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Sunday, 07 July 2012

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Weekly Twitter Update

Sunday, 07 July 2012

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Weekly Twitter Update

Sunday, 07 July 2012

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Weekly Twitter Update

Sunday, 06 June 2012

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Weekly Twitter Update

Sunday, 06 June 2012

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Weekly Twitter Update

Sunday, 06 June 2012

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Sunday, 06 June 2012

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Weekly Twitter Update

Sunday, 05 May 2012

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Weekly Twitter Update

Sunday, 05 May 2012
  • I'm looking forward to the next Vuzh Music release, probably next week. I might follow up next month with a C. Reider release, hmmmm… #
  • Gin and tonic with fresh lavender and lotsa lemon. #
  • Tomorrow (probably) I'm going to release your favorite ambient netlabel release of the year on Vuzh Music. #
  • I would like to take an entire month off of work just to catch up on listening to what I've missed on Soundcloud posted by people I follow. #
  • @TheWalnutRoom I'm looking to possibly book an event in August, but I can't find any contact info… help? #
  • @hecanjog I saw your tweets here, but you have a protected account so I can't see them as @liminallistener in reply to hecanjog #
  • @hecanjog I can say that it could be argued that corporate sponsorship is a necessary evil in art, because art is expensive to do. (1 of 2) in reply to hecanjog #
  • @hecanjog … But there's a big difference between a sponsorship and content that looks like an advertisement. (2 of 2) in reply to hecanjog #
  • @hecanjog I feel pretty iffy about sponsorships. I considered them for Sound Through Barriers, because it was an expensive project. in reply to hecanjog #
  • @hecanjog Happily, the multi-departmental academic + museum connections ended up covering the expenses w/o corporate involvement. in reply to hecanjog #
  • @tobiasreber Sadly, I see museums compromising their mission all the time with corporate sponsorship, not just art. … in reply to tobiasreber #
  • @tobiasreber I saw a Monsanto funded exhibition at Chicago's Fields Museum that was preposterous. in reply to tobiasreber #
  • @tobiasreber That's pretty much what the link I tweeted looked like. Little "inclusive" slogans everywhere & everything. in reply to tobiasreber #
  • @newpractice Shit. I heard about it on the news a couple of hours ago. in reply to newpractice #
  • We're represented by a bunch of dicks. #
  • The leader is the limiting influence of any group. #
  • If anyone is paying attention they might find a new release at Vuzh Music. #
  • #
  • Colorado's Jeff Sampson throws his hat into the Junto ring: #
  • @tobiasreber Hope you have enjoyed it! 🙂 in reply to tobiasreber #
  • @jinjurly Did you cut your hair really short? Let's see. in reply to jinjurly #
  • Okay, Google+ just got slightly more interesting: #frankzappa is a trending topic right now. #
  • New release at Vuzh Music! Encomiast "gravity is very compelling" #netlabel #ccmusic #darkambient #
  • My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: Broadcast and The Focus Group (17), Carter Tutti Void (3) & Pye Corner Audio (2) #
  • @tobiasreber The only Deathprod I've ever heard was the collab w/ Biosphere, which was the best thing the latter has done. in reply to tobiasreber #
  • @tobiasreber Maybe I can't get past the goofy name. Are they worth looking in to? in reply to tobiasreber #
  • Phone broken at work, computer at work down, then get home… USPS screwed up a delivery & @dreamhost email is down. Communication breakdown #
  • @AndrewMichler They're talking about opening a biochar plant here in Berthoud. in reply to AndrewMichler #
  • @jinjurly That's cute. Sorta half Maggie Koerth Baker, and half sulky heavy metal teen from the 80s. in reply to jinjurly #
  • @LopaBrunjes @AndrewMichler Eavesdrop away. I read it in the local paper: in reply to LopaBrunjes #
  • So Pierre Schaeffer and John Cage walk into a bar… #
  • @jshell Do you have Skybeam out there? in reply to jshell #
  • @jshell Yeah, we have the same, actually, it's just Skybeam vs. CenturyLink. in reply to jshell #
  • I'm not a fine artist, I'm a very coarse one. #
  • There needs to be another Auzel album. (NP: Auzel playing with a looper and Convulsion pedal by @audibledisease) #
  • @jinjurly In the 80s I was equally fascinated by sulky new wave girls & sulky heavy metal girls. The latter were slightly more approachable in reply to jinjurly #
  • @jinjurly Though neither group was equally fascinated with me! :/ in reply to jinjurly #
  • Trimpin's new work is about the Holocaust. His work has been so joyous and occasionally whimsical up until now, so I'm curious about this. #
  • RT: @liminallistener: Trimpin's new work "Gurs Zyklus"! Seattle, May 17-20. #
  • Down economy-museum revenue down across US, & yet Denver opens three new museums this year: @HistoryColorado, @Still_Museum & Anschutz Coll. #
  • This is one hell of a search term that just led someone to my site: Hope they found what they were looking for. #
  • @tobiasreber I was deeply into them in the 90s / early 00s. Now they bore me, except that Deathprod one & Substrata. in reply to tobiasreber #
  • In case you missed it: Ambient music by Encomiast "gravity is very compelling" #
  • Me too. RT @jshell Still pretty happy with how the "Southern Muscle" tape turned out. #

  • @Steve_Hamann Something that rigorous is tough. in reply to Steve_Hamann #
  • @Steve_Hamann I was doing mini reviews throughout last year. Not monthly though. in reply to Steve_Hamann #
  • @Steve_Hamann I have listened to almost nothing for most of this year though. Will remedy soon. in reply to Steve_Hamann #
  • A couple of tweets about the Nick Cave talk tonight over at @liminallistener. #
  • I'm too big for one twitter account. #
  • This quiet time after America is asleep and before Europe wakes up. #
  • Got my second @audibledisease pedal today! Gruhhh…. #
  • Seriously, the less you have to rely on flakes, the better. #
  • Alright! RT @leonrosado: bought my laptop (Macbook Pro 15") today thanks to all of you #eternallygratefull #
  • Tonight we're going to see Ed Ka-Spel & the Silverman in Denver. Tomorrow, the same! 😀 #
  • @mrkvm They haven't been through town in a little while… in reply to mrkvm #
  • If I can find the time this weekend, I'm going to give that new Junto a shot. #
  • @denverartmuseum The new exhibition from the Herbert Bayer collection is fantastic! I'm looking forward to studying it some more. #
  • Tom Ellard talks games: #
  • Ed Ka-Spel & the Silverman last night, good show, tiny (but disagreeable) crowd. Going again tonight. #
  • … also, Carrie got 1 of 4 hand written sets of song lyrics by Ed Ka-Spel that he threw into the crowd! #
  • Gah! I know what record I'm putting on next! RT @chris_carter_ WTF! "Just read it was 30 years ago this week that Trance was released" #
  • @saffronslumber So you'll be able to see it? We're just out of its path. If we go over the mountains I think we could see partial. in reply to saffronslumber #
  • Just spent over an hour dealing with an elicensing / validation process instead of making music. Thanks DRM. #

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Weekly Twitter Update

Sunday, 05 May 2012

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