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Weekly Twitter Update

Sunday, 09 September 2012

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Disquiet Junto Denver – Photos!

Saturday, 09 September 2012

Just a whole bunch of photos from the Disquiet Junto Denver concert weekend, mostly from the soundcheck. All photos were taken by Carrie.
A few other photos can be found at earlier blog posts… here and here

Here’s me & Mysterybear hanging out at Casa Vuzh:

and another. Actually, I think I prefer this one… it looks like we’re in the middle of some discussion I don’t recall at the moment. Plus you can see this year’s tomatoes (you can see some brown berries in the photo) plus the pretty wild amaranth, and our ridiculously enormous spirea).

This was Radere’s set-up. Very organized.

Here’s Cody Yantis’ set-up:

and another:

This was my set-up. You can actually see the glass I used for the glass harp portion. It’s got two contact mics taped to it, a piezo disc and a piezo ribbon. Each goes to a different bank of effects.

Here’s a bunch of artists on stage. Back to front, it’s Cody Yantis, Mysterybear, Ten and Tracer (crouching) and me.

This is another one like that, with Cody & Mysterybear, in this one you can kind of see Mysterybear’s set-up:

Dave Seidel (Mysterybear) and I chat in the background, while Jonathun Canupp sets up and Marc Weidenbaum of Disquiet tweets, or perhaps instagrams.


Weekly Twitter Update

Sunday, 09 September 2012
  • @tobiasreber I spent two bleary-eyed hours doing just the same thing the other night. in reply to tobiasreber #
  • @tobiasreber Drone Forest tried to do it, we tried a couple of services & had no real luck, the fidelity was terrible + many lag artifacts. in reply to tobiasreber #
  • I'm going to stop looking at filterbanks now. #
  • Ummagumma. #
  • Even though I've been using it a fair amount, I have to say the Line6 Pod 2 is a pretty crummy piece of equipment. I don't recommend it. #
  • Man, there are a lot of guitars in this house, funny since I can't remember the last time I picked up one of them. #
  • Except to move it out of the way. #
  • @cinchel Hey, Mr. bicycler, can you recommend a bike pump that isn't a complete piece of total junk? I've bought three in the last 12 months #
  • @cinchel Thanks! in reply to cinchel #
  • @computerneix Thanks for the tweet Miquel! Forever escalating. in reply to computerneix #
  • Gentle Giant on the turntable. #
  • Have a ton of excess stuff, but can't be arsed to eBay it. #
  • Boooom. Re-assembled the studio after the Junto concert, just improvised an inaugural drone that was exceptionally spiky. Fun fun fun fun #
  • The Red Hot Chili Peppers are richer than the collected lifetime net worth of everyone reading this tweet. Think about how value is defined. #
  • This person Nicole "Snooki" Polizzi has a Wikipedia page, and you don't. Think about how value is defined. #
  • A power-hungry, hollow puppet of a man has a 50/50 chance of becoming the most powerful man in the world. Think about how value is defined. #
  • Zoroaster, obv. RT @MargaretAtwood OK, T-pals: How is ZOMG different from OMG, and what does the Z stand for? I know you will know! Thanks! #
  • "Power Possessors know that dispute is death to the artist; so, they can do pretty much whatever they want to them" – R. Fripp #
  • @benjamindauer Yes, reply to this so I'll remember to give you my reference page after I get home from work. in reply to benjamindauer #
  • I will want to read this after work, I know you'll want to read it too: via @jinjurly RE proprietary licenses in CC 4.0 #
  • @larkinhavens Being in a class where no one participates is the pits. in reply to larkinhavens #
  • @dpnem Congratulations! in reply to dpnem #
  • @tobiasreber Occasionally a wise man, occasionally a stick in the mud. I suppose we could all aspire to be at least as much. in reply to tobiasreber #
  • @Steve_Hamann I hesitate to comment since I haven't read it yet, but I skimmed it & suspect I'll disagree with it. in reply to Steve_Hamann #
  • True. RT: @dpnem: @Steve_Hamann Plus, most netlabels and musicians really don't understand CC licenses. #
  • Oh no… Blinky's dead. 🙁 RT: @99andBarry: RIP Blinky. #
  • @samgrinsell Can you expand on that thought? because I'm not sure I catch your drift, don't want to respond & be off. in reply to samgrinsell #
  • @samgrinsell It sounds like we're pretty well in agreement. I have a few things to say on this topic in a bit. in reply to samgrinsell #
  • @frauenfelder @boingboing Very sad to learn that Blinky the Clown has died today. #
  • Ok, does anyone here actually agree with this thing about Creative Commons? #
  • There is an assumption on the part of the blogger that people choose NC or ND for protection reasons. I don't think CC is about protection #
  • At all. #
  • Protection implies litigation… to me, anyway. That's the realm of copyright. #
  • Has anyone ever tried to sue to defend their CC license? I'd be curious to hear it. #
  • Perhaps the point I'm aiming for is that sure NC & ND are no more protective that the CC license in general-does that make them less useful? #
  • I personally use an NC license, I am not a huge fan of the ND licenses, they make me grumpy, frankly, but it's up to the licensee innit? #
  • Here's my reasoning: My license is CCBYNC if you want to use it for NC purposes you don't even have to ask, just do it, if $ is involved… #
  • If $$ are involved then things are more complicated and perhaps we need to have an agreement with specificity. This is outside of CC. #
  • If you want to get rid of NC, then does this mean commercial uses are allowed? That just does not make sense. #
  • I have extricated myself from commercial music for a goddamned good reason. #
  • I think the question of where the line is drawn between commercial and non-commercial use is a fair question-calls for MORE nuance, not less #
  • Not every problem is a nail, so put away your goddamned hammer. #
  • The 'commercial monopoly' argument is all well and good-hugs all around, but when someone's making money off your work and you're not…? #
  • I assure you I am enabling no middlemen with my NC license. #
  • "The ND clause is already the least popular, and discouraging remixing is obviously contrary to a free culture." I agree, and yet respect it #
  • If you don't like the ND license, as I don't, and many of my peers don't… ENGAGE IN A DIALOGUE, don't just strip the license. #
  • You need to approach this bottom up, not top down, assholes. #
  • .@Le_Berger For me, I don't think that a derivative detracts from the original, it gives the original the ultimate compliment, actually. in reply to Le_Berger #
  • See…? How fucking hard was that? #
  • Totally fallacious argument that a CC license w/ NC or ND locks it into a hopeless dystopia forever. The OWNER OF THE LICENSE CAN CHANGE IT. #
  • Well, I guess that article didn't agree with me at all. #
  • @Le_Berger I tend to respect the artists' wishes with ND licenses, but respect doesn't mean I won't question it. in reply to Le_Berger #
  • The larger culture is still proprietary and commercial, and you can't blame someone for not being as trusting as you are. #
  • Creative Commons is a lever, not a hammer. #
  • … and todays tweets mark further than I ever thought I'd go to defend the maligned ND license. #
  • @DaveSeidel Oh, cool, did you meet Nina the other night? Her & Jeremy are cool folks. in reply to DaveSeidel #
  • @DaveSeidel I should've introduced you! They're not very social (I can relate to that) but they're good folks. in reply to DaveSeidel #
  • @jinjurly It seems your RT this morning sent me into a twitter-rant of much passion and a fair bit of grumpitude. #
  • @jinjurly Yeah, the CC / copyright interface that transformative works need doesn't quite exist. In music they just brought the hammer down in reply to jinjurly #
  • @jinjurly … (2) so that now to do transformative works in music you almost have to do it pseudonymously / anonymously. So wrong. in reply to jinjurly #
  • @jinjurly I think the widget makes it so much less confusing. If you can get someone to use it, answer the few questions, then there you go. in reply to jinjurly #
  • @jinjurly It's possible I might be on board if there were a 'nudge' to choose a more open license as opposed to just nixing all nuance. in reply to jinjurly #
  • @jinjurly I think we're all in agreement that those committed to CC need to do some more educating & proselytizing. in reply to jinjurly #
  • @jinjurly Open licensing requires open dialogue. in reply to jinjurly #
  • @jinjurly I dunno, I think the brief summary pages are pretty simple & understandable. The legal code isn't the first thing that comes up. in reply to jinjurly #
  • @jinjurly Hard to disagree with that. in reply to jinjurly #
  • @jinjurly Is there a lot of resistance to CC in fandom? in reply to jinjurly #
  • @jinjurly Yeah, so trying to trim down its proprietary bits is probably neither good nor bad from that perspective. in reply to jinjurly #
  • @jinjurly I think an expansion is more warranted than a contraction though, that application is a good example. in reply to jinjurly #
  • @jinjurly I think just talking about it in public as though it were a viable option is the only thing any one person can do. in reply to jinjurly #
  • @jinjurly That falls into the same category as mashup / remixes in music that have to be "illegal" because licensing is so restrictive in reply to jinjurly #
  • @jinjurly Yeah, that's a conundrum. in reply to jinjurly #
  • @benjamindauer OK, my reference material is dated… but I journaled my search for a pressing company. I'll look for the link… in reply to benjamindauer #
  • @benjamindauer here you go: Feel free to add any info you have in comments: in reply to benjamindauer #
  • @benjamindauer I recommend calling EVERY company that does this, and talk to someone there & get a quote & get a feel for them. in reply to benjamindauer #
  • @benjamindauer Lotsa crummy companies out there. in reply to benjamindauer #
  • @Gurdonark Highly unlikely. in reply to Gurdonark #
  • @cinchel Soon, I'm sure… how is that audio prep from denver show going @falsereactions? in reply to cinchel #
  • OK, watch out now. I'm about to go into a retweet frenzy with some of the responses from my twitter rant yesterday about Creative Commons 4 #
  • No don't refrain! RT @invisibleagent I'm going to refrain from throwing my thoughts out in the wild regarding "proprietary licenses" in #CC4 #
  • .@gurdonark I reckon it'll take a lot more than a wiki, but that might be a good start. Archiving is essential. #
  • @99andBarry Commie. in reply to 99andBarry #
  • @Le_Berger Stop waiting for someone to yell "shotgun" on that one, dude. in reply to Le_Berger #
  • Watermelon from the farmer's market. #
  • *spit* #
  • Lumpy has decided that watermelon is delicious. Lily is pretty sure Lumpy is bonkers. #
  • What? #
  • I'm both confused and intrigued by @MarsCuriosity's sending sound back to Earth. Is this the most expensive aural filter ever conceived? #
  • What was the point of included sound transmission capability on @MarsCuriosity? Is there a mic on board? Will we get Mars field recordings? #
  • .@invisibleagent All art belongs to the culture, in some sense. The creator does have rights to control how they wish it to be used by it. #
  • .@invisibleagent Unless you wish to never share it / destroy it before death, in which case licensing is moot. Least open license ever. #
  • @invisibleagent Agreeing on all counts! in reply to invisibleagent #
  • My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: Pink Floyd (6), Asmus Tietchens (5) & David Bowie (4) #
  • @saffronslumber Out loud ! in reply to saffronslumber #
  • I had this weird imagination-romp after waking up of John Elway living forever from drinking fracking fluid. He had an electronic gizzard. #
  • He ran a museum about his life. He was most famous for being the second man to have shot Reagan. #
  • Then there was the thumbtack-piano saloon version of the ICP song where they wonder how fucking magnets work. #
  • My brain, folks. #
  • My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: Pink Floyd (6), Asmus Tietchens (5) & David Bowie (4) #
  • Condolences to @MHarrisPerry MSNBC's Melissa Harris-Perry, whose house was destroyed by Hurricane Isaac. #
  • Big thanks to Zhang & Christiaan at @buddamachine for posting the Chan Fang Buddha Machine 3! It's playing nicely with Gristleism right now. #
  • Maybe a sequel to the Buddha Reduction is in order! #
  • Oh crap, that new Swans is really damned good. #
  • @sethchrisman It comes closer to portraying the crushingness of their live set than other studio LPs, I think. in reply to sethchrisman #
  • Scott Gessler, the @ColoSecofState is a "threat to our constitutional rights" #
  • Good god this new Swans. #
  • I have made a really damned good thai green curry with veggies from the garden & some grouper. #
  • Just imagine how rich we'd all be if McCain had won in '08. We'd ALL be part of the 1% now. #
  • #
  • @snooksarmy WHAT? And I keep saying NPR has the shittiest taste in music ever. And then this. in reply to snooksarmy #
  • @ValhallArts "Repetition is a form of change" in reply to ValhallArts #
  • Beware the lollipop of mediocrity; lick it once and you suck forever. -Brian Wilson #
  • The Quietus interviews Michael Gira: #
  • It is 11 PM. As a gift to myself, I'm going to stop reading Michael Gira interviews and go to bed. #
  • Stunning. RT: @pattonoswalt: Wow. WOW. FOX News calls bullshit on Ryan's lie-packed speech: #
  • @tobiasreber Heh. A friend of mine had a band that did "goth rap" and another that did death metal songs about food. in reply to tobiasreber #
  • "Uplinked and downlinked as data" – so the Mars Curiosity WAS simply used as the world's most expensive sonic filter. #
  • Can I run some sound samples through the @marscuriosity filter? #
  • @CPRverlee Thank you for your reporting aired today on Scott Gessler @ColoSecofState – Very important to put some sunlight on these actions. #
  • @tobiasreber Europe may as well be another planet. Here, reason is not a factor. in reply to tobiasreber #
  • Just read the new @djunto instructions. It IS an amazing turnaround that preparing a written score for release is being viewed as subversive #
  • Philosophy class … I can tell I'm going to constantly be butting heads with the instructor because I am a skeptic of human exceptionalism. #
  • Philosophy class (2) … On the other hand, he did end class by imploring students to find out what Labor Day is all about aside from BBQ. #
  • @Le_Berger Yes. in reply to Le_Berger #
  • Always a good resource: RT @computerneix [2012.08] I heard this august 21 fine experimental releases #experimental #
  • @snooksarmy Wash those biceps off man, I told you. Glitter slays the ladies. in reply to snooksarmy #
  • @newpractice I'm sorry that I couldn't make it. Car trouble. Again. in reply to newpractice #
  • I know you're all thrilled watching the RNC, but afterward take the time to read this: – #ccmusic #
  • Hey, we could have these people running EVERYTHING for the next four years! That'd be awesome, wouldn't it? #
  • @sethchrisman Let's see… they're coming here at the end of September. I'll be there. in reply to sethchrisman #
  • @PitcherOfSummer @sethchrisman I think this'll be my… fifth time? Fourth or fifth. in reply to PitcherOfSummer #
  • @BrewCrewJess You've got to be shitting me. Ringo never sucked, one of my faves. in reply to BrewCrewJess #
  • @disquiet Do you have the vinyl version. I was surprised to find a totally new mix on that set. in reply to disquiet #
  • @tobiasreber Can't watch it due to flash incompatibility. I need a new computer! in reply to tobiasreber #
  • @c_yantis @sethchrisman Did you know he spent the night at our apartment back in the late '90s? Great guy. in reply to c_yantis #
  • @mrdankelly I haven't been able to bring myself to watch the video, because yeah, I like him. I read part of the transcript, couldn't finish in reply to mrdankelly #
  • This was really good. RT @ebertchicago Samantha Bee @iamsambee chats up delegates about abortion. Video. #
  • @disquiet I remember the first time I heard it, it was like NOTHING I'd ever heard before. in reply to disquiet #
  • @disquiet HUGE congratulations! in reply to disquiet #
  • Just a week? RT: @trisloth: Take a week and just listen to music by people you know. #
  • @newpractice @thedarklobster @ValhallArts @jdaveyartist Heck yeah, happy b-day!!! in reply to newpractice #
  • I'm retweeting like a goon. Will I supply content today? Who knows? #
  • @DaveSeidel NovaDrone! Moisturizer! Uh-oh, what are the ones off to the left, I don't recognize them. in reply to DaveSeidel #
  • @disquiet The entire thing is a new mix. in reply to disquiet #
  • @disquiet At least that's the way it sounds to me. in reply to disquiet #
  • @beercavechillin I was going to say, it's about time you had one! in reply to beercavechillin #
  • Wifey just made the claim that Bone Thugs N Harmony are "a part of our history" together, and sadly, I think she's right. #
  • I just made a donation today to support President Obama. #
  • @snooksarmy Dude, it was like one of the expensive fireworks. You shoulda been there. in reply to snooksarmy #
  • Ring the bell for service: #
  • @cinchel @Le_Berger Nah, Sam's a classy dude, he's got a RealDoll, not a stupid balloon. in reply to cinchel #
  • @DaveSeidel Ah, I got the pedal Gristleizer. I thought about the other one and I can't remember now what tipped the balance. in reply to DaveSeidel #
  • Romney's the 1st Republican since '52 to accept his party's nomination without mentioning war. #
  • @c_a_harebell Then some asshole makes fun of you. in reply to c_a_harebell #
  • @c_a_harebell Dude, I've totally been slacking this time. I've got to give you shit for not having your strength giving Samson dreads. in reply to c_a_harebell #
  • @c_a_harebell You MY flippy skank! in reply to c_a_harebell #
  • "He bought a mood ring, but it remained permanently transparent" That David Brooks-of all people-dissed Romney as such makes it burn hotter. #
  • @snooksarmy I think I committed that crime last week. Juggalo woman won't you come out tonight… in reply to snooksarmy #
  • I foresee beats in his future. RT: @Le_Berger: proceed with music as if it was your penis #
  • I just dug up breakfast from the potato patch. #gardening #
  • @jinjurly I have no clue what you're talking about, but 'dopplecest' is now in the running for my word of the year. in reply to jinjurly #
  • @DaveSeidel I'm not sure I have a single piece of equipment that uses cv. Hm. in reply to DaveSeidel #
  • @jinjurly I inferred as much. I prefer my trippelcest whilst drinking trippelbock. in reply to jinjurly #
  • @jinjurly You'll have to rewire your whole audio system for trippelcest then! in reply to jinjurly #
  • @DaveSeidel I'm looking really seriously at filterbanks. The one I want is two grand though, so I'm hoping for a lottery win! in reply to DaveSeidel #
  • Endless supply of stupid. #
  • You have control of the board. RT: @cinchel: @vuzhmusic what is the republican party? #
  • Crop list at Boulder County Farmers Market: #
  • Thought provoking. RT @alextemplemusic New blog post about my disillusionment with the avant-garde: #
  • @c_a_harebell Vulture Awareness Day via @jinjurly: #
  • I think I've eaten something like ten tomatoes today, many fresh off the vine (not counting cherries). It's heirloom tomato harvest season! #
  • @BrewCrewJess Not worth it. Guy has punishment enough enough in not 'getting' Ringo! in reply to BrewCrewJess #
  • @BrewCrewJess … also, it's usually pointless arguing subjective topics. in reply to BrewCrewJess #
  • @BrewCrewJess I think there are people that appear to genuinely dislike Ringo and Yoko. I pity them. in reply to BrewCrewJess #
  • @disquiet Love that beaten up old AKG mic. Looks like it's coated in wax. in reply to disquiet #
  • Eyjafjallajökull in popular music! via the great @LanguageLog #
  • Listening to old ((good) pre-bad) Mahavishnu Orchestra, and trawling #
  • I'm wondering (in my geeky proggy way) why Caravan was ever classified as prog, they're really just a good pop band. #
  • @Le_Berger King Crimson approached the same dynamic in the 70s, but Wetton / Fripp were fairly overwhelming sometimes too. in reply to Le_Berger #
  • This is a prog album by my friend/ former DroneForest bandmate Dave Stafford @pureambient Lotsa rockin gweetar. nuffsed #
  • @Gurdonark I think they were stuck w/ prog because they came from Canterbury during that specific time. in reply to Gurdonark #
  • @Le_Berger Yes, it was really important to me then, but now I can't really listen to anything aside from the 70s stuff. in reply to Le_Berger #
  • @Le_Berger I was around during the 70s, but I had to play catch up with music later. My early musical life is a very complicated story. in reply to Le_Berger #
  • @Le_Berger Thumbnail sketch: poverty + fundamentalist extreme religion + social awkwardness + curiosity. in reply to Le_Berger #
  • Good grief. Why did I wait too long to order the new Anglagard? It's already so rare that it costs fifty bucks. #
  • @Le_Berger New. I'm seeing on their blog that they didn't yet have widespread distro by July 2012. in reply to Le_Berger #
  • @Le_Berger I suppose I could buy from the Swedish distro, I'm wondering what it'll cost to ship. in reply to Le_Berger #
  • Dude what? 25% VAT? #
  • @Le_Berger Yeah, someone must have it on this side of the ocean. I'd rather not pay 60 bucks for a stupid CD. in reply to Le_Berger #

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Weekly Twitter Update

Sunday, 08 August 2012

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Friday, 08 August 2012

Here’s some photos of me. A couple at the Junto concert, and another one for contrast.

That last photo was taken by Gurdonark, (it features me & Auzel and Jeff Sampson.)
The other two taken by Carrie.

Weekly Twitter Update

Sunday, 08 August 2012

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Weekly Twitter Update

Sunday, 08 August 2012

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Weekly Twitter Update

Sunday, 08 August 2012

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Weekly Twitter Update

Sunday, 07 July 2012
  • @mystified131 🙂 Turns out there's 4 30 – 40 min EPs tucked away in there. A bit premature to talk of releasing, need mixing & mastering. in reply to mystified131 #
  • Less than a month until the Denver Junto concert, 8/19! Cody Yantis, Radere, Offthesky, Pillow Garden, C. Reider, Mysterybear Ten and Tracer #
  • Soliciting your opinion: Usually I put out everything as C. Reider – considering a new project name for beat stuff – good idea / bad idea? #
  • Denver Post has been publishing remembrances of victims, pretty tough to read. #
  • @lau_nau I have a lot of love for the music of Lau Nau and Kuupuu. Best wishes for the two of you! in reply to lau_nau #
  • @benjamindauer Would've been great, maybe there will be another time! in reply to benjamindauer #
  • @snooksarmy That's kind of what I did for the Electret Quintet, and it's something I've been considering for this, thanks. in reply to snooksarmy #
  • So here it is, C. Reider live video: Lighting is crummy, be aware. #
  • @snooksarmy I'm pretty fuckin' hot, aren't I? in reply to snooksarmy #
  • @newpractice *bows* *waves, smiling* in reply to newpractice #
  • My Representative! 🙂 RT: @jaredpolis: My child bullies your child #ConservativeBumperStickers #
  • If you haven't already downloaded Topaz by @grahamdunning, do it, it's a knockout! Unequivocal recommendation! #ccmusic #
  • Everywhere little fast-zooming black spiders. #
  • Gin and bitters and fresh lavender. Weaker tongues would curl at the bitterness. #
  • Quite possibly. RT @c_a_harebell Parson spiders? #
  • @cinchel Dude just remember one 'C'! in reply to cinchel #
  • @cinchel Asscoustic in reply to cinchel #
  • My secret internet weapon. #
  • There are very, very many people that could be described as 'loners'. The percentage of them that are homicidal maniacs is stupendously low. #
  • You think yer smartphone is snazzy, THIS is the height of human technological development. All downhill from here. #
  • Give a lunatic a gun and he strike terror in the heart of the entire world. #
  • Romney seems like the bad guy in some crappy TV suspense drama. And yet he's the top man of the #GOP #
  • @leonrosado What are you going to be doing in Sweden? Do you have employment there? in reply to leonrosado #
  • In case you missed it this weekend: Here's a video of my live performance from July: Crummy lighting, sorry! #
  • @kimcascone I, for one, was already pretty dumb, so I guess I'm not qualified to say! in reply to kimcascone #
  • *SNORT* RT: @Gurdonark: great techno band name: "reider" being Norse for "Fighter of the Nest" #
  • @leonrosado Best of luck there! in reply to leonrosado #
  • Mitt opposes partner benefits for Ride's surviving spouse of 27 years MT @MittRomney Sally Ride ranks among the greatest of pioneers. #
  • First big tomato has ripened, a carbon. It's incredible. We're going to eat it with mozzarella & fresh basil from the garden & olive oil. #
  • Howbout use it 4 the goddamn North rail corridor? RT @denverpostlite Colorado gets $17mil in transit grants @hickforco #
  • Because of @MothersAgainst1 I will now think of Luigi Russolo as the Aleister Crowley of noise. #
  • @c_a_harebell Uhhh…??? #
  • Conversations with the wifey stoking up some memories. Whole school assemblies to watch the space shuttle launch on live TV. In the gym. #
  • @newpractice That must be a good memory! in reply to newpractice #
  • Prime numbers : #
  • The new batch of netlabel stuff I've downloaded is mostly ace. Guess the heat stimulated the experimental mojo. #
  • "Mojo" is actually one of my least favorite words ever. #
  • Sounds like a horrible sandwich spread. #
  • Mmmm. Shall I have some mojo on me toast, or maybe some pablum? #
  • @rhinoceropolis What time does that Ryan Jewell show start then? #
  • Just got a random email spam for power supplies for guitar pedals. That actually happened. #
  • @twiceremovedrec Well you'll have to make it to the show then! Walnut Room 8/19 Denver in reply to twiceremovedrec #
  • @flspectro Sounds like a low-rent Mortal Kombat character or something. in reply to flspectro #
  • @twiceremovedrec Yup, that's probably not worth it! 🙂 Maybe we'll live stream though… in reply to twiceremovedrec #
  • @dpnem @MothersAgainst1 Almost everything on the radio is unpleasant sounding to me. in reply to dpnem #
  • One of the artists who had work in Sound Through Barriers is playing a show tonight in Denver. #
  • Was on the interstate on my way to Denver for the Ryan Jewell show @rhinoceropolis when the truck started missing really bad, turned around. #
  • @thedarklobster Sound tells its own story. Words just muddy things up. in reply to thedarklobster #
  • "America would be an even greater country if people didn't have to do stuff like this to get life-saving medical treatment." @boingboing #
  • @c_a_harebell I think you would have to not take it at all in order to get a bad grade. You've been kicking ass hard. in reply to c_a_harebell #
  • Mechanical breakdowns remind me that entropy is worth more worship than some invisible sky daddy. #
  • @c_a_harebell Tooting your own horn is exactly the kind of smutty activity @ChickfilA is against! in reply to c_a_harebell #
  • Extremely close lightning strike! HOLEE SHIT! I think the computers have all survived. #
  • 9 Lives to Wonder, a Film by Cevin Key. I'm not sure how I'm going to be able to wait until October for this. #
  • A very nice, appreciative email from Hungary with an enquiry. I'll look forward to replying to it after work. #
  • Seriously, I am completely flipped out about the 9 lives to wonder film. One of my favorite albums ever. Listen: #
  • @jinjurly I expect a full critique. 🙂 Totally jealous, have fun, be educated! in reply to jinjurly #
  • @Gurdonark @jinjurly Today is roast in my 90+ degree office while putzing around on tacky pewter sculpture day for me! in reply to Gurdonark #
  • @disquiet Not that it affects me yet, but I find Gatekeeper troubling. in reply to disquiet #
  • @dpnem Presumable you stream stuff before downloading? in reply to dpnem #
  • @tornatzky Reminds me of the intro to Mulholland Drive. in reply to tornatzky #
  • @cinchel @dpnem What is that where all the radical crazy netlabel people are supposed to be from? Huh? 🙂 in reply to cinchel #
  • @dpnem I often use your own theeasypace site to stream a bit before deciding whether to go to the download page. Streaming widgets are key in reply to dpnem #
  • Our gin and tonics are rapidly becoming a vegetable medley. Aside from lemon, now there's cucumber & red balada pepper from the garden. #
  • My reading list is out of control. Interesting: I actually had an author contact me to read his book, it was already on my list! #
  • There are several essays kicking around in my head that I ought to write. Too many other things on my mind though! #
  • Heard about another archive of Grateful Dead memorabilia, and wondered why some groups are overdocumented, & entire movements are forgotten. #
  • I see that the Grandmothers of Invention are coming to Denver w/ Napolean M. Brock / Don Preston / Tom Fowler – need to repair that truck! #
  • Congratulations @leafdoctor on your new post as director of the Smithsonian @NMNH, sorry to see you leave @DenverMuseumNS!! #
  • @ENE_RVA The ugly American has really nice hair. in reply to ENE_RVA #
  • Its kick drum is basically just a sine wave. RT: @BoingBoing: Documentary about an iconic drum machine #
  • @snooksarmy THAT'S NOT YOUR SWORD. in reply to snooksarmy #
  • @djunto Already looking forward to next year's Luigi Russolo project. in reply to djunto #
  • A shot in the dark: #
  • Fresh, ripe peaches from Palisade, Colorado. #
  • @robdeadtech Stay with them, if you can, they only get better as the season advances. The late season ones will blow your mind. in reply to robdeadtech #
  • The Colorado @djunto concert is competing with Il Divo, Dead Can Dance, 311 and Slightly Stoopid on 8/19. Which one are you going to attend? #
  • @Gurdonark I heard a radio story about Ouray today, in which I learned that their water rights were called by those downstream this year. in reply to Gurdonark #
  • @Gurdonark The drought is causing tourist economy to compete with agricultural economy. in reply to Gurdonark #
  • I rather wish I did not have Def Leppard songs stuck in my head. #
  • Not knowing… knowing: #
  • @c_yantis Well, yes, there's nothing new or groundbreaking about it, I think the point is just to listen. in reply to c_yantis #
  • @c_yantis It's possible that this kind of accident is more resonant when the composer is less keen on 'intent'. in reply to c_yantis #
  • aleatory & indeterminism are words which have been coined – to bypass the word improvisation & as such the influence of nonwhite sensibility #
  • Previous tweet was a cruddy twitter interpretation of a quote by Anthony Braxton that should make any Cage fan go "Oh snap!" #
  • We're arguing whether you should say "oh snap!" right after jumping off a cliff, or after you hit the bottom. #
  • @c_a_harebell Infinity doesn't change the fact that you GOT TOLD. in reply to c_a_harebell #
  • @Gurdonark Do you know much about water law? I guess that's probably less an issue in TX. Big issue here. in reply to Gurdonark #
  • @jshell Congrats. I remember how satisfying it was to quit that ridiculous habit. in reply to jshell #
  • @Gurdonark "Fluent" is a good word to use when discussing water. in reply to Gurdonark #
  • Hm. RT: @denverpostlite: Fox News stands by story: Package sent by Holmes unopened for days #
  • I agree RT @dpnem RT @audiotalaia A superb work by Chris Whitehead I already share it once, still deserves more #
  • @jinjurly Oh, I wish I didn't empathize with that tweet. in reply to jinjurly #
  • @_Eeem_ Jealous. I have little luck finding chanterelles here in any quantity, just one or two here & there. in reply to _Eeem_ #
  • Drone Forest did a similar thing to the "Now That's What I Call Drone" comp: A bit less top40 oriented though. #
  • @_Eeem_ We call those the yellow foot, but they don't grow at all here in Colorado. We have only the one species. You can buy at the store. in reply to _Eeem_ #
  • @_Eeem_ At least we have the highly prized Tricholoma magnivelare and tons of boletes. in reply to _Eeem_ #
  • @Le_Berger One of these days I need to get up to Canuckistan. Yup. in reply to Le_Berger #
  • There's stuff on my Zoom H4n that I don't remember recording, and I don't remember what the intent was. Seems distantly familiar, but…? #
  • Following: 1307, Followers: 72. All tracks over 500 plays. These are not good signs. #
  • New G&T variant, gin, tonic, fresh palisade peaches, fresh balada peppers from the garden. Every sip is hot enough to make me cough. #
  • Seriously, is this all you people are going to talk about for the next month? #
  • Mitt Romney still reminds me of Jack from Lost. I like him even less. #kateforVP #
  • @jshell Towelie! in reply to jshell #
  • Apple considering @twitter. All tweets will be approved by Gatekeeper, for your security. #
  • Happy net-versary #ccmusic #netlabels #
  • @DaveSeidel Jorge Ben! I'm going to have Umbabarauma stuck in my head all day now! in reply to DaveSeidel #
  • Why aren't there more netlabel women? #ccwomen #
  • @kmkrebs Alliums! It's basically an onion. in reply to kmkrebs #
  • @TornFleshRecs Indeed! But congratulations ought to go to @dpnem founder & maintainer of that vital resource in reply to TornFleshRecs #
  • I don't play video games, but if I did, I'd want to play one based on H.R. Giger's 'Shaft' drawings. #
  • @computerneix Welcome to the Junto, Miquel! in reply to computerneix #
  • @DaveSeidel Plunder! It's as heavy as Zep, but sounds nothing like them. Weird. in reply to DaveSeidel #
  • Figured out the truck thing, it's less a big deal than I thought, so maybe I'll have time for doing the Junto this week. #
  • For now I'm hopping on the bike to go down to @CityStarBrewing for a couple of bitter pints. #
  • Steely Dan have made a lot of very good songs. #fact #
  • Look, I'm just saying… if I saw you and "Rikki Don't Lose that Number" in a fist fight in a seedy bar, I might not root for you, OK? #
  • Mothers Against Noise ought to do something like the PNRC: Parents Noise Research Center. Lobby Congress. @MothersAgainst1 Tax $ well spent #
  • @BrewCrewJess That's right. Also: a squid eating dough in a polyethylene bag is fast and bulbous, got me? #changingtopic in reply to BrewCrewJess #
  • @BrewCrewJess BTW, I listened to several of your songs on soundcloud. I recommended it to a few folks. Well done, but not my favored style in reply to BrewCrewJess #
  • @BrewCrewJess Yes and no. I think the hostages were willing on some level. And they made a weird music masterpiece. in reply to BrewCrewJess #
  • @BrewCrewJess Not sure if I read that specific article, but I'm not surprised, given the mythology of that album. in reply to BrewCrewJess #
  • My contribution to Disquiet Junto #30 [nonsilent]. "Expansion" by C.Reider #fieldrecording #
  • @BrewCrewJess Incidentally, I noticed you released your recording under copyright, do you know about Creative Commons? in reply to BrewCrewJess #
  • @Gurdonark Vimeo has never worked well for me. I suspect they're better than Youtube in some ways, but if I can't use the service… in reply to Gurdonark #
  • Junto Colorado poster! August 19 – Be there or be octagonal. #
  • If you want silly things like details: #

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