Weekly Twitter Update
- @DaveSeidel SND FB 14 stereo. I need to buy a car more than getting this though! in reply to DaveSeidel #
- @PitcherOfSummer @Le_Berger I am not sure. I think they have issues with distribution stateside. It's there on Amazon, it's just expensive in reply to PitcherOfSummer #
- @PitcherOfSummer @Le_Berger I think the vinyl version is already long gone, but they're pressing more, I think. in reply to PitcherOfSummer #
- Netlabels that have no web presence outside of archive make me scratch my head in befuddlement. #
- @invisibleagent I've still got some early releases that are like that. I keep meaning to go back and fix them, but ever onward! in reply to invisibleagent #
- @DaveSeidel There is a mono one, but it's over a grand. I'm guessing used isn't going to knock price down much – but I haven't seen any used in reply to DaveSeidel #
- I wonder if @NPR is going to spend an entire week celebrating John Cage's 100th like they did w/ Woody Guthrie? @nprmusic #
- Poodles RT @DaveSeidel Retweeting is a form of repetition RT @disquiet Retweeting is a form of change@oblique Repetition is a form of change #
- This weekend my hardest rockin' has been to: Eno/Byrne, Soft Machine, Mahavishnu Orchestra, Judas Priest, Steve Reich, Swans, K. Leimer … #
- @tobiasreber Looks like you'd better sight read! @djunto in reply to tobiasreber #
- @mystified131 I don't own it yet, but it's been kicking my ass on Spotify. in reply to mystified131 #
- @mystified131 I need to buy it. I may wait until I see them live in September and get it there. Save shipping. in reply to mystified131 #
- Just finished rockin' to Terry Riley. Now I'm rockin' to Prince. 1979 stylee. #
- Do roundabouts confuse you? http://t.co/Ld2dHpAW #
- @MargaretAtwood Even w/ photo might be hard to ID. Possibly Geastrum or Rhizopogon? in reply to MargaretAtwood #
- For some reason I never grokked the prog angle in the early Prince stuff before today. "Computer Blue" = PROG #
- Spent much of the day in the garage being frustrated while trying to tune up the truck. Turns out I need two, TWO! (2!) specialized tools. #
- Replacing a fuel filter should NOT require a specialized tool. #
- Changing the spark plugs should NOT require a specialized tool PLUS possibly having to remove the intake manifold. WTF FORD? #
- @MargaretAtwood I will look forward to the photo then. You may try posting it to the LiveJournal mycology community http://t.co/FTmttaJo in reply to MargaretAtwood #
- And now Stevie Wonder. My goal is total confusion for anyone following my Last.FM #
- Oh yes I did. Segue from "Jesus Children of America" to "Number of the Beast" #
- Why am I not DJing your wedding right now? #
- @GreaterSirens Swans frequently kicks my ass. The new one wears steel toe boots. in reply to GreaterSirens #
- Magma. #
- ♥ The Last Seven Minutes by Magma http://t.co/0Ma6qSHP #
- Zuul http://t.co/V4HgdtoZ Gatekeeper of Gozer #
- Zeuhl http://t.co/8y0RYqyR Once known as Perryman's Crossing #
- Zeuhl http://t.co/rrOdxsHv means celestial in Kobaïan #
- See also Zool, Ninja of the Nth Dimension, and Zul, central district of Qaen County. #
- @mrkvm Yeah! I'm going too! @thorharris666 is made of RAWK. in reply to mrkvm #
- @mrkvm @thorharris666 Is that all it takes? in reply to mrkvm #
- @Steve_Hamann @Gurdonark Repetition is how capitalism assimilates subversion. in reply to Steve_Hamann #
- @mystery_bear I'll look forward to playing this in a little bit! in reply to mystery_bear #
- Wow. Somone 404'ed LiveJournal. #
- @lilianechlela I haven't heard from him in a while. He mastered this for me: http://t.co/eGy1BtVH in reply to lilianechlela #
- @lilianechlela @Cdrk_Syrphe He's always been an admirably active force-to-be-reckoned-with in the underground. in reply to lilianechlela #
- Corn Smut! I have biked down to a local corn field and collected some smut. AKA "Porn on the Cob" http://t.co/HBjVCSqX #
- Mmmm. Smut tastes good. #
- This is smut. We have eaten some of this smut. It was good smut. http://t.co/XJgTWN2E #
- @DaveSeidel I've heard of that. I prefer the Mexican/Aztec word Huitlacoche in reply to DaveSeidel #
- @DaveSeidel We've never found it before. Supposedly it grows best in drought years. I saw it while driving past the field. There's a TON. in reply to DaveSeidel #
- @DaveSeidel I guess there's a squick-factor to the name smut. And the American palate is dainty & easily frightened. in reply to DaveSeidel #
- A conversation with @disquiet has reminded me that I was going to set up an aeolian harp by the garage. #
- At least there's plenty of love on @twitter for the John Cage centenary. #cage100 #
- @DaveSeidel Supposedly some species of corn are more susceptible than others. in reply to DaveSeidel #
- @MargaretAtwood Incredible! So it's a parasitized A. mellea! Like a Lobster mushroom for honeys. I wouldn't have guessed. in reply to MargaretAtwood #
- @MargaretAtwood We ate corn smut today. Ustilago maydis in reply to MargaretAtwood #
- Wifey invented the best G&T variant. Green apples and purple grapes in lieu of lemon & mint. Don't forget the ice. #
- This is possibly my favorite non-me Vuzh Music release this year: http://t.co/CipEvVgD and it points to the future direction of the label. #
- @npr @nprmusic @nprfreshair @totn Alright, I'm looking forward to the John Cage #cage100 centennial coverage you're planning this week. #
- @saffronslumber Hey, alright. I look forward to new works from you! in reply to saffronslumber #
- Group activities with blithering idiots. Not helpful to my *personal learning experience*. #
- I can haz @cinchel vinyl LP? Yes, yes I can haz that. http://t.co/mZKSh9Hm #np #
- @cinchel Thanks man, it arrived safe and sound & is tinkling away on my turntable right now! I will get off my butt & mail a trade v. soon! #
- Listen! #cage100 RT: @ubuweb: 24 Hours' Worth of John Cage Lectures & Interviews [MP3]: http://t.co/Jj12TpUd #
- The new @cinchel 12" is 45 RPM … does that make it a single or is it an EP? #
- It's helpful that John Cage was born in September so that we can celebrate his b-day with some wild mushrooms. #
- @mrdankelly the same question could be posed to sound composers. What do you think? in reply to mrdankelly #
- @saffronslumber Yeah, weird issue. I think I disagree with the majority. in reply to saffronslumber #
- Copyright is passé. RT: @BoingBoing: On the terminal nature of copyright licenses http://t.co/S93qLQ4l #
- @DaveSeidel Not a bad idea. Make one! in reply to DaveSeidel #
- @DaveSeidel I need to start experimenting with new patches. I've been happy with the one I discovered, but… onward. in reply to DaveSeidel #
- It's like the NeverEnding Story http://t.co/l3l8YFmO "A great silence is spreading over the natural world" / The 'Nothing' is coming. #
- Tonight I'm listening to vinyl records by @twitter friends. Just finished @cinchel's excellent 12", now on to @noisician's excellent 12" #
- @cinchel I'm not sure. I think you'd be best off talking with the @noisician himself. I've got his split with @lassemarhaug and it rules. in reply to cinchel #
- @cinchel I'm not sure. It's probably an EP, since there's no focal track. Of course if you choose an A side then you get to have a B side! in reply to cinchel #
- Finally #cage100 is picking up steam #johncage too. #
- Right now if you do a @twitter search for "John Cage" most of the top tweets are about Nicolas Cage & John Travolta in some shitty movie. #
- The New Yorker, the John Cage century http://t.co/922vJmjk #cage100 #
- "I never liked tonality. I worked at it, studied it, but I never had any feeling for it." John Cage #
- "When I was young people told me: you'll see when you're 50 years old. Now I'm 50. I've seen nothing." John Cage #
- Shall I record Cage's "Lecture on Nothing"? #
- Check the comments. RT: @yusukusuzuku: 楽譜 4' 33"By John Cage http://t.co/3rw4UOh5 #
- "Nobody needs a piece of paper to tell them to be quiet,…" Oh? What the hell do they need then? #
- @npr @nprmusic @nprfreshair @totn Didn't hear any John Cage centennial coverage today, will there be any tomorrow? #cage100 #
- @BrewCrewJess Ah, what museum are you going to visit? in reply to BrewCrewJess #
- @tobiasreber You're going to end up wishing you always had a piezo mic with you! in reply to tobiasreber #
- It's John Cage's 100th birthday. Put down your iPods and earbuds and listen to the music of the world around you. #cage100 #
- My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: Mahavishnu Orchestra (12), K. Leimer (12) & Judas Priest (11) http://t.co/tvP6DdQQ #
- "History of Western music can be divided into B.C. (Before Cage) and A.C. (After Cage)." – @yokoono #
- I had a plan for a fun thing I was going to share today, but due to an oversight, I cannot. It'll have to wait till tomorrow, or later. #
- @disquiet "If anybody is sleepy, let him go to sleep." – Cage in reply to disquiet #
- @Steve_Hamann My violent thoughts occur above the chin, buddy. in reply to Steve_Hamann #
- @jamesbeaudreau Frequently. @Le_Berger in reply to Le_Berger #
- @implicitorder Uh oh. Get yr self to a doc pronto. in reply to implicitorder #
- @disquiet @supnah Thanks for the tip. I'll have to do some digging around there. I've considered doing this kind of thing myself. in reply to disquiet #
- @disquiet Yes, it is repeated many times in "Lecture About Nothing", which I read aloud today. in reply to disquiet #
- Several iffy statements here, but I think Lou Reed gets it right: http://t.co/BI8aSNAj #
- Let's see if I can re-create that old feedback system. #
- @Le_Berger He's giving a speech at the Democratic National Convention right now, most of the US is watching/listening right now. in reply to Le_Berger #
- Feedback system is up, sort of. Not yet as great as I remember. Doesn't help that the amp has bad pots. Needs work. #
- GAH. RT: @RadioSurvivor: The Avant Garde Project 20th-c classical, experimental/ lectroacoustic music never been on CD http://t.co/buv9PL9H #
- Too much good music out there. I need HUGE storage. #
- @Gurdonark I'm glad this music was able to add value to a good morning! in reply to Gurdonark #
- @cinchel Yes, I have. It has some good stuff, and several things that shouldn't be there. Also, no ID3 tags. in reply to cinchel #
- @jinjurly Oh wow. This is a new gig! I guessed I missed that news. Congratulations! in reply to jinjurly #
- @Le_Berger Erm, today that is… today you can expect lotsa Obama cheering in reply to Le_Berger #
- "Instead of self-expression, I'm involved in self-authoration" – John Cage #
- @Steve_Hamann @dpnem I think for a while Keith Fullerton Whitman was labelling all of his stuff on soundcloud as 'dubstep'. in reply to Steve_Hamann #
- @snooksarmy Haven't seen that episode yet, but yeah. in reply to snooksarmy #
- @CityStarBrewing Hey, congrats! in reply to CityStarBrewing #
- Good call, "the Dreaming" is the greatest. One of my tops RT: @BoingBoing: An interesting moment from Kate Bush's oevre http://t.co/aVpxiJ2H #
- @lilianechlela Tinnitus? in reply to lilianechlela #
- @ubuweb Be aware, there are no ID3 tags, and many commercial dubs in that archive. Also many gems, though. in reply to ubuweb #
- @implicitorder Fingers crossed. in reply to implicitorder #
- Is this Super Dave Osborne speaking at the #DNC now? #
- I'm listening on the radio, and I missed the announcement of who it is. #
- Dick Durbin. Oh. Super Dave would've been more inspiring. #
- @jshell Which one are you getting? We've got the JamMan stereo, but I've been reticent to use it. So many ppl use loopers as a crutch. in reply to jshell #
- RT @djunto 36th Disquiet Junto project has begun. Explores aesthetic influence via Clyfford Still: http://t.co/1c8Nfgje @Still_Museum #
- @jshell Ah. Yeah. I am not against the use of delays & reverbs but I've seen too much reliance on them for some people's entire sound field in reply to jshell #
- @jshell I looked at that. Decided against. in reply to jshell #
- New @djunto project tasks us with Abstract Expressionism. Abstract I'm comfortable with, the latter part will be the challenge. #
- So many out-of-phase chants. #
- @BrewCrewJess Are you not having them mailed to you? in reply to BrewCrewJess #
- @DaveSeidel "Abstract Expressionism" is a specific thing wherein the latter part does mean something. That's why I'm almost … 1/2 in reply to DaveSeidel #
- @DaveSeidel 2/2 … uncomfortable using the term "abstract" to refer to my music. in reply to DaveSeidel #
- @DaveSeidel @djunto Actually I'd suggest that free improv is most like AbExp in my opinion. in reply to DaveSeidel #
- @beercavechillin @mcadenver @DenverArtMuseum Yeah, I got to see him speak at DAM earlier this year. They're putting on a major exhibition. in reply to beercavechillin #
- Now I really need more time on the SoundCloud. #
- Hey look there's me & @mystery_bear ! http://t.co/mUIle63l #
- Ha ha #dronebeards #
- @DaveSeidel @Gurdonark @le_berger @cinchel @mystery_bear BEARD-O WEIRD-O x 2 in reply to DaveSeidel #
- @cinchel @Gurdonark It's because he's zo very auztere! in reply to cinchel #
- I need more storage. #
- Wifey & I both working on our own contributions for the Clyfford Still @djunto #
- @cinchel You gonna participate in @djunto's Clyfford Still project? I remember how much you love Still. in reply to cinchel #
- @BrewCrewJess Unfortunately, the one time I went, I got so sick I couldn't enjoy it. I need to make another trip. in reply to BrewCrewJess #
- This is my sound work in honor of Clyfford Still @Still_Museum http://t.co/bP4S8VfP for the @djunto project #
- @disquiet He does stupendous work in live performance. It's something else. in reply to disquiet #
- "Like so many of you I've got my doubts about how much to contribute to the already rich among us…" – Robert Wyatt / Matching Mole #
- "How long can I pretend that music's more relevant
than fighting for a socialist world?" – Robert Wyatt / Matching Mole # - @jinjurly I've always regarded you as the answer to Life, the Universe and Everything. in reply to jinjurly #
- @jinjurly Also, happy motherfucking birthday!!!!!!!!!!! in reply to jinjurly #
- "The linking up of electronic music with pastoral imagery is hypocritical, I think. I associate electricity with chaos." – @PBK_ #
- @mystified131 Looks like the 'download all' link is missing on your new release w/ Jeff Sampson. #
- This is Lily in a box on a skateboard. #caturday http://t.co/OpSl3DLX #
- Just posted several photos from the Denver @djunto show soundcheck http://t.co/u9qRKI12 @mystery_bear @falsreactions @tenandtracer @c_yantis #
- @disquiet I could have. He was sitting nearby at a gamelatron installation, but I had nothing to say to him! "Uh, hi! You're cool!" in reply to disquiet #
- @disquiet Uwe Schmidt was there too. in reply to disquiet #
- @disquiet Sweet! Moebius is awesome I'd love to see him! Say hi to Cheryl for me! in reply to disquiet #
- Composing sounds without identity. #
- @DaveSeidel Good question. in reply to DaveSeidel #
- Jangly folk duo plays at the pub. Bad acoustics + crowd noise + simplistic songs =narrow audible frequency band. May as well have been drone #
- The death of the music blog = the homogeneity of the internet. The music industry = Monsanto. One crop will never fail us. #
- @alextemplemusic Alas, you're not the first to ask this! in reply to alextemplemusic #
- @alextemplemusic @DaveSeidel A more precise question: how do you recognize your definition of identity when working in sound? in reply to alextemplemusic #
- Do you use Dolby? "no, why reduce noise?" – Zan Hoffman #
- This is the newest sound work I have made. http://t.co/bP4S8VfP I worked it up last night. #
- @alextemplemusic Interesting. This sounds like a conversation that would be better had outside of twitter. in reply to alextemplemusic #
- @alextemplemusic One definition for identity I'd give is that it's the "how" in how you do things. in reply to alextemplemusic #
- Most disagreements are purely semantic. Two people who disagree passionately about the definition of one stupid word. #
- @snooksarmy What do you mean by "in", asshole? in reply to snooksarmy #
- Denver Junto pics: http://t.co/4xU3gKZu Sounds soon. #
- @snooksarmy Hitler is something we can both agree on. in reply to snooksarmy #
- Kizilay's piece from http://t.co/k7XwFGJX RT: @free103point9: Walk On a Street And Listen, Ahmet Kizilay #
- @DaveSeidel Do you think about it after the sound is done? I can't help but fix identity to recordings. Bad habit. in reply to DaveSeidel #
- Second photo of @mystery_bear and I. Plus pretty amaranth, and Brown Berry heirloom tomatoes. http://t.co/fHg2YceF #
- @DaveSeidel Have you ever tried to make sounds that were not identifiably "by" you? Were you successful? in reply to DaveSeidel #
- @DaveSeidel You imply that the identity in the sounds occurs after they're shared. in reply to DaveSeidel #
- @BrewCrewJess @DaveSeidel I'm working on something that's going to be released anonymously. in reply to BrewCrewJess #
- @BrewCrewJess @DaveSeidel I'm thinking about how my 'personality' is implicit in the sounds. Someone might guess that it's me. How? in reply to BrewCrewJess #
- @BrewCrewJess Are the sounds a part of you? Where do you end? in reply to BrewCrewJess #
- @BrewCrewJess Yes, it is natural to try to establish yourself by your work. Anonymous work subverts that urge. in reply to BrewCrewJess #
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