Ordering recordings through Vuzh Music may be done easily via Paypal's shopping cart service. Simply click on the 'add to cart' buttons beside the description for each release on the catalogue page.
     Postage is included in the cost of the item if you are ordering from the US or Canada.

IMPORTANT:   If you are placing an order from Europe, please order from Drone Records. They carry most Vuzh Music titles at a price of 8 Euro. It is much cheaper than paying for postage from the United States! All other international orders please click the PayPal button below. It will add four dollars to your total checkout price. This is to offset the outrageous overseas postal costs that have become implemented since September 11, 2001.

     Orders may also be made by mail. Vuzh Music accepts checks and money orders made out to c. reider, not to Vuzh Music. Please include all information about each release that you would like, as it is listed on the catalogue page, and also include your valid mailing address.

     In special circumstances, UPS may be used for shipping, send an email by clicking the "contact" link below if you need UPS shipping.
NOTE: CDrs are hardly the most reliable format in the world. We're holding out hope for an affordable format that is friendly to content-providers, and has no moving parts. Until that happens, Vuzh Music guarantees its CDrs thusly: if you receive a CDr with a defective burn, return it and it will be replaced with a newly burned CDr, post-haste.
Vuzh Music ||| POBox 273 ||| Berthoud, CO 80513 usa

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