Weekly Twitter Update
Sunday, 07 July 2012
- @mrdankelly sleepytime gorilla museum in reply to mrdankelly #
- @c_a_harebell http://t.co/oRM3JRfD #
- Every bike tire pump I've ever bought is complete BS. The part under most stress made of plastic, so it breaks too easily. #
- The only regret I have about not having TV is when it's Wimbledon / US Open season. Congrats Roger Federer! Unbelievable. #
- I think this latest @djunto has produced some of my favorite results yet. http://t.co/sGUFi8gP #
- @ergophizmiz I'm pretty sure @greencine has it. @dpnem in reply to dpnem #
- Ho-lee shit! The new synths that arrived are HEAVY like a sledgehammer. #
- I'm writing a few handwritten letters to go in packages that will be going out – haven't done that in a while. #
- Forget it, I guess I'll upload to @soundcloud later. Their upload speed is basically nil right now. #
- @Gurdonark Heavy in the "HEAD FOR THE SHELTERS THE MOTHERSHIP IS LANDING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" kind of way. in reply to Gurdonark #
- RT @mrdankelly Ernest Borgnine was awesome. #
- @tobiasreber That's actually quite exciting to look at. I'm glad there's at least one girl involved! I'll bet you're proud! in reply to tobiasreber #
- A good practice today incorporating the new drone synths and glass harp. Unconvinced this is a good setup though – More play required. #
- @Gurdonark It's just a wine glass + water. Not anything fancy like an actual glass armonium. in reply to Gurdonark #
- "If you could only play a record once, imagine the intensity you'd have to bring to the listening!" -Derek Bailey #
- @Gurdonark I'm working on a challenge to perform live w/ glass harp for a concert representing the @disquiet Junto in Denver-Difficulty high in reply to Gurdonark #
- @Gurdonark No restrictions on looping, but I would like to avoid looping and laptops if possible. in reply to Gurdonark #
- @Gurdonark I'd like to keep it simple (don't want lots of glass onstage) Still thinking though options. in reply to Gurdonark #
- I need a new internet service provider #
- Spend an hour and a half on the phone w/ tech support only to have them tell me to upgrade my service. That after upping my bill w/o notice #
- Ubiquity of blue-eyed white people in marketing is a sign of the apocalypse. http://t.co/1pc2DBZk #
- Ubiquity of blue-eyed white people in stock photos on every website I go to is a sign of the apocalypse. http://t.co/Uli0CZy0 #
- These people might either kill you and eat you, or help you with your router. #
- Leaving you as hollow as they are. With a working router. And no soul. #
- Dear glob. These are the stock photos belonging to the company I'm *fleeing to* – Is this really the only other option? Pale blue emptiness #
- Two crappy companies competing for a tiny market they don't really pay attention to otherwise. Is that really competition? #
- I haven't yet found a non-white person depicted on the website for centurylink. Mustn't there be one? At least one? Isn't that the standard? #
- Good grief. http://t.co/SXye0qnH #
- @CenturyFuck alright, I demand that you fistfight @ShittySkybeam whoever wins is my new ISP, and needless to say, whoever wins, I lose. #
- Buddha Reduction is being featured by FM3 @buddhamachine as their remix of the week! http://t.co/7oRNVpLf #
- @tobiasreber I'm not sure I would do a performance with just a laptop, but I have no huge problem with it as an audient. in reply to tobiasreber #
- Buddha Reduction is the remix of the week for @buddhamachine's @soundcloud: http://t.co/7oRNVpLf #
- "Reducing the Buddha" article in @disquiet by Marc Weidenbaum about Buddha Reduction: http://t.co/YXlrAXJo #
- I just want to say that the fact that Skybeam raised my monthly rate w/o notification and then throttled my upload speed makes me furious. #
- @Gurdonark If Skybeam were a person, I would feel tempted to punch him in the face. I would refrain of course, but I would feel this. in reply to Gurdonark #
- @PBK_ I'm also using synths. New to live performance and new to synths! Adventure time! in reply to PBK_ #
- Very soon a gin and tonic & some fresh melon will cool my temper. A telephone call to Skybeam's competitor will also help. #
- C. Reider – July 5, 2012 at Bizarre Bazaar (live) by @vuzhmusic via #soundcloud http://t.co/AmZjxe6R #
- @newpractice Did you forget the apostrophe? Painting's about painting. in reply to newpractice #
- Oregon Public Broadcasting spot on circuit bending: http://t.co/mLVkQILP I remember when I 1st heard of this in the 90s – blew my mind! #
- Qubais Reed Ghazala is the name to know. #
- @birdsbreath Yup! in reply to birdsbreath #
- Here's a recording of my live performance last week: http://t.co/0IWgjsGE Video coming soon (although I've heard it's very dark video) #
- @snooksarmy Pretty much! ;0E in reply to snooksarmy #
- I found a very promising (and simple) signal chain for the resonant wine-glass set up for the Denver Junto in August. #
- @djunto I was going to say something about that, very interesting! in reply to djunto #
- @cinchel Are you playing w/ Andrew? Say hi to him & Ensemble Eric! in reply to cinchel #
- A brief article on the auroral sounds associated w/ the Northern Lights: http://t.co/rOWnFbO5 via @c_a_harebell #
- @DaveSeidel We have two. Just arrived. in reply to DaveSeidel #
- @DaveSeidel If I can figure patching out with 2, then we can string all 3 together in reply to DaveSeidel #
- @jinjurly Dude, seriously. That's pissing ME off and I don't even make fanfic. in reply to jinjurly #
- @jinjurly There must be some sort of special way of collectively and creatively giving the middle finger to Random House for that. in reply to jinjurly #
- @DaveSeidel Some sort of modulation helps. And long delay. in reply to DaveSeidel #
- @Gurdonark Most video games' gender representations are beyond unrealistic and shitty. No surprise that many of them are misogynistic too in reply to Gurdonark #
- @Gurdonark Also, I guess it just proves that the misogyny in the game was marketed at the right audience. in reply to Gurdonark #
- @jinjurly agreed! and agreed! in reply to jinjurly #
- @dpnem I was just thinking today about how all English people sound like Alan Partridge. in reply to dpnem #
- @jinjurly Well then. in reply to jinjurly #
- A true hero of political bullshit. RT @repcorygardner members debating repeal of #Obamacare Dems expected to join GOP in vote to repeal #
- @Le_Berger Let me be the first to give you jack shit. in reply to Le_Berger #
- @snooksarmy Shave them pussy. in reply to snooksarmy #
- Make it public. RT: @_stretts: may have discovered some plagiarism in some netlabel music #ughhhhh #
- Make it public. RT: @_stretts: even worse is that the perp released the album commercially #netlabel #plagiarism #
- @DaveSeidel Great idea about stabilizing the glass, I'm going to give that some thought. @falsereactions in reply to DaveSeidel #
- @DaveSeidel I was using Audible Disease convulsion, which has some weird modulations to it into a 2 second delay. Might double contact mic. in reply to DaveSeidel #
- @DaveSeidel Doesn't the Drone Lab have a side input? in reply to DaveSeidel #
- @DaveSeidel Might also try one of those ribbon piezo mics. I have some but I haven't put them together yet. #
- @DaveSeidel Might be easier to get a good contact with the round glass than the flat brass discs. #
- @falsereactions Hmm, I suspect duct tape won't hold it down securely enough for my preferences. in reply to falsereactions #
- @DaveSeidel Cool. It must be the same deal. Is the breadboard labeled? There's a kind of guide for the novadrone printed on the board in reply to DaveSeidel #
- @c_a_harebell @snooksarmy Total lie! she was just telling me what an asshole Snooks is, and I was wondering what she was talking about??? in reply to c_a_harebell #
- @jinjurly @Skud I suggest countering the power structure with intentional subversion. But that's me. Subversion is the opposite of power. in reply to jinjurly #
- @Skud Sorry, too many g&t's and the stuff I've been obsessing about spills out! It's probably not germane to your conversation. in reply to Skud #
- Got any non blockbusters coming? RT @DenverArtMuseum #YSLDenver is gone but #VanGoghDenver is coming this fall! http://t.co/spkePJOa #
- @Le_Berger … and jack shit IS especially special! in reply to Le_Berger #
- @Gurdonark I think there's some springs down there. That's in the part of Colorado where every little town has its hot spring. in reply to Gurdonark #
- Very important netlabel connectiveness commentary on the new Acts of Silence article: http://t.co/0oYZPR0b #
- @dpnem Spain has a very admirable acousmatic scene, happy to enjoy it from afar! in reply to dpnem #
- Please stay out of my head Paul McCartney songs. Like, forever. #
- @jiyahkelly Maybe I'm Amazed, sadly. in reply to jiyahkelly #
- @jiyahkelly It makes me say to myself "my glob, I could be thinking of any song in the world, and I'm thinking of this one?" Do not want. in reply to jiyahkelly #
- @jiyahkelly Your mileage may vary, of course. in reply to jiyahkelly #
- Squeeking brakes on a passing car merge delightfully w/ wifey playing on the music stuff in the next room. #
- Wifey keeps shaming me with how much better her practices are than mine w/ the same equipment! #
- @dpnem I'm happy the audience put in the effort to listen through the quietness. Yes, I should've worked on live improv long ago. in reply to dpnem #
- @dpnem Also thanks! in reply to dpnem #
- @dpnem It actually sounds pretty good when turned way up. It can move some air (and leaves room for air movement) in reply to dpnem #
- Good grief. RT @danspock You knew this was coming: Bible museum planned for Washington, D.C. http://t.co/2ZaqsmJk Blue-eyed Jesus ahoy! #
- @Gurdonark Thanks. That was my first ever floaty ambient track. '91 in reply to Gurdonark #
- Occupational hazard: finger cramp from playing wine-glass @djunto @mystery_bear @falsereactions #firstworldproblems #
- @tobiasreber Have you already checked @ubuweb ? in reply to tobiasreber #
- @DaveSeidel New synths! in reply to DaveSeidel #
- Thanks for wasting your time & not doing anything that will actually do damage. RT @repcorygardner #FullRepeal of ACA happening in 15 mins #
- @dpnem In the cassette days I had an "alternative soundtrack series" I wanted to do a silent film, but didn't make it past the 1st in series in reply to dpnem #
- @dpnem We did an alternative soundtrack to Altered States. It was a learning experience, but I don't like it, won't re-release it. in reply to dpnem #
- RT @BoingBoing Letter to Chuck Close from the digital artist whom he threatened with a lawsuit http://t.co/Mi5zFon3 #
- C. Reider is the remixer of the week at @buddhamachine's site, go give it a listen! http://t.co/uQM9rE3M #
- I like that @MMFlint is encouraging people to go on a walk. Thanks Mike! Have to practice now, will try to walk later. #
- Plans are coming together for a live collaboration between C. Reider and Mysterybear. Or as they say in Twitterlandia: @mystery_bear #
- So if you want to hear it, book your flights to Colorado for the August Denver Junto now! 😉 #
- Suggestions for very inexpensive but good powered studio monitors? My Roland MA-8's are lousy… they're ridiculous, really. #
- Quick! Everyone, let's go to bed, so we can wake up and go to work tomorrow!! #
- @tobiasreber Thanks! I've seen some good prices on KRK, but haven't looked at reviews yet. in reply to tobiasreber #
- Whoa. "Got you gaggin' on Gaga" http://t.co/5Dl9S8Qk New Public Enemy track has some good stuff in it. #
- Who is 'them'? MT @UnstableIsotope Romney: If they want more stuff from the gov't tell them to vote for the other guy http://t.co/ymMR7HiK #
- @netlabelism Chris Whitehead 'SouthGare', HeCanJog 'PocketSuite', Meteer '3WordSeminary', Noisemaker 'SpaceDrones', David Nemeth 'HomeDrones in reply to netlabelism #
- @hecanjog Nice! Say hi to Andrew & Ensemble Eric. in reply to hecanjog #
- @DaveSeidel Nice! How are your new pieces of kit? in reply to DaveSeidel #
- No netlabel is forever. Archive what you love. #
- Best article about shit you'll read all day: http://t.co/9pwUePaZ The Copro-Lites would be a great band name. #
- This whole "enigma of John Roberts" furor is ridiculous. A conservative goes against the grain once & he's a fascinating mystery? Bullshit. #
- I find much to agree with here. RT: @jupitterlarsen: Discogs sucks! Most of the info on it about my stuff is wrong. The site is useless. #
- @ENE_RVA Didja get any Lenya inya? in reply to ENE_RVA #
- @c_a_harebell http://t.co/9EN4i1ah #
- @ENE_RVA Holy fucking shit: http://t.co/Ml1qdz7Z in reply to ENE_RVA #
- Fruit flies are everywhere in our house. We shall let the jumping spiders extract their DNA. Our humble scientists. #
- If you exclusively use Facebook for your whatever, you may get enough 'likes' to ignore this: but you're being an exclusionary asshole. #
- $8240 for a single monitor? http://t.co/0NPY6ypq #
- @cinchel Yo Morton 'sup? in reply to cinchel #
- @ValhallArts They still have American Idol? in reply to ValhallArts #
- @cinchel What exactly would you text him, if you were actually going to do it? in reply to cinchel #
- @cinchel Here's mine: "SiLVr pples ROXXsr bro!!1" in reply to cinchel #
- @cinchel "Also WYLD BULL Whoa crzzy" in reply to cinchel #
- @cinchel Wait. This should actually be a hashtag #drunktextingsubotnick in reply to cinchel #
- "SiLVr pples ROXXsr bro!!1" #drunktextingsubotnick #
- "Also WYLD BULL Whoa crzzy" #drunktextingsubotnick #
- "cn I borro yr bhcla?" #drunktextingsubotnick #
- .@npr I hope you're going to spend as much time on John Cage's centenary as you have on Woody Guthrie's – @totn @morningedition @nprfreshair #
- The new @djunto project this week is a remix of derivative allowing Creative Commons netlabel music. Perfect, and timely project. #
- RT: @vuzhmusic @npr @totn @morningedition @nprfreshair I humbly suggest 100 years of silence. #
- @tobiasreber rofl pwnd in reply to tobiasreber #
- "d00d wots that 1 weird noise in yr muzic?" #drunktextingsubotnick #
- @dpnem Strep is a breeze compared to mono. Fuck mono. in reply to dpnem #
- Are there going to be any good John Cage parties on September 5? #
- @cinchel ha ha ha in reply to cinchel #
- @ENE_RVA That sounds great! in reply to ENE_RVA #
- Junto ideas: for live show I think I might try a pre-recorded glass piece plus live glass playing mixed together. #
- For the newest Junto project (need to re-read the rules) I might use the specified release and combine samples from other CC releases #
- @jinjurly Dude, what? Are you purposefully trying to harm me with covetousness? in reply to jinjurly #
- Three ripe green grape tomatoes! It's about time! #
- @jinjurly So it's like blueberry pickle juice? with sugar? Hmmmmm. in reply to jinjurly #
- OK. I need to learn to make my own electronics stuff. It's been on the to-do list for a long-ass time, it's probably time now. #
- @c_a_harebell Dude: RT @jinjurly http://t.co/A5kUYJcO some recipes i have been trying. #
- What do we sound like to a whale? http://t.co/lA6h3njp #
- "Hey bro do you know Bjork?" #drunktextingsubotnick #
- "Dood U should do sound for AVerngers 2" #drunktextingsubotnick #
- "U and Skrillex should jam, yo" #drunktextingsubotnick #
- "got any weed?" #drunktextingsubotnick #
- "Dood no Tansformers EVEN BETTER" #drunktextingsubotnick #
- Or if you're not in a band at all. MT @nyctaper If your band has not played yet has finished, DON'T TALK OVER THE BAND currently on stage. #
- RT @c_a_harebell Don't let us forget to look out for the aurora this evening. #
- @birdsbreath ?wot's the onion song then? in reply to birdsbreath #
- @alextemplemusic Ha! no. It comes from a friend of mine whose brother had his number and they got drunk & were going to text him, but didn't #
- @jinjurly Pretty much the major temptation to subscribing to the Atlantic is the fact that they have a regular column about cocktails. in reply to jinjurly #
- Neither fucking would mine!: Ron Paul: My supporters 'wouldn't be very happy' with Condoleezza Rice #
- I am playing air marimba in my underwear. And I'm a bad-ass at air marimba so stand aside. #
- Rock! RT @MargaretAtwood And here are the Endpapers I drew for "In Other Worlds: SF and the Human Imagination." http://t.co/hp7KvMjQ #
- @c_a_harebell Margaret FUCKING Atwood was never a loser. in reply to c_a_harebell #
- @MargaretAtwood RT @c_a_harebell the merman! and the iguana/rat! and the snailcactus! #
- @c_a_harebell 3 too many. I should totally drunk tweet Morton Subotnick and @MargaretAtwood together! in reply to c_a_harebell #
- @c_a_harebell Dude facebook jimmy fail. in reply to c_a_harebell #
- @c_a_harebell http://t.co/nfiJ5ImM #
- @c_a_harebell http://t.co/Tutm6bXE #
- The Condi rumor is brilliant politics. It ain't gonna be Condi. #
- @Gurdonark Geez! Time flies. in reply to Gurdonark #
- @benjamindauer Christof Migone has this: http://t.co/dx9vZHmJ Not quite what you're looking for though! in reply to benjamindauer #
- Netlabel http://t.co/gS9cdK6w appears to be down. Hopefully not for the count. #
- New minireviews of netlabels at my blog: http://t.co/W6UZAvAE Barascud, Alex Charles, Conure, René Muñoz Córdova, FJRicharts, Hirobleep… #
- New minireviews of netlabels at my blog http://t.co/W6UZAvAE Hunted Creatures, Noisemaker, Noise Research w/ Shaun Blezard, Sarah J Ritch… #
- Looking for something to listen to? Eleven netlabel releases reviewed: http://t.co/W6UZAvAE #
- @c_a_harebell Somehow Lily just spilled a whole bunch of pebbles into the clothes dryer. WTF? #
- @ins_out You know that http://t.co/gS9cdK6w is having some problems loading? I wrote a review of Noisemaker here: http://t.co/eakf5cgg #
- My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: Peter Gabriel (9), Forma (7) & Alasdair Roberts (5) http://t.co/tvP6DdQQ #
- Somehow my remix of Xesus Valle's work for @djunto is turning out very 'normal' sounding. It was an accident, I swear! #
- New minireviews of netlabels: http://t.co/eakf5cgg Includes a comment defending CC ND licenses. #
- New track: Juggalo Bear Fap http://t.co/TmFhkeDL Remix of Xesús Valle for @djunto 28 #ccmusic #netlabels @audiotalaia #
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