Archive for the vuzh music news Category

Electret Quintet 4

Sunday, 11 November 2009

The penultimate in this series of five free mp3 releases is out now. The Electret Quintet is an experimental series of recordings completed during the year 2008, using a single analogue drum machine to experiment with rhythmic and arhythmic sound fields, ending up with various shades of minimal-techno, industrial, noise and ambient.

As it stands, all of the releases are rather challenging in various respects, and each release has its own characteristic strengths and weaknesses… the first release was explosive and unfocussed, the second reeled back the excesses of the first and stands quiet and reflective, the third is my favorite, with quite well-developed tracks and a very difficult centerpiece…

Number four is quite strange, containing one of the more melodious tracks in the series, and then stretching out into several very long abstractions. It’s the longest release so far, at 45 minutes long.

I hope you like it!

Steam Inspector

Thursday, 09 September 2009

Just released this week!
“Steam Inspector” by C. Reider

JNN052 C Reider – Steam Inspector

A lot of the stuff I do is really weird, but this one is just completely out there

Steam Inspector is a long form sound-collage which centers on rhythmic elements, mechanical and otherwise. It’s the sound of machines malfunctioning as the steam inspector him/herself runs tests with peculiar electronic equipment. Listen and make up your own story about what this piece of music is about.

Released this week on the stupendous Just Not Normal netlabel!

JNN052 C Reider – Steam Inspector

JNN052 C Reider – Steam Inspector

JNN052 C Reider – Steam Inspector

“Steam Inspector” preview tonight

Saturday, 08 August 2009

The new C. Reider recording “Steam Inspector” will be previewed tonight (Saturday August 22) on ‘Not the Normal Shit’ radio.
Most of you will be sound asleep, since in the US, the show airs smackdab in the middle of the night, but just in case check here for show times:

Tune in early, because the preview will be in the pre-show (and so will not be part of the archived podcast, if you want to hear it, you have to hear it when it airs!)

You can tune in by going to the Stillstream web page, where they have a streaming player.

If you can’t tune in, the release is scheduled for release on September 7 on the Just Not Normal netlabel.


Friday, 08 August 2009

The milestone 4 CD-length compilation of music from netlabel underground artists put together by the Just Not Normal netlabel is now available for free download. It’s HUGE in every way. It promises to be an extremely useful introduction to a large amount of unknown artists.

I appear on CD#3 with an exclusive track called “Captcha upgrade stickyglands“, which samples from various captcha scripts found around the internet.

Also on CD#3 are a few friends and colleagues, such as Gurdonark and Mystified, who both appear on Long Defeat Variations

I encourage you to download No-R-Mal, the fiftieth release on the Just Not Normal netlabel.

New Vinyl Coming Soon!

Monday, 07 July 2009

Coming soon from the brilliant label Droehnhaus (warning: page opens with music)…

C. Reider / ULV – Split 7″ … DRH#6

ULV is another name for the multi-monikered man behind Desohll, Norss and countless other projects.

Desohll and C. Reider just recently collaborated on a beautiful limited edition CD of dark ambient drone, serving as a taster for this upcoming 7″ vinyl release.

Dates and prices aren’t set yet. I’ll let you know when things are getting closer!

PBK/C. Reider collab Now Available

Tuesday, 07 July 2009

Lumpy thinks those CDs look pretty cool.

I’ll be emailing Paypal requests to people who requested to be in line for one of these discs…
There are a handful of discs still available, if you want one, you had better act quickly.

These are hand-numbered in a limited edition of 120 in a slimline DVD case with full color inner and outer sleeve, not sealed.

European customers are directed to get their copies directly from the label Impulsy Stetoskopu (myspace link) …

Otherwise, please check out the page at Vuzh Music for PBK / C. Reider’s new collaboration Discorporate, which includes short sound samples of all tracks. Here’s that link: PBK / C. Reider – “Discorporate” at Vuzh Music

For more information:
Vuzh Music
Vuzh Music Blog

PBK and C. Reider

Monday, 06 June 2009

I am extremely pleased and proud to announce the release of the long-awaited collaboration between respected noiseambient composer PBK and C. Reider of Vuzh Music.

The release of this album is nearly ten years in the making, as sound sources have been exchanged over this long time between these two artists, finally culminating in a diverse and engaging set of industrial noise and ambient sound works, an incredible document of modern directions in abstract sound.

“Discorporate” (entry on Discogs) is now available on in an extremely limited edition of 120 from Impulsy Stetoskopu, (MySpace link which includes sound samples of the new release) an incredible Polish label who has released some outstanding noise from well-respected names in noise-music such as Hands To, Knurl, John Waterman, AMK and many others.

I will have copies available very soon for anyone interested to own this rare CD here in the USA… PLEASE LEAVE A COMMENT or email if you’re interested and I will contact you when the album is available in the United States!

Electret Quintet 3

Sunday, 05 May 2009

My personal favorite of the Electret Quintet series so far…
Electret Quintet part three is now free to find its way in this world:

Electret Quintet 3

This project may have stumbled inelegantly into the world, and may still seem unsightly to some…
but it clearly now has a strong idea of what it is.

Falling into Disrepair

Sunday, 05 May 2009

Desohll and I have collaborated on a longform dark ambient piece of music that we’ve titled Falling into Disrepair. For the recording, I recorded a long ambient guitar improvisation, and Patrick from Desohll manipulated that recording. The result is beautiful, deep, dark, mysterious…

The recording has been released on a black CDr in an edition of 66 on Drô6n Records (don’t ask me how to pronouce that!), which is distributed through Svartgalgh in the Netherlands.

I have a very small quantity in hand, and I would be happy to provide one to any interested party for a very low cost… comment here if you’re interested.

There is a very generous eleven minute preview of the 46 minute work on the Drô6n Records MySpace page.

This collaboration is a preview of an upcoming bit of really big news involving Desohll and I… 🙂

the Druser Pricid

Sunday, 03 March 2009

Onward with the archival releases:

I’ve put up an older ambient collaboration of mine as a free download on my netlabel Vuzh Music.

“The Druser Pricid” by C. Reider and Tarkatak was originally recorded in 2000.

The recording explores some quiet atmospherics with minimal melodic elements, then towards the end it drifts toward a subdued industrial noiseambient before drifting back into the calming atmospheres. It’s dark without being “dark”.

It’s one of my favorite releases from my twenty years of recording obscure music.

Take a chance on it:

C. Reider / Tarkatak – the Druser Pricid

Review snippets:
“If the C. Reider opus isn’t indicative of the perennial American experimental music D.I.Y. [anti-] aesthetic, perhaps nothing out there is.” — e/i magazine

“… for those who like their strangeness densely-packed!” — Ambientrance

“A highly rewarding and enjoyable listen for those with an ear for the darkly sublime.” — Godsend

“Both guys really know how to create a psychedelic atmosphere in sound, with dark soundscapes and hallucinating loops, analogue synths and processed guitar sounds. Like said, the music here is very much related to Troum, but has a particulary strong voice of its own.” — Vital Weekly

The release is also freely available on Last.FM:
“The Druser Pricid” on Last.FM

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