Archive for the vuzh music news Category

Vuzh Underground Editions

Monday, 12 December 2011

I have re-organized Vuzh Music to reflect the two sides of its release lineup, new music from myself and comrades across the netlabel experimental music underground, and rereleases of some of my favorite tapes from the cassette underground. This latter category will now be released in the subsection called Vuzh Underground Editions (VUE). VUE has actually been around for quite a few years, but had been backburnered when Vuzh Music made the transition from CDr label to netlabel. You’ll find that the idea hasn’t been dormant, however. When you go to the link, you can see that there are four releases classified in the VUE category that have come out during 2011.

The front page of Vuzh Music now reflects this change, linking Vuzh Underground Editions under Sublabels (even if it is really just a subsection) – and adding a new same-page link to the list of releases “Free Downloads previously released on Cassette”.

I think this segregation will help discriminating listeners choose what releases suit their tastes best.

Let me know what you think.

Piano Drones 1

Monday, 11 November 2011

The new release on Vuzh Music is “Piano Drones 1” by Saffron Slumber.

For this release, composer Kevin Stephens creates sympathetic vibrations in piano strings to create buzzing, overtone-rich drones.

Free to download, click the image for the link:

Saffron Slumber
Piano Drones 1


Sunday, 09 September 2011

There is a brand new track up at Dystimbria, the new netlabel begun less than a month ago…

The new track has been submitted by Dave Keifer under his Kid Feardive moniker. He also does music under the name Cagey House.

The new track adds to the continuum, using samples from the previous two pieces released on the label as source material, while adding new material into the mix. The new composition remains in flux throughout its length, presenting several scenarios that quiver and shudder under tension and then transition into something else, stretching into new shapes, new tensions.

Check out “Triceratops” by Kid Feardive at

Intro to Dystimbria

Tuesday, 09 September 2011

Vuzh Music is announcing a brand new project, you could see it as a sub-label, or as a completely separate netlabel. It’s a bit of both.

I think it describes itself best, so I will refrain from writing a lot about it, aside from telling you that the name of this new website is (that’s ‘cc’ as in Creative Commons!) …

And there is brand new music there from C. Reider and from Mysterybear.

Click this:

The Unseelie Court – Fall

Friday, 08 August 2011

New release:

From 1995 this was my second musical venture, a collaboration with Histatic Charge (whose debut cassette will see re-release in the near future on Vuzh Music as well). There are also contributions from Auzel!

Quite a good tape of high oddness, now resurrected into digital lo-fi netlabel-ness for all to enjoy for free.

Download and stream The Unseelie Court’s “Fall”

Busy News Week

Sunday, 07 July 2011

It was a busy news week at Vuzh Music, so I thought I’d do a roundup of everything that happened, in case you missed something.

It would be a pity if you missed the incredible new release from the new Vuzh Music artist Auzel, her release is so peculiar and awesome that it gives me shivers.

Then there was the big interview with C. Reider! Interesting stuff to read. Subjects discussed include listening, the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico & lots of stuff about my history & method of composing.

Disquiet ezine wrote an informative article about the new C. Reider release “Formerly Sine Drones”, much space is given to the methodology & constraints of this strange little work.

AUTOreverse also reviewed the lovely new Auzel release, Ian compared it to things like Skinner Box, Rasputina & 4AD releases. Money quote: “This album is scary and weird. I like it very much.”

Lastly, I joined the silly new social network Google Plus. Add me or whatever.


Thursday, 07 July 2011

C. Reider was interviewed by old friend & colleague Ian Stewart for the resurrected online version of AUTOreverse magazine. This is the first interview I’ve done in well over a decade. I enjoyed the peculiar challenge of explaining myself, and I hope you enjoy reading what I’ve got to say.


I am a voracious listener. I listen to loads of music, as much new stuff as possible all the time. I listen to my surroundings everywhere I go… there are interesting sounds everywhere. I try not to listen to what people say, if I can help it, but I do listen to the way they say it, I love voices and inflections and accents. All sound influences me. Listening is maybe something like a religion.

Read the entire monstrosity here:

Auzel – Old

Wednesday, 07 July 2011

A new release by a new artist on Vuzh Music! Auzel’s debut release is called “Old”. It is a diverse set of peculiar, tiny, composed vignettes that suggest contemporary avant-garde composition as much as freak-folk or hometaper weirdness.
keywords: weird, dreamy folk, female vocals, lo-fi

Formerly Sine Drones

Friday, 06 June 2011

Beginning with the humble sine drone, in frequencies chosen at random (by asking Twitter friends to choose a number between zero and twenty-thousand!) I have created probably my most austere & minimalist compositions yet. The sine drones were treated using only equalization & dynamic effects to synthesize the seven complex drones featured on this twenty minute long experimental pure-electronics recording.

Free to download from the Modisti netlabel here:


Wednesday, 06 June 2011

Martin Lee-Stephenson has been an active and interesting musical personality to follow, having worked under various artist names such as Doppler 20:20 and Vulse, worked in groups such as Spooncurve and Koan, and having worked with the much respected Muslimgauze and the industrial free-for-all collaborative Pigface.

Vuzh Music is pleased to release “Nox”, a dark and gritty soundworld from his project Apollon. This album features murky and evocative soundloops, dark atmospheres, middle-Eastern percussion and lurching, square-wheeled rhythms.

“Nox” includes a track called “Northern Persian Boy” which is a tribute to Bryn Jones of Muslimgauze.

artist: Apollon
title: Nox
keywords: collage-loops, industrial, gritty-ambient

Free download and streaming here:

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