Vuzh Underground Editions
I have re-organized Vuzh Music to reflect the two sides of its release lineup, new music from myself and comrades across the netlabel experimental music underground, and rereleases of some of my favorite tapes from the cassette underground. This latter category will now be released in the subsection called Vuzh Underground Editions (VUE). VUE has actually been around for quite a few years, but had been backburnered when Vuzh Music made the transition from CDr label to netlabel. You’ll find that the idea hasn’t been dormant, however. When you go to the link, you can see that there are four releases classified in the VUE category that have come out during 2011.
The front page of Vuzh Music now reflects this change, linking Vuzh Underground Editions under Sublabels (even if it is really just a subsection) – and adding a new same-page link to the list of releases “Free Downloads previously released on Cassette”.
I think this segregation will help discriminating listeners choose what releases suit their tastes best.
Let me know what you think.