02-21
- @Schemawound you always remember your first in reply to Schemawound 07:37:20, 2013-02-21
- Alright Colorado people, I hope you remember how to drive in the snow… I know we haven't had any practice this year. 07:39:03, 2013-02-21
- @DaveSeidel @le_berger That'd be good of you! 🙂 in reply to DaveSeidel 17:39:14, 2013-02-21
- Now playing: Gordon Lightfoot. Obviously. 17:45:17, 2013-02-21
- @soundscrapers But there isn't anywhere where there's a pure vacuum! 🙂 in reply to soundscrapers 17:53:44, 2013-02-21
- @thedarklobster My point: musical art could use a bit less objectification as well. in reply to thedarklobster 17:56:26, 2013-02-21
- RT @artofnoises: 100th Anniversary Art of Noises manifesto: On March 11th 2013 it will be one hundred years since Luigi Russolo… http: … 18:00:26, 2013-02-21
- WE DISAPPEAR YOU. “@ubuweb: We're pleased to announce that all direct links to UbuWeb from Google have been severed. #undergroundculture” 18:05:35, 2013-02-21
- @cinchel I know, I always want to say to them, dude: just get it! in reply to cinchel 18:06:40, 2013-02-21
- @JulianSiniestro @daveseidel @le_berger The only way to fly. When are we doing that noise tribute to G.L.? in reply to JulianSiniestro 18:23:08, 2013-02-21
- @_JeffSampson Oh hey, when did you get on Twitter? in reply to _JeffSampson 18:57:54, 2013-02-21
- @JulianSiniestro @daveseidel @le_berger Orale pues! in reply to JulianSiniestro 19:00:18, 2013-02-21
- @c_a_harebell 19:46:27, 2013-02-21
- @snooksarmy That is fucking fantastic. Absolutely pathetically pointless in the best possible way. in reply to snooksarmy 21:47:55, 2013-02-21
- There are SO many bad pop-theories about noise out there. 21:54:45, 2013-02-21
- RT @ubuweb: The most in-depth filmed interview ever given by Marcel Duchamp. Duration: one hour (1963): 07:52:33, 2013-02-22
- RT @liminallistener: "Earworms" only occur in the absence of listening. cc @jamesmcn 07:53:00, 2013-02-22
- @cparkmusic I just did a piece that only uses tones on the edge of my ability to perceive them. Plus glitches. in reply to cparkmusic 07:55:26, 2013-02-22
- Firestone Union Jack IPA 7.5% 75 IBU Citrus, pineapple, walnuts, jasmine, clove… 17:58:03, 2013-02-22
- @snooksarmy Audio: 18:10:49, 2013-02-22
- RT @trisloth: You should tell the artists you admire how much you like their stuff, and artists, you should always thank your patrons &a … 18:13:23, 2013-02-22
- @trisloth @cinchel Sound advice. in reply to cinchel 18:13:43, 2013-02-22
- @tobiasreber Evokes the shape of USA. in reply to tobiasreber 19:07:40, 2013-02-22
- @tobiasreber What program are you using in these? in reply to tobiasreber 19:07:55, 2013-02-22
- @dpnem rad. in reply to dpnem 19:09:09, 2013-02-22
- RT @dpnem: If you haven’t browsed @machtdose’s Netlabel Covers tumblr, you really should. 19:09:55, 2013-02-22
- @ValhallArts Minimal stuff. in reply to ValhallArts 19:14:58, 2013-02-22
- @snooksarmy A couple years ago we had a couple that would jump on our laps to look for food. Now they're all dead. Short life span… 🙁 in reply to snooksarmy 19:19:05, 2013-02-22
- @snooksarmy @JulianSiniestro Reminded of George & Charles Ives etting up multiple moving passing brass bands to listen for the differeneces in reply to snooksarmy 19:22:02, 2013-02-22
- @thedarklobster … also related: I never visualize music before making it. Sometimes I conceptualize a method, but method is merely method. in reply to thedarklobster 19:24:12, 2013-02-22
- @thedarklobster … yes, and sometimes they listen to the fidelity and tone without really listening. in reply to thedarklobster 19:25:31, 2013-02-22
- @snooksarmy @juliansiniestro ALSO: HOOORAY< MORE BEER< I CAN MAKE MORE TYPOS IF ONLY I DRANK MORE BEEEEEER 19:40:15, 2013-02-22
- Now Playing: Bone Thugs n Harmony. Obviously. 19:45:56, 2013-02-22
- @c_a_harebell Tha THUGGISH RUGGISH BO-WONE! in reply to c_a_harebell 19:51:20, 2013-02-22
- C. just said if we ever really get married we're playing this: "Down Foe My Thang" by Bone FUGS 19:57:27, 2013-02-22
- RT [protected] Don't MAKE me put one in you, dude. 19:59:36, 2013-02-22
- @c_a_harebell Smowkin CAT FOOD in reply to c_a_harebell 20:01:49, 2013-02-22
- @JulianSiniestro Got monks? in reply to JulianSiniestro 20:04:58, 2013-02-22
- @JulianSiniestro Tenemos mucha cerveza buena aqui en Colorado. in reply to JulianSiniestro 20:07:13, 2013-02-22
- Anyone following my Last.FM is like WTF? Ilhan Mimaroğlu -> Gordon Lightfoot -> Bone Thugs n Harmony ??? 20:14:03, 2013-02-22
- @JulianSiniestro Gordie! haw haw, *swoon* in reply to JulianSiniestro 20:20:00, 2013-02-22
- @Schemawound yeah, I think I'm going to do like @computerneix and share as many good releases, new or old as I find every month. in reply to Schemawound 21:49:17, 2013-02-22
- @Schemawound Maybe fewer reveiws more shares. in reply to Schemawound 21:49:29, 2013-02-22
- @Schemawound @6and8_ @fionamoocow @downliners_sekt @rrymc @poetryinboots Thanks for the mention~ in reply to Schemawound 21:51:13, 2013-02-22
- RT @Schemawound: Recommended Listening: 21:52:07, 2013-02-22
- @Schemawound @computerneix I used to do big reviews, now when I do them I'm not as verbose. Quick impressions, that's all. in reply to Schemawound 22:04:14, 2013-02-22
- @JulianSiniestro thanks for the mention! in reply to JulianSiniestro 22:05:05, 2013-02-22
- @FrediLonginos @juliansiniestro Asi bailamos. Es normal, no? in reply to FrediLonginos 22:34:24, 2013-02-22
- @computerneix @schemawound I still occasionally like to give a description. It's helpful to readers. in reply to computerneix 10:36:04, 2013-02-23
- RT @dpnem: Another netlabel gives up because of economic conditions People, there is no money in netlbabels. 10:39:53, 2013-02-23
- I've got three netlabels that are doing better than ever "in these economic conditions" – about to launch number four. 10:41:52, 2013-02-23
- RT @BillMoyers: What if minimum wage grew as quickly as the incomes of the richest one percent? 10:47:03, 2013-02-23
- RT @Schemawound: I think I have come to the realization that I am terrified by silence. Something to be explored. 10:51:29, 2013-02-23
- @Schemawound @computerneix The point for me is that I WANT people to click the links and listen… So in a sense it's about nudging the reader in reply to Schemawound 10:56:08, 2013-02-23
- @Schemawound In your compositions, or in your surroundings? in reply to Schemawound 10:58:29, 2013-02-23
- .@MattCBarlow The point is that I'm not charging, nor expecting any money. I want people to listen, I'm not focussed on earning income. in reply to MattCBarlow 11:00:28, 2013-02-23
- @Schemawound Sit with silence. in reply to Schemawound 11:01:10, 2013-02-23
- @Schemawound Take a walk. Leave the headphones at home. Listen. in reply to Schemawound 11:03:16, 2013-02-23
- @Schemawound I only recently started talking about it to people. It was a 'secret' prior. in reply to Schemawound 11:05:44, 2013-02-23
- @Schemawound That much is definitely true. People are amazingly un-curious. in reply to Schemawound 11:13:43, 2013-02-23
- @Schemawound Even better. Take a kid on a walk with the express purpose of listening. Or listen at home. in reply to Schemawound 11:14:23, 2013-02-23
- @Schemawound Exactly why I never, ever describe myself as a musician, because that's always the next question. I always use "composer" in reply to Schemawound 11:29:59, 2013-02-23
- @sklawlor The new one isn't ready to launch yet. There will be announcements in the coming weeks. in reply to sklawlor 11:33:02, 2013-02-23
- @Schemawound I'm finding I get better responses from people at live performances. People more willing to invest attention. in reply to Schemawound 11:41:16, 2013-02-23
- @Schemawound Actually, I don't remember my 1st CC release, Tapes flowed right into netlabels. I do remember this: in reply to Schemawound 11:56:54, 2013-02-23
- @DaveSeidel @crangst That's more like "aw, shoot". 😀 in reply to DaveSeidel 12:10:31, 2013-02-23
- RT @DaveSeidel: Fluxus does Chris Burden. #xfest @crangst 12:10:40, 2013-02-23
- "Le silence éternel de ces espaces infinis m'effraie." – Blaise Pascal 12:18:21, 2013-02-23
- RT @computerneix: [dys016] Katie Gately (Across the River) #experimental 14:48:17, 2013-02-23
- @fionamoocow A few words about Across the River are over here: 14:49:12, 2013-02-23
- @disquiet Do you know of Gordon Monahan? He has several aeolian sculptures, like aeolian silo / aeolian piano… abandoned buildings… 14:53:56, 2013-02-23
- Accidentally getting twitter accounts mixed up. D'oh. 15:15:28, 2013-02-23
- @Schemawound Neat. He's lucky to have lived close to that Lamb piece! in reply to Schemawound 15:17:44, 2013-02-23
- @Schemawound I've been kinda avoiding listening to those autobio projects. in reply to Schemawound 15:18:40, 2013-02-23
- @Big_Pause @dpnem @lukejerram Yeah I have seen that, I found it when I was researching for Sound Through Barriers. in reply to Big_Pause 15:23:36, 2013-02-23
- @Schemawound A good example of why sound installations should be more prevalent. in reply to Schemawound 15:26:59, 2013-02-23
- @Schemawound I was really happy that Sound Through Barriers was well attended by children. in reply to Schemawound 15:27:44, 2013-02-23
- I just bought a used book by Immanuel Kant, and the translator's note is almost as long as the book itself! 15:32:42, 2013-02-23
- I've just put up Fine Failures from 2009 on Bandcamp: 16:04:13, 2013-02-23
- @Schemawound It's a goofy one, but it has moments! 🙂 Thanks for the rt in reply to Schemawound 16:34:14, 2013-02-23
- Updates at – thank you @dpnem, I was just feeling the need for some new music! (this happens very often) 18:35:31, 2013-02-23
- Why isn't there a band named the Reeking Buns of Angel? 18:37:19, 2013-02-23
- If you don't have on your RSS feed reader, I don't know what the hell is wrong with you. 18:44:15, 2013-02-23
- @dpnem Next up: Matchbox 20 cover! Then "Breakfast at Tiffany's" by Deep Blue Something! in reply to dpnem 18:49:23, 2013-02-23
- @dpnem Then you would know the true face of horror. in reply to dpnem 18:57:16, 2013-02-23
- I'm actually buying an actual CD right now. Music good enough to add a physical object to my household. 18:58:38, 2013-02-23
- @dpnem Pour some sugar on me? in reply to dpnem 19:07:50, 2013-02-23
- @disquiet @christofmigone Christof Migone's work is great too. in reply to disquiet 19:45:32, 2013-02-23
- @disquiet Also Alan Lamb did some stuff contact mic'ing telephone wires. Jeph Jerman did too: in reply to disquiet 19:46:20, 2013-02-23
- @lilianechlela Thanks for informing me of this. I will shut up now. in reply to lilianechlela 19:55:33, 2013-02-23
- @lilianechlela Oh no, mean look! I will really try to shut up!!!! in reply to lilianechlela 19:56:21, 2013-02-23
- @disquiet That Lerman stuff sounds great! Here's a thing about the Alan Lamb stuff: in reply to disquiet 20:05:40, 2013-02-23
- @CityStarBrewing Aw, matching lumberjack shirts too! in reply to CityStarBrewing 20:24:44, 2013-02-23
- @CityStarBrewing Lumberjacks are okay. in reply to CityStarBrewing 20:36:40, 2013-02-23
- … and you were worrying about spending a couple hundred bucks. “@RichardDevine: Tonight's modular mess..” 20:58:52, 2013-02-23
- ♥ Too Many Clues In This Room by Gordon Lightfoot 21:00:09, 2013-02-23
- Just as one pisses on a hydrant “@DeleuzeGuattari: One puts one's signature on something just as one plants one's flag on a piece of land.” 21:30:33, 2013-02-23
- @_Eeem_ No one could have foreseen… in reply to _Eeem_ 00:17:48, 2013-02-24
- An actual, significant, wet snow! Wooooo! 09:46:25, 2013-02-24
- @dpnem Are you running the beta? I find the beta scrobbler works much better than the official version. in reply to dpnem 09:53:35, 2013-02-24
- @BrewCrewJess What'd you get us? in reply to BrewCrewJess 09:57:57, 2013-02-24
- RT @Gurdonark: People who say "that's not music!". People who say "that's not art". People who live in the pleistocene era. #peoplewhoa … 10:04:44, 2013-02-24
- @mystified131 Hang in there! 🙂 in reply to mystified131 10:08:56, 2013-02-24
- NP Tak Eniwa Sgormi, an anonymous track published into the public domain. It's got some nice moments. 10:11:17, 2013-02-24
- Snow: we've got about six inches. We'll take anything in this drought. 10:24:47, 2013-02-24
- "Nice drone… now don't ruin it with something cheezy." / a few seconds later: "Goddamn it." #ambientcheeze 11:16:07, 2013-02-24
- @dpnem So many varieties of cheeze in ambient music. #ambientcheeze in reply to dpnem 11:37:23, 2013-02-24
- New on Bandcamp, my favorite of my early work Abandon from 1998: 11:41:23, 2013-02-24
- RT @poetryinboots: Across the River [DYS016] by Katie Gately via #soundcloud … soft drones 11:43:03, 2013-02-24
- @c_a_harebell Yeah, no shit! I think we're over seven inches here. in reply to c_a_harebell 11:47:36, 2013-02-24
- "Abandon" from '98 was most definitely recorded when I was still playing guitar: 11:50:43, 2013-02-24
- Spot on review 12:36:20, 2013-02-24
- A bunch of new downloads, and only one without ID3 tags. Darn it, Eg0cide, you're usually good about this. 13:12:59, 2013-02-24
- @waxen_wings Perhaps, can you point me to more info? in reply to waxen_wings 13:19:07, 2013-02-24
- Just went in intending to record something short, and ended up with an interesting 15 minute long improv. Now what? 14:47:20, 2013-02-24
- @Le_Berger Not a bad idea. in reply to Le_Berger 14:48:54, 2013-02-24
- RT @jshell: @vuzhmusic chop, reverse, and layer. 15:28:55, 2013-02-24
- @sklawlor I usually prefer to not discuss specifics when I don't like something because feelings are fragile. in reply to sklawlor 15:31:24, 2013-02-24
- @sklawlor I used to talk up stuff I liked and talk down stuff I didn't, but I found it wasn't helpful, generally. in reply to sklawlor 15:32:28, 2013-02-24
- I've just uploaded Electret Quintet Five to Bandcamp: 15:35:12, 2013-02-24
- My primary reason for uploading to Bandcamp is to provide uncompressed audio for those that prefer it. Also diversification of platform. 15:36:33, 2013-02-24
- So 3 new albums, 9 total at Bandcamp, more to come: 15:43:19, 2013-02-24
- Snow's finally slowing down. Time to shovel. 16:03:02, 2013-02-24
- RT @mrdankelly: Tonight I shall be sporting a Givenchy gown as I avoid the Oscars entirely. 16:18:42, 2013-02-24
- It's actually really nice out. Maybe I'll go for a walk on downtown and have a brew at @CityStarBrewing 16:21:10, 2013-02-24
- The soundscape outside is unbelievable. Crunching snow, oscillating snowblowers, happy woodpeckers, phasey cars passing. 18:05:39, 2013-02-24
- I'm embarrassed about how much I love life sometimes. When I listen. 18:16:22, 2013-02-24
- RT @BrewCrewJess: News: tahini. 18:21:46, 2013-02-24
- Buddha Marx Nietzsche Cage 18:24:19, 2013-02-24
- Two Minutes of Nothing But Goats Yelling Like Humans (via the wifey's father) 18:30:20, 2013-02-24
- If you wanna just listen to 1 track I put on BC this weekend, listen to this: Have the patience to listen all the way 18:49:58, 2013-02-24
- 'cause there's nothing instant gratification-y about my music. You only get anything out of it if you invest the time. 18:53:23, 2013-02-24
- I've just published Opposing Theories (pt. one) a collaboration between me & @implicitorder at BandCamp 19:57:13, 2013-02-24
- I don't understand "private" SoundCloud shares that go out to hundreds of people. 20:27:02, 2013-02-24
- @mrdankelly It looks like some sort of citrus bug. in reply to mrdankelly 21:10:57, 2013-02-24
- Ah, there was an Oscars ceremony. It's important to pay attention to the Oscars for advice on which movies to avoid seeing. 22:37:11, 2013-02-24
- I gave an exclusive track to this comp: Also has Jeph Jerman, @elizabethveldon, Bruce Hamilton, Chefkirk… & others. 22:57:01, 2013-02-24
- RT @tobiasreber: pink noise 07:33:30, 2013-02-25
- @JulianSiniestro SNAFU (situation normal: all fucked up) in reply to JulianSiniestro 07:34:16, 2013-02-25
- @derekwalmsley Well, stop tweeting and start listening, then! in reply to derekwalmsley 07:38:45, 2013-02-25
- RT @SoundFjord: Ever wondered about the sonic properties of everyday materials such as paper, plastic, ceramics?
Then here is a… http … 07:39:04, 2013-02-25 - small sounds 07:45:45, 2013-02-25
- @c_a_harebell test done on my way home 18:27:29, 2013-02-25
- @newpractice @andrewmichler Eek! in reply to newpractice 19:20:06, 2013-02-25
- @GuyBirkin They pass through one another. in reply to GuyBirkin 19:29:49, 2013-02-25
- RT @implicitorder: Check out this blast from the #past : 19:30:36, 2013-02-25
- RT @tomtomorrow: Oh look at those pristine beaches on this BP ad. 19:35:48, 2013-02-25
- @Eg0cide I have heard lots of stories about archive stripping tags, but I don't directly use it so I can't say from experience. in reply to Eg0cide 20:13:57, 2013-02-25
- @Eg0cide I usually use iTunes for tagging, unless it's an ogg or flac, in which case I use Tag for mac. in reply to Eg0cide 20:14:57, 2013-02-25
- @Eg0cide Been enjoying some of the stuff you guys have put out lately, keep it up! in reply to Eg0cide 20:15:17, 2013-02-25
- Geez. Depressing display of racism and threats of violence from some angry Colorado conservatives: 22:29:12, 2013-02-25
- I listen to the morning tooth-brushing ritual. 07:19:02, 2013-02-26
- I listen to the bustle of car engines, car doors and alarm bells at the next door Middle School. Kids subdued 'cause it's a cold morning. 07:21:21, 2013-02-26
- I listen to the cats eating. Crunch crunch. 07:21:53, 2013-02-26
- RT @denverpostlite: Colorado task force says marijuana should be in child-proof packages 07:27:48, 2013-02-26
- I listen to that hush after the furnace stops blowing. 07:31:26, 2013-02-26
- "we’ll hopefully be promoting the wider netlabel, netaudio & creativecommons community" @thomasraukamp / Fwonk tumblr 17:43:26, 2013-02-26
- @Schemawound @fionamoocow I've been trending toward maybe three or four stereo tracks on most of my mixes. in reply to Schemawound 17:49:17, 2013-02-26
- RT @implicitorder: Early stuff: 18:07:43, 2013-02-26 - @implicitorder I should dig up the source tapes you sent & digitize 'em someday. in reply to implicitorder 18:09:12, 2013-02-26
- RT @MattCBarlow: Setup for tape manipulation – drone experiment. #dronelife #analog #tascam 18:14:50, 2013-02-26
- @implicitorder Awesome, that would be incredible! I will listen to this right after dinner. Listening forward to it! in reply to implicitorder 18:18:50, 2013-02-26
- RT @implicitorder: @vuzhmusic HEY! Check out this 2013 remix. I may remix the whole album for a Spring/Summer release ??? … 18:45:10, 2013-02-26
- @Schemawound @fionamoocow Occasionally I'll have a different treatment line from the same source, yeah. in reply to Schemawound 18:57:13, 2013-02-26
- @Schemawound @fionamoocow I've only just started to automate FX within the last couple of years, I used to hard write everything. in reply to Schemawound 18:57:38, 2013-02-26
- @fionamoocow @schemawound I'd rather not go back to tape, my composed stuff relies on involved editing. Don't mind track limitations though in reply to fionamoocow 18:59:48, 2013-02-26
- @implicitorder Weird. I haven't downloaded BC's mp3 versions to check. If you want a better mp3 version this is all still on Vuzh Music in reply to implicitorder 19:00:58, 2013-02-26
- All four sides of my 1998 collab w/ @implicitorder are here on mp3: 19:01:53, 2013-02-26
- @implicitorder Oh, yeah I noticed that. Clips like that can be edited out in an editor pretty easily. in reply to implicitorder 19:11:51, 2013-02-26
- @implicitorder Oh, oops, you said it wasn't in the wav, must just be a transcoding glitch in reply to implicitorder 19:12:41, 2013-02-26
- @Schemawound Thoughts about this tweet are snowballing into a blog post of epic proportions. Might publish this week, or next. in reply to Schemawound 19:16:44, 2013-02-26
- Trawling twitter for things to quote in an upcoming blog post. 19:55:07, 2013-02-26
- How many unique English tweets are possible? I was totally going to say 2^140×1.1≈2×10^46. 20:03:12, 2013-02-26
- @saffronslumber There is a fond mention of your Piano Drones 1 here: 22:05:36, 2013-02-26
- 4 of 5 stars to The Soundscape by R. Murray Schafer 22:29:54, 2013-02-26