Weekly Twitter Update
Sunday, 02 February 2012
- @disquiet Perhaps an implicit goal of these projects is education? in reply to disquiet #
- @disquiet It might be interesting to require some amount of research for a future project, then! ๐ in reply to disquiet #
- @disquiet I meant textual research, reading that tweet back I'm not sure I worded it to my meaning. in reply to disquiet #
- @disquiet ha. in reply to disquiet #
- @disquiet I got your last tweet just as I sent the other. in reply to disquiet #
- @disquiet I'm not sure of the form it could take, but I just had the idea that it would be interesting to make explicit the educative aspect in reply to disquiet #
- @disquiet The idea popped into my head "I wonder what a sound version of a book report would sound like?" in reply to disquiet #
- @disquiet Of course that doesn't seem like much fun though, does it! in reply to disquiet #
- Tired of working this weekend. Not done yet though. #
- @c_a_harebell Lots. The meter kept refreshing. I scrolled through 100 or more. in reply to c_a_harebell #
- @mystified131 Depends on what we ate! in reply to mystified131 #
- @snooksarmy Write a script. Or a virus. in reply to snooksarmy #
- @Le_Berger I don't think the opinion you just stated, (one that I agree with) is shared by most people. in reply to Le_Berger #
- News media are not doing a good job explaining the dominionist idea of Santorum's comment about Obama placing Earth above man. #
- @c_a_harebell Are they more dangerous than Islamismists? in reply to c_a_harebell #
- @erstlaub Fah, don't say that. I'm a fan! Maybe not hardcore, but a fan, alas. #
- Serious question: Regarding sound, do you draw a line between music and not-music, and if so where is that border? #andwhy #
- RT @c_a_harebell Wait… I can't answer this in a tweet, why the hell are you asking a question like this on twitter? #
- @Gurdonark Is the difference between attentiveness and non-attentiveness then? in reply to Gurdonark #
- My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: Closer Contact + Meteer (16), Soap&Skin (13) & Faust (9) http://t.co/tvPbaNRK #
- So much to do, so much to do. #
- For some reason @twitter won't let me post a long tweet, even though it's 5 under the limit. ? #
- @mystified131 Ooh, watcha gonna do in Chicago? Be sure to see that Bertoia at the Aon Ctr. There's often cool sound art in Millenium Park. in reply to mystified131 #
- And http://t.co/nK4q4vJG & @sonicsquirrel RT @quartertonality There should be a last.fm plugin that allows one to scrobble from bandcamp #
- @mystified131 That sounds great, hope you have fun! in reply to mystified131 #
- @dpnem It's going to be a really great exhibition / event. Preparation-wise, I feel like I'm at least a month behind. in reply to dpnem #
- @dpnem I'm looking forward to being able to finally see and hear this thing I've been working on for almost half a year. in reply to dpnem #
- I may have to work tonight, and I may have "Silly Love Songs" stuck in my head, but at least I don't have to watch a Kenneth Branagh movie. #
- "He's a 'mixologist,' not a 'bar-tender."
"so, he doesn't mix drinks, he curates them…" # - @Gurdonark We need more activist coders in the netlabel community. in reply to Gurdonark #
- Oh look, here's the full size version of the frog sculpture I'm making a mold for. http://t.co/nFOq8vdn #
- Hm, it's even on Wikipedia. http://t.co/PqJY4pSH -Oh, famous anthropomorphic frog, I grow tired of you. #
- @falsereactions I heard that the other day, it's good, nice job! in reply to falsereactions #
- RT: @dpnem: @dylanorchard Too much to listen to, not enough time. #
- @dylanorchard True. In fact, Musique Concrรฉte was in part a direct reaction against discordant Serialism. in reply to dylanorchard #
- @grahamdunning Downloading now. Thanks for the reminder. in reply to grahamdunning #
- @falsereactions I'll believe it when I see it. Wasn't there supposed to have been a new Aphex a year or two ago? in reply to falsereactions #
- @TrAiskin Fanx! in reply to TrAiskin #
- Back to the anthropomorphic boozer frog. I'll be happy when this job is done. #
- @cinchel @Le_Berger Who says ruination isn't welcome? ๐ in reply to cinchel #
- Something that's been bugging me appears to be resolving. Whew! #
- No dialogue is not the same as silent RT @flipcritic The best silent film preceding THE ARTIST? Probably @andrewstanton's WALL-E first half #
- @flipcritic I see your point, I just think one must give a lot of credit to the sound design. in reply to flipcritic #
- @noisician That's a hefty quote. I wonder what he meant by that. Do you know the context? in reply to noisician #
- Sierra Nevada Ruthless Rye IPA #
- Legendary Pink Dots – Chemical Playschool 8 & 9 #
- @noisician What was Gorey's take on the quote? That art was incapable of being happy itself, or that it cannot be a vessel for emotion or… in reply to noisician #
- ♥ I Dream Of Jeannie by The Legendary Pink Dots http://t.co/1t7ifCkO #
- I'm beginning to have heavy dreams about the sound art exhibition / performances… guess I'm pretty excited and anxious about it! #
- Joe Palca & Flora Lichtman on why the sound of fingernails on a chalkboard is annoying: http://t.co/DXEuca7e (an ad for a book) #noiselife #
- Getting a good halftone of an image is harder than I thought it would be. #
- I remember that "HOLY SHIT" moment when I first heard gamelan music. #
- ♥ In A Landscape by Gamelan Pacifica http://t.co/6jPMutHs #
- A new (?) take on Duchamp's "Fountain" http://t.co/eonIOwqA #
- The wife is about to play with her new looper. #
- @disquiet Has your interview with Christof Migone been published? #
- Isn't it about time for a bass drop? #obliquefailurestrategies #
- Flip open any page of Rolling Stone. Do whatever it says. #obliquefailurestrategies #
- Always be closing. #obliquefailurestrategies #
- @mystified131 What would sound good in the last store you were in? #obliquefailurestrategies in reply to mystified131 #
- What would Jesus do? #obliquefailurestrategies #
- It needs to be way louder. #obliquefailurestrategies #
- Just release it. #obliquefailurestrategies #
- Myspace. #obliquefailurestrategies #
- Fix it. #obliquefailurestrategies #
- Rapping is easy. It's just basically talking, right? Go on, give it a whirl. #obliquefailurestrategies #
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